Textarchiv - Joaquin Miller https://www.textarchiv.com/joaquin-miller American poet and frontiersman. Born September 8, 1837 in Union County, Indiana, United States. Died February 17, 1913 in Oakland, California, United States. de Light - Book Fourth https://www.textarchiv.com/joaquin-miller/light-book-fourth <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>CANTO I</p> <p>I</p> <p>Land which of all Hawaii&#039;s isles<br /> Of sandal wood and singing wilds<br /> Received and housed this maiden rare—<br /> This bravest, best, since Eve&#039;s despair?<br /> It matters not; enough to know<br /> Night-blooming trumpets ever blow<br /> Love&#039;s tuneful banner to the breeze<br /> In chorus with the ardent seas;<br /> That Juno walks her mountain wall<br /> In peacock plumes the whole year through.<br /> You hear her gaudy lover call<br /> From dawn till dusk, then see them fall<br /> From out the clouds far, far below,<br /> And droop and drift slow to and fro—<br /> Dusk rainbows blending with the dew.</p> <p>II</p> <p>And had he won her? He had wed,<br /> But now it was that he most woo,<br /> Must keep alone his widowed bed<br /> Or sit and woo the whole night through.<br /> He plead. He could not touch her hand;<br /> Her eyes held anger and command<br /> And memories of a trustful time<br /> He would have made her muck and slime.</p> <p>III</p> <p>He plead his perfect life, still plead;<br /> But spurning him she mocking said:<br /> &quot;You would have trailed me in the dust<br /> In very drunkenness of lust—<br /> And now you dare to meekly plead<br /> Your love of Light, your studious youth,<br /> Your strenuous toil, your quest of truth,<br /> Your perfect life! Indeed! Indeed!</p> <p>IV</p> <p>&quot;Behold the pale, wan, outworn wife<br /> Of him who pleads his perfect life!<br /> Her step is slow, she waits for death;<br /> Hear, hear her wan babe&#039;s hollow cry!<br /> He scarce can cry above a breath.<br /> Poor babe! begotten but to die,<br /> Or, harder fate, live feebly on,<br /> The shame of mother, curse of state—<br /> Half-witted, worthless, jest of fate.</p> <p>V</p> <p>Behold God&#039;s image, fashioned tall<br /> As heaven, stooping down to crawl<br /> Upon his belly as a snake,<br /> Ere yet his sense is well awake,<br /> Ere yet his force has come, ere yet<br /> The child-wife knows but to regret.<br /> And lo! the greatest is the least;<br /> For man lies lower than the beast.</p> <p>VI</p> <p>&quot;Such pity that sweet love should lie<br /> Prone, strangled in its bed of shame,<br /> And no man dare to publish why!<br /> Such pity that in slain Love&#039;s name<br /> The weak bring forth the weaker, bring<br /> The leper, idiot, anything<br /> That lawless passion can beget!<br /> Sweet pity, pity for them all—<br /> The child that cries, child-wife that dies,<br /> The weakling that may linger yet<br /> A feeble day to feebly fall—<br /> As food for sword or cannon ball,<br /> For prison wall or charity<br /> Or fruit of gruesome gallows tree!</p> <p>VII</p> <p>&quot;But pity most poor man, blind man,<br /> Whose passions stoop him to a span.<br /> Why, man, each well-born man was born<br /> To dwell in everlasting morn,<br /> To top the mountain as a tower,<br /> A thousand years of pride and power;<br /> To face the four winds with the face<br /> Of youth until full length he lies—<br /> Still God-like, even as he dies.</p> <p>VIII</p> <p>&quot;Could I but teach lorn man to live,<br /> But teach low man to truly love,<br /> Could I but teach blind man to see,<br /> How gladly he would turn to me<br /> And give great thanks, and ever give<br /> Glad heed, as to some soft-voiced dove.</p> <p>IX</p> <p>&quot;The burning cities of the plain,<br /> The high-built harlot, Babylon,<br /> The bannered mur&#039;ls of Rome undone,<br /> That rose again and fell again<br /> To ashes and to heaps of dust,<br /> All died because man lived in vain;<br /> Because man sold his soul to lust.</p> <p>X</p> <p>&quot;And count what crimes have come of it!<br /> I say all sins, or said or writ,<br /> Lie gathered here in this dark pit<br /> Of man&#039;s licentious, mad desire,<br /> Where woman&#039;s form is ruthless thrown,<br /> As on some sacrificial stone,<br /> And burned as in a living fire,<br /> To leave but ashes, rue, and ire.</p> <p>XI</p> <p>&quot;Aye, even crimes as yet unnamed<br /> Are born of man&#039;s degrading lust.<br /> The wildest beast man ever tamed,<br /> Or ever yet has come to know—<br /> The vilest beast would feel disgust<br /> Could it but know how low, how low<br /> God&#039;s image sinks in muck and slime,<br /> In crimes so deeper than all crime,<br /> In slime that hath not yet a name,<br /> And yet man knows no whit of shame!</p> <p>XII</p> <p>&quot;Poor, weak, mad man, so halt, so blind!<br /> Poor, weak, mad man that must carouse<br /> And prostitute what he should house<br /> And husband for his coming kind!<br /> Behold the dumb beasts at glad morn,<br /> Clean beasts that hold them well in hand!<br /> How nobler thus to lord the land,<br /> How nobler thus to love your race,<br /> To house its health and strength and grace,<br /> Than rob the races yet unborn<br /> And build new Babylons to scorn!</p> <p>XIII</p> <p>&quot;I say that each man has a right,<br /> The right the beast has to be born<br /> Full-flowered, beauteous, free and fair<br /> As wide-winged bird that rides the air;<br /> Not as a babe that cries all night,<br /> Cries, cries in darkness for such Light<br /> As man should give it at its birth.<br /> I say that poor babe has a right,<br /> The right, at least, of each wild beast—<br /> Aye, red babe, black, white, west or east,<br /> To rise at birth and lord the earth,<br /> Strong-limbed, long-limbed, robust and free<br /> As supple beast or towering tree.</p> <p>XIV</p> <p>&quot;God&#039;s pity for the breasts that bear<br /> A little babe, then banish it<br /> To stranger hands, to alien care,<br /> To live or die as chance sees fit.<br /> Poor, helpless hands, reached anywhere,<br /> As God gave them to reach and reach,<br /> With only helplessness in each!<br /> Poor little hands, pushed here, pushed there,<br /> And all night long for mother&#039;s breast:<br /> Poor, restless hands that will not rest<br /> And gather strength to reach out strong<br /> To mother in the rosy morn!<br /> Nay, nay, they gather scorn for scorn<br /> And hate for hate the lorn night long—<br /> Poor, dying babe! to reach about<br /> In blackness, as a thing cast out!</p> <p>XV</p> <p>&quot;God&#039;s pity for the thing of lust<br /> Who bears a frail babe to be thrust<br /> Forth from her arms to alien thrall,<br /> As shutting out the light of day,<br /> As shutting off God&#039;s very breath!<br /> But thrice God&#039;s pity, let us pray,<br /> For her who bears no babe at all,.<br /> But, grinning, leads the dance of death.<br /> That sexless, steel-braced breast of bone<br /> Is like to some assassin cell,<br /> A whited sepulcher of stone,<br /> A graveyard at the gates of hell,<br /> A mart where motherhood is sold,<br /> A house of murders manifold!&quot;</p> <p>CANTO II</p> <p>I</p> <p>He heard; he could but bow his head<br /> In silence, penitence, and shame,<br /> Confess the truth of all she said<br /> Of crimes committed in Love&#039;s name,<br /> Nor beg the sacred seal of red<br /> To marriage bond and marriage bed.</p> <p>II</p> <p>And that was all, aye, that was all<br /> For days, for days that seemed as years.<br /> He still must woo, put by her fears,<br /> Make her his friend, let what befall;<br /> Bide her sweet will and, loving, bide<br /> Meek dalliance with his maiden bride.</p> <p>III</p> <p>One night in May, such soulful night<br /> Of cherry blossoms, birds, such birds<br /> As burst with song, that sing outright<br /> Because so glad they cannot keep<br /> Their song, but sing out in their sleep!<br /> Such noisy night, a cricket&#039;s night,<br /> A night of Katydids, of dogs<br /> That bayed and bayed the vast, full moon<br /> In chorus with glad, tuneful frogs—<br /> With May&#039;s head in the lap of June.<br /> How hot, how sultry hot the room!<br /> Their garden tree in perfect bloom<br /> Gave out fair Nippon&#039;s full perfume—<br /> The night grew warm and very warm,<br /> And warm her warm, full-bosomed form!</p> <p>IV</p> <p>How vital, virile, strong with life,<br /> The world without, the maiden wife!<br /> How wondrous fair the world, how fair<br /> The maid meshed in her mighty hair!<br /> The man uprose, caught close a skin,<br /> A lion&#039;s skin, threw this about<br /> His great, Herculean, pent-up form,<br /> Thrust feet into his slippered shoes,<br /> Then, with a lion&#039;s force and frown<br /> He strode the wide room up and down,<br /> The skin&#039;s claws flapping at his thews.<br /> He turned, he caught her suddenly<br /> And instant wrapped her close within;<br /> Then down the stairs and back and out<br /> Beneath the blossomed Nippon tree—<br /> Against the tree he pressed her form,<br /> He was so warm, so very warm—<br /> He held her close as close could be<br /> Against the blossomed cherry tree.</p> <p>V</p> <p>He held with all his might and main—<br /> Held her so hard he shook the tree,<br /> Because he trembled mightily<br /> And shook in his hard, happy pain—<br /> Because he quivered, as a pine<br /> When tropic storm sweeps up the line,<br /> As when some swift horse, harnessed low,<br /> Frets hard and bites the bit to go.<br /> She laughed such low, sweet laugh, and said,<br /> The while she raised her pretty head,<br /> &quot;Please, please, be gentle good to me,<br /> And please don&#039;t hurt the cherry tree.&quot;</p> <p>VI</p> <p>The warm land lay as in a swoon,<br /> Full length,the happy lap of June—<br /> A fair bride fainting with delight<br /> And fond forgetfulness with night.<br /> How warm the world was and how wise<br /> The world is in its love of life,<br /> Its hate of harshness, hate of strife,<br /> Its love of Eden, peace that lies<br /> In love-set, leaf-sown Paradise!</p> <p>VII</p> <p>How generous, how good is night<br /> To give its length to man&#039;s delight—<br /> To give its strength from dusk till morn<br /> To push the planted yellow corn!<br /> How warm this garden was, how warm<br /> With life, with love in any form<br /> Two lowly crickets, clad in black,<br /> Came shyly forth, shrank sudden back—<br /> Then chirped in chorus, side by side;<br /> And oh, their narrow world was wide<br /> As oceans, light their hearts as air,<br /> And oh, their little world was fair,<br /> And oh, their little world was warm<br /> Because each had a lover there,<br /> Because they loved and didn&#039;t care.</p> <p>VIII</p> <p>How languid all things with delight,<br /> With sensuous longings, sweet desire<br /> That burned as with immortal fire,<br /> Immortal love that burns to live<br /> And, lives to burn, to take, to give,<br /> Create, bring forth, and loving share<br /> With God the fruitage, flesh or flower—<br /> Just loving, loving, bud or bower,<br /> Or bee or birdling, small or great,<br /> Just loving, loving to create,<br /> With just one caution, just one care—<br /> That all creation shall be fair.</p> <p>IX</p> <p>The very garden wall was warm<br /> With gorgeous sunshine gone away;<br /> Each vine, with eager, reaching arm,<br /> Clung amorous, tiptoed to kiss,<br /> With eager lips, the ardent clay<br /> That held her to its breast of bliss.</p> <p>X</p> <p>Blown cherry blossoms basking lay,<br /> A perfect pathway of perfume;<br /> The tiger lily scarce had room<br /> For roses bending in a storm<br /> Of laden sweetness more than sweet.<br /> The moon leaned o&#039;er the garden wall,<br /> Then, smiling, tiptoed up her way,<br /> The while she let one full beam fall,<br /> Love-laden in the sensuous heat,<br /> So sweet, so warm, so still withal,<br /> Love heard pink cherry blossoms fall.</p> <p>XI</p> <p>A Katydid laid his green thigh<br /> Against another leaf-green form<br /> And so began to sing and sigh,<br /> As if it were his time to die<br /> From stress and strain of passion&#039;s storm—<br /> He, too, was warm and very warm.</p> <p>XII</p> <p>A tasseled hammock, silken red,<br /> Swung, hung hard by, and foot and head,<br /> A blossom-laden cherry tree.<br /> This famed tree of the Japanese,<br /> Whatever other trees may be,<br /> Is held most sacred of all trees:<br /> Not quite because of its perfume,<br /> Not all because of rich pink bloom,<br /> But much because its blossomed boughs<br /> Not only list to lover&#039;s vows,<br /> But true to lovers, ever true,<br /> Refuse to let one moonbeam through.</p> <p>XIII</p> <p>Here, close beneath this Nippon tree,<br /> The sweetest tree this side Cathay,<br /> The lover&#039;s tree of mystery,<br /> Where not a thread of moonlight lay,<br /> While waves of moonlight laughed and played<br /> At hide and seek the other way,<br /> He threw her, full length, from his arm;<br /> Full length, then raised her drooping head,<br /> Threw back the skin and, blushing red,<br /> He sought to say—He nothing said!<br /> He nothing did but blush and blush<br /> And feel his hot blood rush and rush—<br /> The very hammock&#039;s fringe was warm<br /> The while he leaned low from his place<br /> And felt her warm breath in his face.</p> <p>XIV</p> <p>Then, all abashed, he trembled so<br /> He clutched the hammock hard and fast,<br /> He held so hard it came, at last,<br /> To swing, to swing fast to and fro.<br /> Such awkwardness! He clutched, let go,<br /> Then clutched so hard he shook each tree<br /> Till perfumed silence came to see—<br /> Till fragrance fell upon her hair,<br /> Such hair, a storm of pink and snow.<br /> How fair, how fair, how sensuous fair,<br /> Half hidden in a pink snow-storm;<br /> And yet how warm, how more than warm!</p> <p>XV</p> <p>How shamed he was! His great heart beat<br /> As beats some signal for retreat.<br /> This stupid, bravest of brave men,<br /> Confused, dismayed, hung down his head,<br /> Then turned and helplessly had fled,<br /> Had she not reached a timid hand<br /> And, half as pleading, half command<br /> And half-way laughing, shyly said,<br /> From out her snood of snow and rain,<br /> &quot;Please shake the Nippon trees again!&quot;</p> <p>XVl</p> <p>He shook the trees; a fragrant shower,<br /> On laughing, face and loosened hair—<br /> A flash of perfume and of flower—<br /> Oh, she was fair and very fair!<br /> Then with a sudden strength he plucked<br /> His red-ripe cherry from the tree,<br /> Wound &#039;round the skin and loosely tucked<br /> The folds about her modestly,<br /> Then on and up with giant stride<br /> He bore his blushing maiden bride,<br /> So cherry ripe, so cherry red,<br /> And laid her in her bridal bed—<br /> Laid perfumed bride, laid flesh and flower,<br /> Half drowning from the fragrant shower.<br /> What snows strewn in her ample hair,<br /> What low, light laughter everywhere,<br /> Or cherry tree, or step or stair!<br /> Just low, soft laughter, cherry bloom,<br /> Just love and love&#039;s unnamed perfume.</p> <p>XVII</p> <p>He tossed the lion&#039;s skin aside,<br /> With folded arms leaned o&#039;er his bride,<br /> Turned low the light, then stood full length,<br /> Then strode in all his supple strength<br /> The room a time, tossed back his hair,<br /> Then to his bride, swift bent to her,<br /> And kneeled, as lowliest worshiper.</p> <p>XVIII</p> <p>And then he threw him by her side,<br /> His long, strong limbs thrown out full length,<br /> His two fists full of housed-up strength.<br /> What pride, what manly, kingly pride<br /> That he had conquered, bravely slain<br /> His baser self, was self again!</p> <p>XIX</p> <p>He held a hand, exceeding small,<br /> He breathed her perfume, threw her hair<br /> Across her breast with such sweet care<br /> He scarce did touch her form at all.<br /> Again he rose, strode to and fro,<br /> Came back and turned the light quite low.</p> <p>XX</p> <p>He bowed his face close to her feet;<br /> Now he would rise, then would not rise;<br /> He bent, blushed to his very eyes,<br /> Then sudden pushed aside the sheet<br /> And kissed her pink and pearly toes.<br /> Their perfume was the perfect rose<br /> When perfect summer, passion, heat,<br /> Points both hands of the clock straight up,<br /> As when we lift and drain the cup,<br /> As when we lift two hands and pray<br /> When we have lived our bravest day,<br /> The horologe of life may stop<br /> With both hands pointing to the top.</p> <p>XXI</p> <p>Then suddenly, in strength and pride,<br /> Full length he threw him at her side<br /> And caught again her timid hand,<br /> A bird that had escaped his snare.<br /> He caught it hard, he held it there,<br /> He begged her pardon, begged and prayed<br /> She would forgive him, then he laid<br /> His face to her face and the land<br /> Was like a fairy land. They lay<br /> As children well outworn at play.</p> <p>XXII</p> <p>As children bounding from their bed,<br /> So rested, radiant, satisfied<br /> With self and selfishness denied,<br /> Life seemed some merry roundelay.<br /> They laughed with early morn, they led,<br /> So full of soul, of strength were they,<br /> The laughing dance of love all day.</p> <p>XXIII</p> <p>All day? A month of days, and each<br /> A song, a sermon, but to teach,<br /> A holy book to teach the truth<br /> Of endless, laughing, joyous youth.<br /> He stood so tall, he stood so strong —<br /> As one who holds the keys yet keeps<br /> His treasure housed in shining heaps,<br /> Until all life was as a song.</p> <p>XXIV</p> <p>At last, one warmest morning, she<br /> Held close his hand, held hard the door,<br /> Would scarce let go, said o&#039;er and o&#039;er,<br /> &quot;Good-by! Come early back to me!&quot;<br /> And then, close up beside, as one<br /> Might eager seek some stout oak tree<br /> When storm is sudden threatened, she<br /> Put up her pretty, pouting mouth,<br /> Half closed her laughing, saucy eyes—<br /> Such lips, such roses from the south,<br /> The warm, south side of Paradise!—</p> <p>XXV</p> <p>Good-by! Come early back to me!&quot;<br /> Why, he heard nothing else all day,<br /> Saw nothing else, knew naught but this,<br /> Their fond, fond, first full-flowered kiss,<br /> Wherein she led the rosy way,<br /> As is her right, as it should be.<br /> He looked his watch hard in its face<br /> A hundred times, he blushed, he smiled,<br /> Did leave his friends and lightly pace<br /> The street, half laughing, as a child.<br /> A million kisses! He&#039;d had one—<br /> Scant one, his joy had just begun!</p> <p>XXVI</p> <p>Come early? He was at the gate<br /> And through the door ere yet the day<br /> Had kneeled down in the west to pray<br /> Its vesper prayer, all brimming o&#039;er<br /> And blushing that he could not wait<br /> To kiss her just once more, once more;<br /> Take breath then kiss her o&#039;er and o&#039;er.</p> <p>XXVII</p> <p>By some sweet chance he found her there,<br /> Close fenced against the winding stair,<br /> With no escape, behind, before.<br /> She put her lips up as to plead<br /> She might be spared a little space;<br /> But there was mischief in her face,<br /> A world of frolic and of fun,<br /> And he could run as he could read,<br /> Aye, he could read as he could run.<br /> And then she pushed her full lips out:<br /> &quot;You are so strong, you hold so fast!<br /> You know I tried to guard the door.&quot;<br /> And then she frowned, began to pout<br /> And sighed, &quot;Dear, dear, &#039;tis not well done!&quot;<br /> And then he caught her close, and then<br /> He kissed her, once, twice, thrice again.</p> <p>XXVIII</p> <p>Then days and many days of this—<br /> Ah! man, make merry and carouse<br /> Upon your way, within your house,<br /> Hold right there in your manly hand,<br /> Your happy maid who waits your kiss;<br /> Carouse on kisses and carouse<br /> In soul, the livelong, thronging day<br /> When duty tears you well away,<br /> To know what waits you at the gate,<br /> And waiting loves and loves to wait.</p> <p>XXIX</p> <p>And how to kiss? A thousand ways,<br /> And each way new and each way true,<br /> And each way true and each way new<br /> Each day for thrice ten thousand days.</p> <p>XXX</p> <p>How loyal he who loves, how grand!<br /> He does not tell her overmuch,<br /> He does not sigh or seek to touch<br /> Her garments&#039;s hem or lily hand;<br /> She is his soul, his life, his light,<br /> His saint by day, his shrine by night.</p> <p>XXXI</p> <p>True love leads home his maiden bride<br /> Low-voiced and tender, soft and true;<br /> He leans to her, to woo, to woo,<br /> As if she still turned and denied—<br /> No selfish touch, no sated kiss<br /> To kill and dig the grave of bliss.</p> <p>XXXII</p> <p>True love will hold his maiden bride<br /> As nobles hold inheritance;<br /> He will not part with one small pence<br /> Of her fair strength and stately pride,<br /> But wait serenely at her side,<br /> Supremely proud, full satisfied.</p> <p>XXXIII</p> <p>Why, what a glorious thing to view!<br /> Each morn a maiden at your side,<br /> The one fair woman, maid and bride,<br /> With all her sweetness waiting you!<br /> How wise the miser, more than wise,<br /> Who knows to count and keep such prize!</p> <p>XXXIV</p> <p>How glad the coming home of him<br /> Who knows a maiden waits and waits,<br /> All pulsing, still, within his gates,<br /> To kiss his goblet&#039;s golden brim;<br /> How joyous still to woo and woo,<br /> To read the old new story through!</p> <p>XXXV</p> <p>Ah me, behold what heritage!<br /> What light by which to walk, to live<br /> This age when lights resplendent burn,<br /> This glorious, shining, new-born age,<br /> When love can bravely give and give<br /> And get thrice tenfold in return,<br /> If man will only love and learn!</p> <p>XXXVI</p> <p>And now soft colors through the house<br /> Began to surely bud and bloom;<br /> The wise, the fair, far-seeing spouse<br /> Began to deck the bridal room;<br /> Began to build, as builds a bird,<br /> When first footfalls of spring are heard.</p> <p>XXXVII</p> <p>Some warm-toned colors on the wall,<br /> Then gorgeous, grass-like carpetings<br /> Strown, sown with lily, pink and all<br /> That nature in sweet springtime brings;<br /> Then curtains from the Orient,<br /> The silken couch, soft as a kiss,<br /> The music born of love and blent<br /> But rarely with such loves as this;<br /> Mute music, where not hand of man<br /> Or foot of man is seen or heard,<br /> Such soft, sweet sound as only can<br /> In happy blossom time he heard—<br /> Be heard from happy, nested bird.</p> <p>XXXVIII</p> <p>And now full twelve o&#039;clock, the noon<br /> Of faithful, trustful, wedded love,<br /> The two hands pointing straight above,<br /> This vast midnight, this argent June!<br /> Their noon was midnight and the moon<br /> Came through the silken sheen and laid<br /> A sword of silver at her side.<br /> And peace, sweet, perfect peace was hers,<br /> As when nor bird nor blossom stirs,<br /> And she was now no more afraid;<br /> The moon surrendered to the maid,<br /> Drew back and softly turned aside,<br /> As bridesmaid turning from the bride.</p> <p>XXXIX</p> <p>All voiceless, noiseless, tenderly<br /> He pressed beside her, took her hand—<br /> He took her from the leaning moon,<br /> And far beyond the amber sea,<br /> They sailed the seas of afternoon—<br /> The far, still seas, so grandly grand,<br /> Until they came to babyland.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/joaquin-miller" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Joaquin Miller</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1907</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/joaquin-miller/light-book-fourth" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="Light - Book Fourth" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Fri, 21 Apr 2017 22:00:01 +0000 mrbot 7573 at https://www.textarchiv.com Light - Book Third https://www.textarchiv.com/joaquin-miller/light-book-third <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>CANTO I</p> <p>I</p> <p>Of all fair trees to look upon,<br /> Of all trees &quot; pleasant to the sight,&quot;<br /> Give me the Poet&#039;s tree of white—<br /> Pink cherry trees of blest Nippon<br /> With lovers passing to and fro—<br /> Pink cherry lanes of Tokio:<br /> Ten thousand cherry trees and each<br /> Hung white with Poet&#039;s plaint and speech.</p> <p>II</p> <p>Of all fair lands to look upon,<br /> To feel, to breathe, at Orient dawn,<br /> I count this baby land, the best,<br /> Because here all things rest and rest.<br /> And all men love all things most fair<br /> And beautiful and rich and rare;<br /> And women are as cherry trees<br /> With treasures laden, brown with bees.</p> <p>III</p> <p>Of all loved lands to look upon,<br /> Give me this love land of Nippon,<br /> Its bright, brave men, its maids at prayer,<br /> Its peace, its carelessness of care.</p> <p>IV</p> <p>A mobile sea of silver mist<br /> Sweeps up for morn to mount upon:<br /> Then yellow, saffron, amethyst—<br /> Such changeful hues has blest Nippon!<br /> See but this sunrise, then forget<br /> All scenes, all suns, all lands save one,<br /> Just matin sun and vesper sun;<br /> This land of inland seas of light;<br /> This land that hardly recks of night.</p> <p>V</p> <p>The vesper sun of blest Nippon<br /> Sinks crimson in the Yellow Sea:<br /> The purple butterfly is gone,<br /> The rainbow bird housed in his tree—<br /> Hushed, as the last loved, trembling note<br /> Still thrills his tuneful Orient throat—<br /> Hushed, as the harper&#039;s weary hand<br /> Waits morn to waken and command.</p> <p>VI</p> <p>Fast homeward bound, brown, busy feet<br /> In wooden shoon clang up the street;<br /> But not through all the thousand year<br /> In Buddha&#039;s temple may you hear<br /> One step, see hue of sun or sea,<br /> Though wait you through eternity;<br /> All is so still, so soft, subdued—<br /> The very walls are hueless hued.</p> <p>VII</p> <p>Behold brown, kneeling penitents!<br /> What perfumed place of silent prayer!<br /> Burned Senko-ho, sweet frankincense!<br /> And hear what silence everywhere!<br /> Pale, pensive priests pass here and there<br /> And silent lisp with bended head<br /> The Golden Rule on scrolls of gold<br /> As gentle, ancient Buddhists read<br /> These precepts sacred unto them,<br /> And watched the world grow old, so old,<br /> Ere yet the Babe of Bethelehem.</p> <p>VIII</p> <p>How leaps the altar&#039;s forky flame!<br /> How dreamful, dense, the sweet incense,<br /> As pale priests burn, in Buddha&#039;s name,<br /> Red-written sins of penitents—<br /> Mute penitents with bended head<br /> And unsaid sins writ deep in red.</p> <p>IX</p> <p>Now slow a priest with staff and scroll,<br /> Barefoot, as mendicant, and old—<br /> You sudden start, you lift your head,<br /> You hear and yet you do not hear,<br /> A sound, a song, so sweet, so dear<br /> It well might waken yonder dead.<br /> His staff has touched the sacred bowl<br /> Of copper, silver, shot with gold<br /> And wrought so magic-like of old<br /> That all sweet sounds, or east or west,<br /> Sought this still hollow where to rest.<br /> Hear, hear the voice of Buddha&#039;s bell,<br /> Bonsho-no-oto! All is well!</p> <p>X</p> <p>And you, you, lean, lean low to hear:<br /> You doubt your ears, you doubt your eyes,<br /> Your hand is lifted to your ear,<br /> You fear, how cruelly you fear<br /> The melody may die—it dies—<br /> Dies as the swan dies, as the sun<br /> Dies, bathed in dewy benison.</p> <p>XI</p> <p>It lives again; you breathe again!<br /> What cadences that speak, that stir,<br /> Take form and presence, as of her<br /> Whom first you loved, ere yet of men.<br /> It utters essence as a sound;<br /> As Santalum sends from the ground<br /> For devotee and worshipper<br /> Where saints lie buried, balm and myrrh.</p> <p>XII</p> <p>But now so low, so faint, so low<br /> You lean to hear yet hardly hear.<br /> Again your hand is to your ear,<br /> Your lips are parted, leaning so,<br /> And now again you catch your breath!<br /> Such breath as when you lie becalmed<br /> At sea, and sudden start to feel<br /> A cooling wave and quickened keel<br /> And see your tall sail court the shore.<br /> You hear, you more than hear, you feel,<br /> As when the white wave shimmereth.<br /> Your love is at your side once more,<br /> An essence of some song embalmed,<br /> Long hidden in the house of death—<br /> You breathe it, as your Lady&#039;s breath!</p> <p>XIII</p> <p>Now low, so low, so soft, so still,<br /> As when a single leaf is stirred,<br /> As when some doubtful matin bird<br /> Dreams russet morning decks his hill—<br /> Then nearer, clearer, lilts each note<br /> And longer, stronger, swells each wave—<br /> Ten thousand dead have burst the grave,<br /> An angel&#039;s song in every throat!<br /> The forky flame turns and returns<br /> To burn and burn red sins away;<br /> Such incense on the altar burns<br /> As some may breathe but none may say,<br /> Though cherished to their dying day.</p> <p>XIV</p> <p>And now the sandaled pilgrims fall<br /> With faces to the jeweled floor —<br /> The incense darkens as a pall,<br /> As clouds that darken more and more.<br /> You dare not lift your bended head —<br /> The silence is as if the dead<br /> Alone had passed the temple door.<br /> And now the Bonsho notes, the song!<br /> So stronger now, so strong, so strong!</p> <p>XV</p> <p>The black smokes of the ashen urn<br /> Where brown priests burn red sins away<br /> Begin to stir, to start, to turn,<br /> To seek the huge, bossed copper door—<br /> As evil things that dare not stay.<br /> The while the rich notes roll and roar<br /> To drive dread, burned sin out before<br /> Calm Dia-busta, the adored,<br /> As cherubim with flaming sword.</p> <p>XVI</p> <p>And far, so far, such rich notes roll<br /> That barefoot fishers far at sea<br /> Fall prone and pray all silently<br /> For wife and babes that wait the strand,<br /> The tugging net clutched tight in hand,<br /> The while they bow a space to pray;<br /> For every asking, eager soul<br /> Knows well the time and patiently<br /> It lists, an hundred Ri away.</p> <p>XVII</p> <p>The thousand pilgrims girt in straw<br /> That press Fujame&#039;s holy peak,<br /> Prone, fasting, penitent and meek,<br /> Hear notes as from the stars and pray,<br /> As we who know and keep the Law—<br /> As we who walk Jerusalem<br /> With pilgrim step and pallid cheek.<br /> How earnestly they silent pray<br /> To keep their Golden Rule alway,<br /> To do nothing, or night or day,<br /> Though tempted by a diadem,<br /> They would not others do to them!</p> <p>XVIII</p> <p>And wee, brown wives, on high, wild steeps<br /> Of terraced rice or bamboo patch<br /> Where toil, hard toil incessant, keeps<br /> Sweet virtue, sweet sleep, and a thatch,<br /> They hear and hold, with closer fold,<br /> Their bare, brown babes against the cold.<br /> They croon and croon, with soothing care,<br /> To babes meshed in their mighty hair,<br /> And loving, crooning, breathe a prayer.</p> <p>XlX</p> <p>The great notes pass, pass on and on,<br /> As light sweeps up the doors of dawn,<br /> And now the strong notes are no more,<br /> But feebler tones wail out and cry,<br /> As sad things that have lost their way<br /> At night and dare not bide the day<br /> But turn back to the shrine to die,<br /> And steal in softly through the door<br /> And gently fade along the floor.</p> <p>XX</p> <p>The barefoot priest slow fades from sight,<br /> Faint and more faint the last notes fall;<br /> You hear them now, then not at all,<br /> And now the last note of the night<br /> Wails out, as when a lover cries<br /> At night, and at the altar dies.</p> <p>XXI</p> <p>How sweet, how sad, how piteous sweet<br /> This last note at the bowed monk&#039;s feet<br /> That dies as dies some saintly light —<br /> That dies so like the sweet swan dies—<br /> So loving sad, so tearful sweet,<br /> This last, lost note—Good night, good night.<br /> Good night to holy Buddha&#039;s bell—<br /> Bonsho-no-oto! All is well—<br /> A mist is rising to the eyes!</p> <p>CANTO II</p> <p>I</p> <p>This water town of Tokio<br /> Is as a church with priests at prayer,<br /> With restful silence everywhere,<br /> Or night or day, or high or low.<br /> You sometimes hear a turtle dove,<br /> A locust trilling from his tree<br /> In chorus with his mated love,<br /> May see a raven in the air,<br /> Wide-winged and high, but even he<br /> Is as a shadow in the stream;<br /> As dreamful, silent as a dream.</p> <p>II</p> <p>They could but note the silent maids<br /> That carried, with a mother&#039;s care,<br /> The silent baby, ofttimes bare<br /> As birthtime through their Caran shades.<br /> Ten thousand babies, everywhere,<br /> But not one wail, or day or night,<br /> To put the locust&#039;s love to flight,<br /> Or mar the chorus of the dove.<br /> And why? Why, they were born of love:<br /> Born soberly, born sanely, clean,<br /> As Indian babes of old were born<br /> Ere yet the white man&#039;s face was seen,<br /> Ere yet the sensuous white man came;<br /> Born clean as love, of lovelight born<br /> Some long lost Rocky Mountain morn<br /> Where snow-topt turrets first took flame<br /> And flashed God&#039;s image in God&#039;s name!</p> <p>III</p> <p>Tell me, my flint-scarred pioneer,<br /> My skin-clad Carson, mountaineer,<br /> Who met red Sioux, met dusk Modoc,<br /> Red hand to hand in battle shock<br /> Where men but met to dare and die,<br /> Did ever you once see or hear<br /> One poor brown Indian baby cry?</p> <p>IV</p> <p>The long, hot march by ashen plain,<br /> The burning trail by lava bed,<br /> Babes lashed to back in corded pain<br /> Until the swollen bare legs bled,<br /> But on and on their mothers led,<br /> If but to find a place to die.<br /> Yet who, of all men that pursued<br /> This dying race, year after year,<br /> By burning plain or beetling wood,<br /> Did ever see, did ever hear,<br /> One bleeding Indian baby cry?</p> <p>V</p> <p>The starving mother&#039;s breasts were dry,<br /> There scarce was time to stop and drink,<br /> The swollen legs grew black as ink—<br /> There was not even time to die.<br /> And yet, through all this fifty year,<br /> What hounding man did ever hear<br /> One piteous Indian baby cry?</p> <p>VI</p> <p>Nay, they were born as men were born<br /> Far back in Jacob&#039;s Bible morn;<br /> Were born of love, born lovingly,<br /> Unlike the fretful child of lust,<br /> When love gat love and trust gat trust—<br /> And trusting, dared to silent die<br /> In torture and disdain a tear,<br /> If mother willed, nor question why.<br /> Yea, I have seen so many die,<br /> This cruel, hard, half-hundred year,<br /> And I have cried, to see, to hear—<br /> But never heard one baby cry.</p> <p>VII</p> <p>Shot down in Castle Rocks I lay<br /> One midnight, lay as one shot dead,<br /> A lad, and lone, years, years of yore.<br /> I heard deep Sacramento roar,<br /> Saw Shasta glitter far away—<br /> I never saw such moon before<br /> And yet I could not turn my head,<br /> Nor move my lips to cry or say.<br /> Red arrows in both form and face<br /> Held form and face tight pinned in place<br /> Against the gnarled, black chaparral,<br /> As one fast nailed against a wall<br /> With scant half room to wholly fall—<br /> The hot, thick, gurgling, gasping breath,<br /> The thirst, the thirsting unto death!</p> <p>VIII</p> <p>And then a child against my feet<br /> Crawled feebly and crept close to die;<br /> I moaned, &quot;Oh baby, won&#039;t you cry?<br /> &#039;Twould be as music piteous sweet<br /> To hear in this dread place of death<br /> Just one lorn cry, just one sweet breath<br /> Of life, here &#039;mid the moonlit dead,<br /> The mingled dead, white men and red.</p> <p>IX</p> <p>&quot;Oh bleeding, blood-red baby, cry<br /> Just once before I, choking, die!<br /> And maybe some white man will hear<br /> In yonder fortressed camp anear<br /> And bring blest drink for you and I—<br /> Oh, baby, please, please, baby, cry?</p> <p>X</p> <p>A crackling in the chaparral<br /> And then a lion in the clear<br /> From which the dying babe had crept,<br /> Swift as a yellow sunbeam leapt<br /> And stood so tall, so near, so near!<br /> So cruel near, so sinuous, tall—<br /> Some Landseer&#039;s picture on a wall.</p> <p>XI</p> <p>I never saw such length of limb,<br /> Such arm as God had given him!<br /> His paws, they swallowed up the earth,<br /> His midnight eyes shot arrows out<br /> The while his tail whipped swift about—<br /> His tail was surely twice his girth!</p> <p>XII</p> <p>His nostrils wide with smell of blood<br /> Reached out above us where he stood<br /> And snuffed the dank, death-laden air<br /> Till half his yellow teeth were bare.<br /> His yellow length was bare and lank—<br /> I never saw such hollow flank;<br /> &#039;Twas as a grave is, as a pall,<br /> A flabby black flank—scarce at all!</p> <p>XIII</p> <p>He sudden quivered, tail to jaws,<br /> Crouched low, unsheathed his shining claws—<br /> &quot;Oh, baby, baby, won&#039;t you cry,<br /> Just once before we two must die?&quot;<br /> I felt him spring, clutch up, then leap<br /> Swift down the rock-built, broken steep;<br /> I heard a crunch of bones, but I—<br /> I did not hear that baby cry!</p> <p>CANTO III</p> <p>I</p> <p>I WOULD forget—help me forget,<br /> The while we fondly linger yet<br /> The flower-field so sweet, so sweet,<br /> With Buddha at fair Fuji&#039;s feet.<br /> Fair Fuji-san, throned Queen of air!<br /> Fair woman pure as maiden&#039;s prayer;<br /> As pure as prayer to the throne<br /> Of God, as lone as God, as lone<br /> As Buddha at her feet in prayer—<br /> Fair Fuji-san, so more than fair!</p> <p>II</p> <p>Fair Fuji-san, Kamkura, and<br /> Reposeful, calm Buddha the blest,<br /> With folded hands that rest and rest<br /> On eld Kamkura&#039;s blood-soaked sand.<br /> Here russet apples hang at hand<br /> So russet rich that when they fall<br /> &#039;Tis as if some gold-bounden ball<br /> Sank in the loamy, warm, wet sand<br /> Where hana, kusa, carpet earth<br /> That never knows one day of dearth.</p> <p>III</p> <p>Kamkura, where Samurai bled,<br /> Where Buddha sits to rest and rest!<br /> Was ever spot so beauteous, blest?<br /> Was ever red rose quite so red?</p> <p>IV</p> <p>Fair Fuji from her mountain chine<br /> Above her curtained courts of pine<br /> Looks down on calm Kamkura&#039;s sea<br /> So tranquil, dreamful, restfully<br /> You fold your arms across your breast<br /> And rest with her, with Buddha rest,<br /> The silence musks the warm sea air—<br /> Just silence, silence everywhere.</p> <p>V</p> <p>Here midst this rest, this pure repose,<br /> This benediction, peace, and prayer,<br /> That as religion was, and where<br /> A breath of senko blessed the air,<br /> The erstwhile children of the snows<br /> Came silently and sat them down<br /> Within a Kusa coigne that lay<br /> Above the buried Bushi town,<br /> Above the dimpled, beauteous Bay<br /> Of sun and shadow, gold and brown,<br /> And Care blew by the other way—<br /> A breath, a butterfly, a fay.</p> <p>VI</p> <p>And one was as fair Fuji, fair,<br /> True, trusting as some maid at prayer,<br /> Aye, one as Buddha was, but one<br /> Was turbulent of blood and was<br /> An instant of the earth and sun;<br /> As when the ice-tied torrent thaws<br /> And sudden leaps from frost and snow<br /> Headlong and lawless, far below—<br /> As when the sap flows suddenly<br /> And warms the wind-tost mango tree.</p> <p>VII</p> <p>He caught her hand, he pressed her side,<br /> He pressed her close and very close,<br /> He breathed her as you breathe a rose,.<br /> Nor was in any wise denied.<br /> Her comely, shapely limbs pushed out<br /> As elden on her golden shore;<br /> Her long, strong arms reached round about<br /> And bent along the flowered floor,<br /> While full length on her back she lay<br /> Like some wild, beauteous beast at play,</p> <p>VIII</p> <p>He thrust him forward, caught her, caught<br /> Her form as if she were of naught.<br /> His outstretched face was as a flame,<br /> His breath was as a furnace is,<br /> He kissed her mouth with such mad kiss<br /> Her rich, full lips shut tight with shame.</p> <p>IX</p> <p>As one of old who tilled the mould,<br /> Took triple strength from earth and thrust<br /> His burly foeman to the dust,<br /> She sprang straight up, and springing threw<br /> Him from her with such voltage he<br /> Knew not how he might, writhing, rise,<br /> Or dare to meet again those eyes<br /> That seemed to burn him through and through;<br /> Or daring, how could he undo<br /> His coward, selfish deed of shame<br /> Enforced as in religion&#039;s name?<br /> And she so trustful, so alone!<br /> &#039;Twas as if some sweet, sacred nun<br /> Had opened wide her door to one<br /> Who slew her on her altar stone.</p> <p>X</p> <p>She passed and silent passed and slow.<br /> What strength, what length of limb, what eyes!<br /> She left him lying low, so low,<br /> So crested and so surely slain<br /> He deemed he never more might rise,<br /> Or rising, see her face again.<br /> And yet, her look was not of hate,<br /> But pity, as akin to pain;<br /> And when she touched the temple gate<br /> She paused, turned, beckoned he should go,<br /> Go wash his hands of carnal clay<br /> And go alone his selfish way —<br /> Forever, ever and a day!</p> <p>CANTO IV</p> <p>I</p> <p>How cold she grew, how chilled, how changed,<br /> Since that loathed scene by Nippon&#039;s sea!<br /> No longer flexile, trustful, she<br /> Held him aloof, hushed and estranged,<br /> A fallen star, yet still her star,<br /> And she his heaven, earth, his all,<br /> To follow, worship, near or far,<br /> Let good befall or ill befall.<br /> But he was silent. He had sold<br /> His birthright, sold for even less<br /> Than any poor, cheap pottage mess,<br /> His right to speak forth, warm and bold,<br /> And look her unshamed in the face.<br /> Mute, penitent, he kept his place,<br /> As silent as that Nippon saint<br /> That knew not prayer, praise, or plaint.</p> <p>II</p> <p>Saint Silence seems some maid of prayer,<br /> God&#039;s arm about her when she prays<br /> And where she prays and everywhere,<br /> Or storm-strewn or sun-down days.<br /> What ill to Silence can befall,<br /> Since Silence knows no ill at all?</p> <p>III</p> <p>Saint Silence seems some twilight sky<br /> That leans as with her weight of stars<br /> To rest, to rest, no more to roam,<br /> But rest and rest eternally.<br /> She loosens and lets down the bars,<br /> She brings the kind-eyed cattle home,<br /> She breathes the fragrant field of hay<br /> And heaven is not far away.</p> <p>IV</p> <p>The deeps of soul are still the deeps<br /> Where stately Silence ever keeps<br /> High court with calm Nirvana, where<br /> No shallows break the noisy shore<br /> Or beat, with sad, incessant roar,<br /> The fettered, fevered world of care.<br /> As noisome vultures fret the air.</p> <p>V</p> <p>The star-sown seas of thought are still,<br /> As when God&#039;s plowmen plant their corn<br /> Along the mellow grooves at morn<br /> In patient trust to wait His will.<br /> The star-sown seas of thought are wide,<br /> But voiceless, noiseless, deep as night;<br /> Disturb not these, the silent seas<br /> Are sacred unto souls allied,<br /> As golden poppies unto bees.<br /> Here, from the first, rude giants wrought,<br /> Here delved, here scattered stars of thought<br /> To grow, to bloom in years unborn,<br /> As grows the gold-horned yellow corn.</p> <p>VI</p> <p>They lay low-bosomed on the bay<br /> Of Honolulu, soft the breeze<br /> And soft the dreamful light that lay<br /> On Honolulu&#039;s Sabbath seas—<br /> The ghost of sunshine gone away—<br /> Red roses on the dust of day,<br /> Pale, pink, red roses in the west<br /> Where lay in state dead Day at rest.</p> <p>VII</p> <p>Their dusky boatman set his face<br /> From out the argent, opal sea<br /> Tow&#039;rd where his once proud, warlike race<br /> Lay housed in everlasting dust.<br /> He sang low-voiced, sad, silently,<br /> In listless chorus with the tide,<br /> Because his race was not, because<br /> His sunborn race had dared, defied<br /> The highest, holiest of His laws</p> <p>And so fell stricken and so died—<br /> Died stricken of dread leprosy<br /> Begot of lust—prone in the dust—<br /> Degenerating love to lust.</p> <p>VIII</p> <p>Sweet sandal-wood burned bow and stern<br /> In colored, shapely crates of clay;<br /> Sweet sandal-wood long laid away,<br /> Long caverned with dead battle kings<br /> Whose dim ghosts rise betimes and burn<br /> The torch and touch sweet taro strings—<br /> Such giant, stalwart, stately kings!</p> <p>IX</p> <p>Sweet sandal-wood, long ages torn<br /> From cloud-capt steeps shere thunders slept,<br /> Then hidden where dead giants kept<br /> Their sealed Walhalla, waiting morn—<br /> Deep-hidden, till such sweet perfume<br /> Betrayed their long-forgotten tomb.</p> <p>X</p> <p>The sea&#039;s perfume and incense lay<br /> About, above, lay everywhere;<br /> The sea swung incense through the air—<br /> The censer, Honolulu&#039;s Bay.<br /> And then the song, the soft, low rune,<br /> As sad, as if dead kings kept tune.</p> <p>XI</p> <p>The moon hung twilight from each horn,<br /> Soft, silken twilight, soft to touch<br /> As baby lips—and over much<br /> Like to the baby breath of morn.<br /> Huge, five-horned stars swung left and right<br /> O&#039;er argent, opal, amber night.</p> <p>XII</p> <p>What changeful, dreamful, ardent light,<br /> When Mauna Loa, far afield,<br /> Uprose and shook his yellow shield<br /> Below the battlements of night;<br /> Below the Southern Cross, o&#039;er seas<br /> That sang such silent symphonies!</p> <p>XIII</p> <p>Far lava peaks still lit the night,<br /> Like holy candles foot and head,<br /> That dimly burned above the dead,<br /> Above the dead and buried Light.<br /> There rose such perfume of the sea,<br /> Such Sabbath breath, soft, silently,<br /> As when some burning censer swings,<br /> As when some surpliced choir sings.</p> <p>XIV</p> <p>He scarce had lived save in such fear,<br /> But now yon mitered tongues of flame<br /> That tipped the star-lit lava peak<br /> Brought back some fervor to his cheek<br /> And made him half forget his shame.<br /> He could but heed, he could but hear<br /> That call across the walls of night<br /> From triple mitered tongues of Light,<br /> That soulful, silent, perfumed night.<br /> He said—and yet he said no word;<br /> No word he said, yet all she heard,<br /> So close their souls lay, in such Light,<br /> That holy Honolulu night.</p> <p>XV</p> <p>&quot;Lies yonder Nebo&#039;s mount, my Soul?—<br /> The Promised Land beyond, beyond<br /> The grave of rest, the broken bond,<br /> Where manly force must lose control,<br /> Must press the grapes and fill the bowl,<br /> Go round and round, rest, rise up, eat,<br /> Tread grapes, then wash the wearied feet?</p> <p>XVI</p> <p>&quot;I know I have enough of bliss,<br /> I know full well I should not dare<br /> To ask a deeper joy than this,<br /> This scene, your presence, this soft air,<br /> This incense, this deep sense of rest<br /> Where long-sought, sweet Arcadia lies<br /> Against these gates of Paradise.</p> <p>XVII</p> <p>&quot;And yet, hear me, I dare ask more.<br /> Lone Adam had all Paradise<br /> And still how poor he was, how poor,<br /> With all things his beneath the skies!<br /> Aye, sweet it were to roam or rest,<br /> To ever rest and ever roam<br /> As you might reck and reckon best;<br /> But still there comes a sense of home,<br /> Of hearthstone, happy babes at play,<br /> And you and I— not far away.</p> <p>XVIII</p> <p>&quot;Nay, do not turn aside your face —<br /> &#039;Be fruitful ye and multiply&#039;<br /> Meant all; it meant the human race,<br /> And he or she shall surely die<br /> Despised and pass to nothingness<br /> Who does not love the little dress,<br /> The heaven in the mother&#039;s eyes,<br /> The holy, sacred, sweet surprise<br /> The time she tells how truly blest,<br /> With face laid blushing to his breast.</p> <p>XlX</p> <p>How flower-like the little frock —<br /> The daffodil forerunning spring —<br /> The doll-like shoes, socks, everything,<br /> And each a secret, secret stored!<br /> And yet each day the little hoard,<br /> As careful merchants note their stock,<br /> Is noted with such happy care<br /> As only angel mothers share.</p> <p>XX</p> <p>&quot;At last to hear her rock and rock—<br /> Behold her bowed Madonna face!<br /> She lifts her baby from its place,<br /> Pulls down the crumpled, dampened frock,<br /> And never Cleopatra guessed<br /> The queenliness, the joy, the pride,<br /> She knows with baby to her breast—<br /> His chub fists churning either sides!</p> <p>XXI</p> <p>&quot;The bravest breast faith ever bared<br /> For brother, country, creed or friend,<br /> However high the aim or end,<br /> Was that brave breast a baby shared<br /> With kicking, fat legs half unfrocked,<br /> The while sweet mother rocked and rocked.&quot;</p> <p>CANTO V</p> <p>I</p> <p>As when first blossoms feel first bees,<br /> As when the squirrel hoists full sail<br /> And leaps his world of maple trees<br /> And quirks his saucy, tossy tail;<br /> As when Vermont&#039;s tall sugar trees<br /> First feel sweet sap, then don their leaves<br /> In haste —a million Mother Eves;<br /> As when strange winds stir strong-built ships<br /> Long ice-bound fast in Arctic seas,<br /> So she, the strong, full woman now,<br /> Felt new life thrilling breast and brow<br /> And tingled to her finger tips.<br /> Her limbs pushed out, outreached her head<br /> As if to say—she nothing said.<br /> But something of the tender light<br /> That lit her girl face that first night,<br /> The time she pulling poppies sat<br /> The sod and saw the golden sheep<br /> Safe housed within the hollowed deep,<br /> Was hers; and how she blushed thereat!<br /> Yet blushing so, still silent sat.</p> <p>II</p> <p>She would forget his weakness, yet<br /> Try as she would, could not forget.<br /> He knew her thought. She raised her head<br /> And searched his soul, and searching said:<br /> &quot;He who would save the world must stand<br /> Hard by the world with steel-mailed hand<br /> And save by smiting hip and thigh.<br /> The world needs truth, tall truth and grand,<br /> And keen sword-cuts that thrust to kill.<br /> The man who climbed the windy hill<br /> To talk, is talking, climbing still,<br /> And could not help or hurt a fly.<br /> The stoutest swimmer and most wise<br /> Swims somewhat with the sweeping stream,<br /> Yet leads, leads unseen as a dream.<br /> The strong fool breasts the flood and dies,<br /> The weak fool turns his back and flies.&quot;</p> <p>III</p> <p>He did not answer; could not dare<br /> Lift his shamed eyes to her fair face,<br /> But looked right, left, looked anywhere,<br /> And mused, mused mutely out of place:<br /> &quot;If yonder creedists may not teach,<br /> For all their books, and bravely preach<br /> That here, right here, the womb of night<br /> Gave us God&#039;s first-born, holy Light,<br /> Why, pity, nor yet blame them quite;<br /> Because they know not, cannot read,<br /> Save as commanded by some creed.<br /> What eons they may have to wait<br /> Within their wall, without the gate,<br /> Nor once dare lift their eyes to look<br /> Beyond their blinding creed and book,<br /> We know not, but we surely know<br /> Yon lava-lifted, star-tipt height<br /> Is bannered still by that first Light.<br /> We know this phosphorescent glow,<br /> At every dip of dripping oar,<br /> Is but lost bits of Light below,<br /> Where moves God&#039;s spirit as of yore.<br /> Aye, here, right here, from out the night,<br /> God spake and said: &quot;Let there be light!&quot;</p> <p>IV</p> <p>&quot;And dare ask doubting, creed-made men<br /> Why we so surely know and how?<br /> Why here &#039;the waters,&#039; now as then?<br /> Why here &#039;the waters,&#039; then as now?<br /> We know because we read, yet read<br /> So little that we much must heed.<br /> We read &#039;God&#039;s spirit moved upon,<br /> The waters&#039; ere that burst of dawn.<br /> What waters? Why, &#039;The Waters,&#039; these,<br /> These soundless, silent, sundown seas.</p> <p>V</p> <p>&quot;The morning of the world was here,<br /> Twas here &#039;He made dry land appear,&#039;<br /> Here &#039;Darkness lay upon the deep.&#039;<br /> What deep? This deep, the deepest deep<br /> That ever rolled beneath the sun<br /> When night and day were then as one<br /> And dreamless day lay fast asleep,<br /> Rocked in this cradle of the deep.&quot;</p> <p>VI</p> <p>She would not, could not be denied<br /> Her thought, her theme but turned once more,<br /> As turns the all-devouring tide<br /> Against a stubborn unclean shore,<br /> With lifted face and soul aflame,<br /> And spake as speaking in God&#039;s name—<br /> With face raised to the living God:<br /> &quot;Hear me! How pitiful the plea<br /> Of men who plead their temperance,<br /> Of men who know not one first sense<br /> Of self-control, yet, fire-shod,<br /> Storm forth and rage intemperately<br /> At sins that are but as a breath,<br /> Compared with their low lives of death!</p> <p>VII</p> <p>&quot;And oh, for prophet&#039;s tongue or pen<br /> To scourge, not only, and accuse<br /> The childless mother, but such men<br /> As know their loves but to abuse!<br /> Give me the brave, child-loving Jew,<br /> The full-sexed Jew of either sex,<br /> Who loves, brings forth and nothing recks<br /> Of care or cost, as Christians do—<br /> Dulled souls who will not hear or see<br /> How Christ once raised his lowly head<br /> And, all rebuking, gently said,<br /> The while he took them tenderly,<br /> &#039;Let little ones come unto me.&#039;</p> <p>VIII</p> <p>&quot;The true Jew lover keeps the Way.<br /> For clean, serene, and contrite heart<br /> The bride and bridegroom kneel apart<br /> Before the bridal bed and pray.</p> <p>IX</p> <p>&quot;Behold how great the bride&#039;s estate!<br /> Behold how holy, pure the thought<br /> That high Jehovah welcomes her<br /> In partnership, to coin, create<br /> The fairest form He yet has wrought<br /> Since Adam&#039;s clay knew breath and stir:<br /> To glory in her daughters, sons;<br /> To be God&#039;s tabernacle, tent,<br /> The keeper of the covenant,<br /> The mother of His little ones!</p> <p>X</p> <p>&quot;Go forth among this homeless race,<br /> This landless race that knows no place<br /> Or name or nation quite its own,<br /> And see their happy babes at play,<br /> Or palace, Ghetto, rich or poor,<br /> As thick as birds about the door<br /> At morn, some sunny Vermont May,<br /> Then think of Christ and these alone.<br /> Yet ye deride, ye jeer, ye jibe,<br /> To see their plenteous babes; ye say<br /> &#039;Behold the Jew and all his tribe!&#039;</p> <p>XI</p> <p>&quot;Yet Solomon upon his throne<br /> Was not more kingly crowned than they<br /> These Jews, these jeered Jews of to-day—<br /> More surely born to lord, to lead,<br /> To sow the land with Abram&#039;s seed;<br /> Because their babes are healthful born<br /> And welcomed as the welcome morn.</p> <p>XlI</p> <p>&quot;Hear me this prophecy and heed!<br /> Except we cleanse us, kirk and creed,<br /> Except we wash us, word and deed,<br /> The Jew shall rule us, reign the Jew.<br /> And just because the Jew is true,<br /> Is true to nature, true to truth,<br /> Is clean, is chaste, as trustful Ruth<br /> Who stood amid the alien corn<br /> In tears that far, dim, doubtful morn—<br /> Who bore us David, Solomon—<br /> The Babe, that far, first Christmas dawn.</p> <p>XIII</p> <p>&quot;You shrink, are angered at my speech?<br /> You dare avert your doubtful face<br /> Because I name this chaste, strange race?<br /> So be it then; there lies the beach,<br /> And up the beach the ways divide.<br /> I would not leave the truth untold<br /> To win the whole world to my side,<br /> Nor would I spare your selfish pride,<br /> Your carnal coarseness, lustful lie,<br /> For that would be to let you die.<br /> Come! yonder lifts the clear, white Light<br /> For seamen, souls sea-tost at night.</p> <p>XIV</p> <p>&quot;I see the spiked Agave&#039;s plume,<br /> The pepsin&#039;s plum, acacia&#039;s bloom<br /> Far up beyond tall cocoa trees,<br /> Tall tamarind and mango brown,<br /> That gird the pretty, peaceful town.<br /> That lane leads up, the church looks down—<br /> There lie the ways, now which of these?<br /> Bear with me, I must dare be true.<br /> The nation, aye, the Christian race,<br /> Now fronts its stern Sphynx, face to face,<br /> And I must say, say here to you,<br /> What&#039; e&#039;er the cost of love, of fame,<br /> The Christian is a thing of shame—<br /> Must say because you prove it true,<br /> The better Christian is the Jew.</p> <p>XV</p> <p>&quot;I know you scorn the narrow deeds<br /> Of men who make their god of creeds—<br /> Yon men as narrow as the miles<br /> That bank their rare, sweet flower-fed isles,<br /> But come, my Lost Star, come with me<br /> To yon fond church, high-built and fair,<br /> For God is there, as everywhere,<br /> Or Arctic snow or argent sea.&quot;</p> <p>XVI</p> <p>He looked far up the mango lane<br /> Below the wide-boughed banyan tree;<br /> He looked to her, then looked again,<br /> As one who tries yet could not see<br /> But one steep, narrow, upward way:<br /> &quot;You said two ways, here seems but one,<br /> Or set of moon or rise of sun,<br /> But one way to the perfect day,<br /> And I will go. And you must stay?&quot;<br /> She looked far up the steep of stone<br /> And said: &quot;Aye, go, but not alone.&quot;</p> <p>XVII</p> <p>The boat&#039;s prow pushed the cocoa shore,<br /> The man spake not, but, leaning o&#039;er,<br /> Strong-armed, he drew her to his side<br /> And was not anywise denied.<br /> He pointed to the failing fire,<br /> That still tipt lava peak and spire,<br /> While stars pinned round the robe of night;<br /> &#039;Twas here God said, &quot;Let there be Light!&quot;</p> <p>XVIII</p> <p>A little church, a lava wall,<br /> A soft light looking gently down,<br /> The Light of Christ, the second light,<br /> Where two as one passed up the town.<br /> She gave her hand, she gave her all,<br /> And said, as such brave women might,<br /> With ample right in hallowed cause:<br /> &quot;As it in the beginning was,<br /> So let the man-child be full born<br /> Of Love, of Light, the Light of Morn!&quot;</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/joaquin-miller" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Joaquin Miller</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1907</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/joaquin-miller/light-book-third" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="Light - Book Third" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Fri, 21 Apr 2017 22:00:01 +0000 mrbot 7574 at https://www.textarchiv.com Light - Book Second https://www.textarchiv.com/joaquin-miller/light-book-second <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>CANTO I</p> <p>I</p> <p>His triple star led on and on<br /> Led up blue, bastioned Chilkoot Pass<br /> To clouds, through clouds, above white clouds<br /> That droop with snows like beaded strouds—<br /> Above a world of gleaming glass,<br /> Where loomed such cities of the skies<br /> As only prophets look upon,<br /> As only loving poets see,<br /> With prophet ken of mystery.</p> <p>II</p> <p>What lone, white silence, left or fight,<br /> What whiteness, something more than white!<br /> Such steel blue whiteness, van or rear—<br /> Such silence as you could but hear<br /> Above the sparkled, frosted rime,<br /> As if the steely stars kept time<br /> And sang their mystic, mighty rune—<br /> …And oh, the icy, eerie moon!</p> <p>III</p> <p>What temples, towers, tombs of white,<br /> White tombs, white tombstones, left and right,<br /> That pushed the passing night aside<br /> To ward where fallen stars had died—<br /> To ward white tombs where dead stars lay—<br /> White tombs more white, more bright than they;<br /> White tombs high heaped white tombs upon—<br /> White Ossa piled on Pelion!</p> <p>IV</p> <p>Pale, steel stars flashed, rose, fell again,<br /> Then paused, leaned low, as pitying,<br /> And leaning so they ceased to sing,<br /> The while the moon, with mother care,<br /> Slow rocked her silver rocking-chair.</p> <p>V</p> <p>Night here, mid-year, is as a span;<br /> Thor comes, a gold-clad king of war,<br /> Comes only as the great Thor can.<br /> Thor storms the battlements and Thor,<br /> Far leaping, clinging crowned upon,<br /> Throws battle hammer forth and back<br /> Until the walls blaze in his track<br /> With sparks and it is sudden dawn —<br /> Dawn, sudden, sparkling, as a gem —<br /> A jeweled, frost-set diadem<br /> Of diamond, ruby, radium.</p> <p>VI</p> <p>Two tallest, ice-tipt peaks take flame,<br /> Take yellow flame, take crimson, pink,<br /> Then, ere you yet have time to think,<br /> Take hues that never yet had name.<br /> Then turret, minaret, and tower,<br /> As if to mark some mystic hour,<br /> Or ancient, lost Masonic sign,<br /> Take on a darkness like to night,<br /> Deep night below the yellow light<br /> That erstwhile seemed some snow-white tomb.<br /> Then all is set in ghostly gloom,<br /> As some dim-lighted, storied shrine—<br /> As if the stars forget to stay<br /> At court when comes the kingly day.</p> <p>VII</p> <p>And now the high built shafts of brass,<br /> Gate posts that guard the tomb-set pass,<br /> Put off their crowns, rich robes, and all<br /> Their sudden, splendid light let fall;<br /> And tomb and minaret and tower<br /> Again gleam as that midnight hour.<br /> While day, as scorning still to wait,<br /> Drives fiercely through the ice-built gate<br /> That guards the Arctic&#039;s outer hem<br /> Of white, high-built Jerusalem.</p> <p>VIII</p> <p>To see, to guess the great white throne,<br /> Behold Alaska&#039;s ice-built steeps<br /> Where everlasting silence keeps<br /> And white death lives and lords alone:<br /> Go see God&#039;s river born full grown—<br /> The gold of this stream it is good:<br /> Here grows the Ark&#039;s white gopher wood—<br /> A wide, white land, unnamed, unknown,<br /> A land of mystery and moan.</p> <p>IX</p> <p>Tall, trim, slim gopher trees incline,<br /> A leaning, laden, helpless copse,<br /> And moan and creak and intertwine<br /> Their laden, twisted, tossing tops,<br /> And moan all night and moan all day<br /> With winds that walk these steeps alway.</p> <p>X</p> <p>The melancholy moose looks down,<br /> A tattered Capuchin in brown,<br /> A gaunt, ungainly, mateless monk,<br /> An elephant without his trunk,<br /> While far, against the gleaming blue,<br /> High up a rock-topt ridge of snow,<br /> Where scarce a dream would care to go,<br /> Climb countless blue-clad caribou,<br /> In endless line till lost to view.</p> <p>XI</p> <p>The rent ice surges, grinds, and groans,<br /> Then gorges, backs, and climbs the shore,<br /> Then breaks with sudden rage and roar<br /> And plunging, leaping, foams and moans<br /> Swift down the surging, seething stream—<br /> Mad hurdles of some monstrous dream.</p> <p>XII</p> <p>To see God&#039;s river born full grown,<br /> To see him burst the womb of earth<br /> And leap, a giant at his birth,<br /> Through shoreless whiteness, with wild shout —<br /> A shout so sharp, so cold, so dread<br /> You see, feel, hear, his sheeted dead —<br /> &#039;Tis as to know, no longer doubt,<br /> &#039;Tis as to know the eld Unknown,<br /> Aye, bow before the great white throne.</p> <p>XIII</p> <p>White-hooded nuns, steeps gleaming white,<br /> Lean o&#039;er his cradle, left and right,<br /> And weep the while he moans and cries<br /> And rends the earth with agonies;<br /> High ice-heaved summits where no thing<br /> Has yet set foot or flashed a wing—<br /> Bare ice-built summits where the white<br /> Wide world is but a sea of white—<br /> White kneeling nuns that kneel and feed<br /> The groaning ice god in his greed,<br /> And feed, forever feed, man&#039;s soul.<br /> The full-grown river bounds right on<br /> From out his birthplace tow&#039;rd the Pole;<br /> He knows no limit, no control:<br /> He scarce is here till he is gone—<br /> This sudden, mad, ice-born Yukon.</p> <p>XIV</p> <p>Beyond white plunging Chilkoot Pass,<br /> That trackless Pass of stately tombs,<br /> Of midday glories, midnight glooms,<br /> Of morn&#039;s great gate posts, girt in brass—<br /> This courtier, born to nature&#039;s court,<br /> This comrade, peer of peaks, still kept<br /> Companion with the stars and leapt<br /> And laughed, the gliding sea of glass<br /> Beneath his feet in merry sport.</p> <p>XV</p> <p>Then mute red men, the quick canoe,<br /> Then o&#039;er the ice-born surge and on,<br /> Till gleaming snows and steeps were gone,<br /> Till wide, deep waters, swirling, blue,<br /> Received the sudden, swift canoe,<br /> That leapt and laughed and laughing flew.</p> <p>XVI</p> <p>Then tall, lean trees, girth scarce a span,<br /> With moss-set, moss-hung banks of gold<br /> Most rich in hue, more gorgeous than<br /> Silk carpetings of Turkestan:<br /> Deep yellow mosses, rich as gold,<br /> More gorgeous than the eye of man<br /> Hath seen save in this wonderland—<br /> Then flashing, tumbling, headlong waves<br /> Below white, ice-bound, ice-built shores—<br /> The river swept a seam of white<br /> Where basalt bluffs made day like night.<br /> And then they heard no sound, the oars<br /> Were idle, still as grassy graves.</p> <p>XVII</p> <p>And then the mad, tumultuous moon<br /> Spilt silver seas to plunge upon,<br /> Possessed the land, a sea of white.<br /> That white moon rivaled the red dawn<br /> And slew the very name of night,<br /> And walked the grave of afternoon—<br /> That vast, vehement, stark mad moon!</p> <p>XVIII</p> <p>The wide, still waters, sedgy shore,<br /> A lank, brown wolf, a hungry howl,<br /> A lean and hungry midday moon;<br /> And then again the red man&#039;s oar—<br /> A wide-winged, mute, white Arctic owl,<br /> A black, red-crested, screeching loon<br /> That knew not night from middle noon,<br /> Nor gold-robed sun from lean, lank moon—<br /> That crazy, black, red-crested loon.</p> <p>XIX</p> <p>Swift narrows now, and now and then<br /> A broken boat with drowning men;<br /> The wide, still marshes, dank as death,<br /> Where honked the wild goose long and loud<br /> With unabated, angry breath.<br /> Black swallows twittered in a cloud<br /> Above the broad mosquito marsh,<br /> The wild goose honked, forlorn and harsh;<br /> Honked, fluttered, flew in warlike mood<br /> Above her startled, myriad brood,<br /> The while the melancholy moose,<br /> As if to mock the honking goose,<br /> Forsook his wall, plunged in the wave<br /> And sank, as sinking in a grave,<br /> Sank to his eyes, his great, sad eyes,<br /> And watched, in wonder, mute surprise,<br /> Watched broken barge and drowning men<br /> Drift, swirl, then plunge the gorge again.</p> <p>XX</p> <p>Again that great white Arctic owl,<br /> As pitying, it perched the bank<br /> Where swirled a barge and swirling sank—<br /> A drowned man swirling with white face<br /> Low lifting from the swift whirlpool.<br /> That distant, doleful, hilltop howl—<br /> That screaming, crimson-crested fool!<br /> And oh, that eerie, ice-made moon<br /> That hung the cobalt tent of blue<br /> And looked straight down, to look you through,<br /> That dead man swirling in his place,<br /> That honking, honking, huge gray goose,<br /> That solitary, sad-eyed moose,<br /> That owl, that wolf, that human loon,<br /> And oh, that death&#039;s head, hideous moon!</p> <p>XXI</p> <p>And this the Yukon, night by night,<br /> The yellow Yukon, day by day;<br /> A land of death, vast, voiceless, white,<br /> A graveyard locked in ice-set clay,<br /> A graveyard to the Judgment Day.</p> <p>XXII</p> <p>On, on, the swirling pool was gone,<br /> On, on, the boat swept on, swept on,<br /> That moon was as a thousand moons!.<br /> Two dead men swirled, one swept, one sank—<br /> Two wolves, two owls, two yelling loons!&#039;<br /> And now three loons! How many moons?<br /> How many white owls perch the shore?<br /> Three lank, black wolves along the bank<br /> That watch the drowned men swirl or sink!<br /> Three screeching loons along the brink—<br /> That moon disputing with the dawn<br /> That dared the yellow, dread Yukon!</p> <p>XXIII</p> <p>And why so like some lorn graveyard<br /> Where only owls and loons may say<br /> And life goes by the other way?<br /> Aye, why so hideous and so hard,<br /> So deathly hard to look upon?<br /> Because this cold, wild, dread Yukon,<br /> Of gold-sown banks, of sea white waves,<br /> Is but one land, one sea of graves.</p> <p>XXIV</p> <p>Behold where bones hang either bank!<br /> Great tusks of beasts before the flood<br /> That floated here and floating sank—<br /> &#039;Mid ice-locked walls and ice-hung steep,<br /> With muck and stone and moss and mud,<br /> Where only death and darkness keep!<br /> Lo, this is death-land! Heap on heap,<br /> By ice-strown.strand or rock-built steep,<br /> By moss-brown walls, gray, green or blue,<br /> The Yukon cleaves a graveyard through!<br /> Three thousand miles of tusk and bone,<br /> Strown here, strown there, all heedless strown,<br /> All strown and sown just as they lay<br /> That time the fearful deluge passed,<br /> Safe locked in ices to the last,<br /> Safe locked, as records laid away,<br /> To wait, to wait, the Judgment Day.</p> <p>XXV</p> <p>He landed, pierced the ice-locked earth,<br /> He burned it to the very bone—<br /> Burned and laid bare the deep bedstone<br /> Placed at the building, at the birth<br /> Of morn, and here, there, everywhere,<br /> Such bones of bison, mastodon!<br /> Such tusky monsters without name!<br /> Great ice-bound bones with flesh scarce gone,<br /> So fresh the wild dogs nightly came<br /> To fight about and feast upon.<br /> And gold along the bedrock lay<br /> So bounteous below the bones<br /> Men barely need to turn the stones<br /> To fill their skins, within the day,<br /> With rich, red gold and go their way.</p> <p>XXVI</p> <p>&quot;The gold of that place it is good.&quot;<br /> Lo, here God laid the Paradise!<br /> Lo, here each witness of the flood,<br /> Tight jailed in ice eternal, lies<br /> To wait the bailiff&#039;s chorus call:<br /> &quot;Come into court, come one, come all!&quot;<br /> But why so cold, so deathly cold<br /> The battered beasts, the scattered gold,<br /> The pleasant trees of Paradise,<br /> Deep locked in everlasting ice?</p> <p>XXVII</p> <p>Oyez! the red man&#039;s simple tale;<br /> He says that once, o&#039;er hill and vale,<br /> Ripe fruits hung ready all the year;<br /> That man knew neither frost nor fear,<br /> That bison wallowed to the eyes<br /> In grass, that palm trees brushed the skies<br /> Where birds made music all day long.<br /> That then a great chief shaped a spear<br /> Bone-tipt and sharp and long and strong,<br /> And made a deadly moon-shaped bow,<br /> And then a flint-tipt arrow wrought.<br /> Then cunning, snake like, creeping low,<br /> As creeps a cruel cat, he sought<br /> And in sheer wantonness he shot<br /> A large-eyed, trusting, silly roe.<br /> And then, exultant, crazed, he slew<br /> Ten bison, ten tame bear and, too,<br /> A harmless, long-limbed, shambling moose;<br /> That then the smell of blood let loose<br /> The passions of all men and all<br /> Uprose and slew, or great or small—<br /> Uprose and slew till hot midday<br /> All four-foot creatures in their way;<br /> Then proud, defiant, every one,<br /> Shook his red spear-point at the sun.</p> <p>XXVIII</p> <p>Then God said, through a mist of tears,<br /> &quot;What would ye, braves made mad with blood?&quot;<br /> And then they shook their bone-tipt spears<br /> And cried, &quot;The sun it is not good!<br /> Too hot the sun, too long the day;<br /> Break off and throw the end away!&quot;</p> <p>XXIX</p> <p>Then God, most angered instantly,<br /> Drew down the day from out the sky<br /> And brake the day across his knee<br /> And hurled the fragments hot and high<br /> And far down till they fell upon<br /> The bronzing waves of dread Yukon,<br /> Nor spared the red men one dim ray<br /> Of light to lead them on their way.</p> <p>XXX</p> <p>And then the red men filled the lands<br /> With wailing for just one faint ray<br /> Of light to guide them home that they<br /> Might wash and cleanse their blood-red hands.</p> <p>XXXI</p> <p>But God said, &quot;Yonder, far away<br /> Down yon Yukon, your broken day!<br /> Go gather it from out the night!<br /> That fitful, fearful Northern Light,<br /> Is all that ye shall ever know<br /> To guide henceforth the way you go.</p> <p>XXXII</p> <p>&quot;You shall not see my face again,<br /> But you shall see cold death instead.<br /> This land hath sinned, this land is dead;<br /> You drenched your beauteous land in blood,<br /> And now behold the wild, white rain<br /> Shall fall until a drowning flood<br /> Shall fill all things above, below,<br /> To wash away the smell of blood,<br /> And birds shall die and beasts be dumb,<br /> When cold, the cold of death shall come<br /> And weave a piteous shroud of snow,<br /> In graveyard silence, ever so.&quot;</p> <p>XXXIII</p> <p>The red men say that then the rain<br /> Drowned all the fires of the world,<br /> Then drowned the fires of the moon;<br /> That then the sun came not again,<br /> Save in the middle summer noon,<br /> When hot, red lances they had hurled<br /> Are hurled at them like fiery rain,<br /> Till Yukon rages like a main.</p> <p>XXXIV</p> <p>With bated breath these skin-clad men<br /> Tell why the big-nosed moose foreknew<br /> The flood; how, bandy-legged, he flew<br /> Far up high Saint Elias: how,<br /> Down in the slope of his left horn,<br /> The raven rested, night and morn;<br /> How, in the hollow of his right,<br /> The dove hued moose-bird nestled low<br /> Until they touched the utmost height;<br /> How dove and raven soon took flight<br /> And winged them forth and far away;<br /> But how the moose did stay and stay,<br /> His great sad eyes all wet with tears,<br /> And keep his steeps two thousand years.</p> <p>XXXV</p> <p>He heard the half, nude red men say,<br /> Close huddled to the flame at night,<br /> How in the hollow of a palm<br /> A woman and a water rat,<br /> That dreadful, darkened, drowning day,<br /> Crept close and nestled in their fright;<br /> And how a bear, tame as a lamb,<br /> Came to them in the tree and sat<br /> The long, long drift-time to the sea,<br /> The while the wooing water rat<br /> Made love to her incessantly;<br /> How then the bear became a priest<br /> And married them at last; how then<br /> To them was born the shortest, least<br /> Of all the children of all men,<br /> And yet most cunning and most brave<br /> Of all who dare the bleak north wave.</p> <p>XXXVI</p> <p>What tales of tropic fruit! No tale<br /> But of some soft, sweet, sensuous clime,<br /> Of love and lovely maiden&#039;s trust—<br /> Some peopled, pleasant, palm-hung vale<br /> Of everlasting summer time—<br /> And, then the deadly sin of lust;<br /> Forbidden fruit, shame and disgust!</p> <p>XXXVII</p> <p>And whence the story of it all,<br /> The palm land, love land and the fall?<br /> Was&#039;t born of ages of desire<br /> From such sad children of the snows<br /> For something fairer, better, higher?<br /> God knows, God knows, God only knows.<br /> But I should say, hand laid to heart<br /> And, head made bare, as I would swear,<br /> These piteous, sad-faced children there<br /> Knew Eden, the expulsion, knew<br /> The deluge, knew the deluge true!</p> <p>XXXVIII</p> <p>And what though this be surely so?<br /> Just this: I know, as all men know,<br /> As few before this surely knew—<br /> Just this, and count it great or small,<br /> The best of you or worst of you,<br /> The Bible, lid to lid, is true!</p> <p>CANTO II</p> <p>I</p> <p>The year waxed weary, gouty, old;<br /> The crisp days dwindled to a span,<br /> The dying year it fell as cold<br /> As dead feet of a dying man.<br /> The hard, long, weary work was done,<br /> The dark, deep pits probed to the bone,<br /> And each had just one tale to tell.<br /> Ten thousand argonauts as one,<br /> Agnostic, Christian, infidel,<br /> All said, despite of creed or class,<br /> All said as one, &quot;As surely as<br /> The Bible is, the deluge was,<br /> Whate&#039;er the curse, whate&#039;er the cause!&quot;</p> <p>II</p> <p>What merry men these miners were,<br /> And mighty in their pent-up force!<br /> They wrought for her, they fought for her,<br /> For her alone, or night or day,<br /> In tent or camp, their one discourse<br /> The Love three thousand miles away,<br /> The Love who waked to watch and pray.</p> <p>III</p> <p>Yet rude were they and brutal they,<br /> Their love a blended love and lust,<br /> Born of this later, loveless day;<br /> You could but love them for their truth,<br /> Their frankness and their fiery youth,<br /> And yet turn from them in disgust,<br /> To loathe, to pity, and mistrust.</p> <p>IV</p> <p>The Siege of Troy knew scarce such men,<br /> Such hardy, daring men as they,<br /> The coward had not voyaged then,<br /> The weak had died upon the way.</p> <p>V</p> <p>They sang, they sang some like to this,<br /> &quot;I say risk all for one warm kiss;<br /> I say &#039;twere better risk the fall,<br /> Like Romeo, to venture all<br /> And boldly climb to deadly bliss.&quot;</p> <p>VI</p> <p>I like that savage, Sabine way;<br /> What mighty minstrels came of it!<br /> Their songs are ringing to this day,<br /> The bravest ever sung or writ;<br /> Their loves the love of Juliet,<br /> Of Portia, Desdemona, yea,<br /> The old true loves are living yet;<br /> And we, we love, we weep, we sigh,<br /> In love with loves that will not die.</p> <p>VII</p> <p>Then take her, lover, sword in hand,<br /> Hot-blooded and red-handed, clasp<br /> Her sudden, stormy, tall and grand,<br /> And lift her in your iron grasp<br /> And kiss her, kiss her till she cries<br /> From keen, sweet, happy, killing pain.<br /> Aye, kiss her till she seeming dies;<br /> Aye, kiss her till she dies, and then,<br /> Why kiss her back to life again!</p> <p>VIII</p> <p>I love all things that truly love,<br /> I love the low-voiced cooing dove<br /> In wooing time, he woos so true,<br /> His soft notes fall so overfull<br /> Of love they thrill me through and through.<br /> But when the thunder-throated bull<br /> Upheaves his head and shakes the air<br /> With eloquence and battle&#039;s blare,<br /> And roars and tears the earth to woo,<br /> I like his warlike wooing too.</p> <p>IX</p> <p>Yet best to love that lover is<br /> Who loves all things beneath the sun,<br /> Then finds all fair things injust one,<br /> And finds all fortune in one kiss.</p> <p>X</p> <p>How wisely born, how more than wise,<br /> How wisely learned must be that soul<br /> Who loves all earth, all Paradise,<br /> All people, places, pole to pole,<br /> Yet in one kiss includes the whole!</p> <p>XI</p> <p>Give me a lover ever bold,<br /> A lover clean, keen, sword in hand,<br /> Like to those white-plumed knights of old<br /> Whose loves held honor in the land;<br /> Those men with hot blood in their veins<br /> And hot, swift, iron hand to kill—<br /> Those women loving well the chains<br /> That bound them fast against their will;<br /> Yet loved and lived—are living still.</p> <p>XII</p> <p>Enough: the bronzed man launched his boat,<br /> A faithful dwarf clutched at the oar,<br /> And Boreas began to roar<br /> As if to break his burly throat.</p> <p>XIII</p> <p>Down, down by basalt palisade,<br /> Down, down by bleakest ice-piled isle!<br /> The mute, dwarf water rat afraid?<br /> The water rat it could but smile<br /> To hear the cold, wild waters roar<br /> Against his savage Arctic shore.</p> <p>XIV</p> <p>But now he listened, gave a shout,<br /> A startled cry, akin to fear.<br /> The hand of God had reached swift out<br /> And locked, as in an iron vise,<br /> The whole white world in blue-black ice,<br /> And daylight scarce seemed living more.<br /> The day, the year, the world, lay dead.<br /> With star-tipt candles foot and head;<br /> Great stars, that burn a whole half year,<br /> Stood forth, five-horned, and near, so near!</p> <p>XV</p> <p>The ghost-white day scarce drew a breath,<br /> The dying day shrank to a span;<br /> There was no life save that of man<br /> And woolly dogs—man, dogs, and death!<br /> The sun, a mass of molten gold,<br /> Surged feebly up, then sudden rolled<br /> Right back as in a beaten track<br /> And left the white world to the moon<br /> And five-horned stars of gleaming gold;<br /> Such stars as sang in silent rune—<br /> And oh, the cold, such killing cold<br /> As few have felt and none have told!</p> <p>XVI</p> <p>And now he knew the last dim light<br /> Lay on yon ice-shaft, steep and far,<br /> Where stood one bold, triumphant star,<br /> And he would dare the gleaming height,<br /> Would see the death-bed of the day,<br /> Whatever fate might make of it.<br /> A foolish thing, yet were it fit<br /> That he who dared to love, to say,<br /> To live, should look the last of Light<br /> Full in the face, then go his way<br /> All silent into lasting night<br /> As he had left her, on her height?</p> <p>XVII</p> <p>He climbed, he climbed, he neared at last<br /> The Golden Fleece of flitting Light!<br /> When sudden as an eagle&#039;s flight—<br /> An eagle frightened from its nest<br /> That crowns the topmost, rock-reared crest—<br /> It swooped, it drooped, it, dying, passed.</p> <p>XVIII</p> <p>As when some sunny, poppy day<br /> The Mariposa scatters gold<br /> The while he takes his happy flight,<br /> Like star dust when the day is old,<br /> So passed his Light and all was night</p> <p>XIX</p> <p>Some star-like scattered flecks of gold<br /> Flashed from the far and fading wings<br /> That kept the sky, like living things—<br /> Then oh, the cold, the cruel cold!<br /> The light, the life of him had past,<br /> The spirit of the day had fled;<br /> The lover of God&#039;s first-born, Light,<br /> Descended, mourning for his dead.<br /> The last of light, the very last<br /> He deemed that he should look upon<br /> Until God&#039;s everlasting dawn<br /> Beyond this dread half year of night<br /> Had fled forever from his sight.</p> <p>XX</p> <p>Twas death to go, thrice death to stay.<br /> Turn back, go southward, seek the sun?<br /> Yea, better die in search of light,<br /> Die boldly, face set forth for day,<br /> As many dauntless men have done,<br /> Than wail at fate and house with night.</p> <p>XXI</p> <p>Some woolly dogs, a low, dwarf-chief—<br /> His trained thews stood him now in stead —<br /> Broad snow-shoes, skins, a laden sled.—<br /> That moon was as a brazen thief<br /> That dares to mock, laugh, and carouse!<br /> It followed, followed everywhere;<br /> He hid his face, that moon was there.<br /> Such painful light, such piteous pain!<br /> It broke into his very brain,<br /> As breaks a burglar in a house.</p> <p>XXII</p> <p>Scarce seen, a change came, slow, so slow!<br /> That moon sank slowly out of sight,<br /> The lower world of gleaming white<br /> Took on a somber band of woe,<br /> A wall of umber &#039;round about,<br /> So dim at first you could but doubt,<br /> That change there was, day after day—<br /> Nay, nay, not day, I can but say<br /> Sleep after sleep, sleep after sleep—<br /> That band grew darker, deep, more deep,<br /> Until there girt a dense-dark wall,<br /> A low, black wall of ebon hue,<br /> Oppressive, deathlike as a pall;<br /> It walked with you, close compassed you,<br /> While not one thread of light shot through.<br /> Above the black a gird of brown<br /> Soft blending into amber hue,<br /> And then from out the cobalt blue<br /> Great, massive, golden stars swung down<br /> Like tow&#039;rd lights of mountain town.</p> <p>XXIII</p> <p>At last the moon moved gaunt and slow,<br /> Half veiled her hollow, hungry face<br /> In amber, kept unsteady pace<br /> High up her star-set wall of snow,<br /> Nor scarcely deigned to look below.</p> <p>XXIV</p> <p>Then far beyond, above the night,<br /> Above the umber, amber hue,<br /> Above the lean moon&#039;s blare and blight,<br /> One mighty ice shaft shimmered through;<br /> One gleaming peak, as white, as lone<br /> As you could think the great white throne<br /> Stood up against the cobalt blue,<br /> And kept companion with the stars<br /> Despite dusk walls or umber bars.</p> <p>XXV</p> <p>That wall, that hideous prison wall,<br /> That blackness, umber, amber hue,<br /> It cumbers you, encircles you,<br /> It mantles as a hearse&#039;s pall.<br /> Your eyes lift to the star-pricked sky,<br /> You lift your frosted face, you pray<br /> That e&#039;en the sickly moon might stay<br /> A time, if but to see you die.<br /> Yet how it blinds you, body, soul!<br /> You can no longer keep control.<br /> Your feebled senses fall astray:<br /> You cannot think, you dare not say.</p> <p>XXVI</p> <p>And now such under gleam of light,<br /> Such blazing, flaming, frightful glare;<br /> Such sudden, deadly, lightning gleam,<br /> Some like a monstrous, mad nightmare—<br /> Such hideous light, born of such night!<br /> It burst, with changeful interval,<br /> From out the ice beneath the wall,<br /> From out the groaning, surging stream<br /> That breathed, or tried to breathe, in vain,<br /> That struggled, strangled, shrieked with pain!<br /> &#039;Twas as if he of Patmos read,<br /> Sat by with burning pen and said,<br /> With piteous and prophetic voice,<br /> &quot;The earth shall pass with rustling noise.&quot;</p> <p>XXVII</p> <p>Swift out the ice-crack, fiery red,<br /> Swift up the umber wall and back,<br /> Then &#039;round and &#039;round, up, down and back,<br /> The sudden lightning sped and sped,<br /> Until the walls hung burnished red,<br /> An instant red, then yellow, white;<br /> With something more than earthly light.</p> <p>XXVIII</p> <p>It blinds your eyes until they burn,<br /> Until you dare not look or turn,<br /> But think of him who saw and told<br /> The story of, the glory of,<br /> The jasper walls, the streets of gold,<br /> Where trails God&#039;s unseen garments&#039; hem<br /> The holy New Jerusalem.</p> <p>XXIX</p> <p>Then while he trudged he tried to think—<br /> And then another sudden light,<br /> Or red or yellow, blue or white,<br /> Burst up from out the very brink<br /> Of where he passed and, left or right,<br /> It burnished yet again the walls!<br /> Then up, straight up against the stars<br /> That seemed as jostled, rent with jars!<br /> Then silent night. Where next and when?<br /> Then blank, black interval, and then—<br /> And oh, those blank, dread intervals,<br /> This writing on the umber walls!</p> <p>XXX</p> <p>The blazing Borealis passed,<br /> The umber walls fell down at last<br /> And left the great cathedral stars,—<br /> The five-horned stars, blent, burnished bars<br /> Of gold, red, gleaming, blinding gold—<br /> And still the cold, the killing cold!</p> <p>XXXI</p> <p>The moon resumed all heaven now,<br /> She shepherded the stars below<br /> Along her wide, white steeps of snow,<br /> Nor stooped nor rested, where or how,<br /> She bared her full white breast, she dared<br /> The sun e&#039;er show his face again.<br /> She seemed to know no change, she kept<br /> Carousal constantly, nor slept,<br /> Nor turned aside a breath, nor spared<br /> The fearful meaning, the mad pain,<br /> The weary eyes, the poor, dazed brain<br /> That came at last to feel, to see<br /> The dread, dead touch of lunacy.</p> <p>XXXII</p> <p>How loud the silence! Oh, how loud!<br /> How more than beautiful the shroud<br /> Of dead Light in the moon-mad north<br /> When great torch-tipping stars stand forth<br /> Above the black, slow-moving pall<br /> As at some fearful funeral!</p> <p>XXXIII</p> <p>The moon blares as mad trumpets blare<br /> To marshaled warriors long and loud:<br /> The cobalt blue knows not a cloud,<br /> But oh, beware that moon, beware<br /> Her ghostly, graveyard, moon-mad stare!</p> <p>XXXIV</p> <p>Beware. white silence more than white!<br /> Beware the five-horned starry rune;<br /> Beware the groaning gorge below;<br /> Beware the wide, white world of snow,<br /> Where trees hang white as hooded nun—<br /> No thing not white, not one, not one,<br /> But most beware that mad white moon.</p> <p>XXXV</p> <p>All day, all day, all night, all night—<br /> Nay, nay, not yet or night or day.<br /> Just whiteness, whiteness, ghastly white<br /> Made doubly white by that mad moon<br /> And strange stars jangled out of tune!</p> <p>XXXVI</p> <p>At last he saw, or seemed to see,<br /> Above, beyond, another world.<br /> Far up the ice-hung path there curled<br /> A red-veined cloud, a canopy<br /> That topt the fearful ice-built peak<br /> That seemed to prop the very porch<br /> Of God&#039;s house; then, as if a torch<br /> Burned fierce, there flashed a fiery streak,<br /> A flush, a blush on heaven&#039;s cheek!</p> <p>XXXVII</p> <p>The dogs sat down, men sat the sled<br /> And watched the flush, the blush of red.<br /> The little woolly dogs they knew,<br /> Yet scarce knew what they were about.<br /> They thrust their noses up and out,<br /> They drank the Light, what else to do?<br /> Their little feet, so worn, so true,<br /> Could scare keep quiet for delight.<br /> They knew, they knew, how much they knew,<br /> The mighty breaking up of night!<br /> Their bright eyes sparkled with such joy<br /> That they at last should see loved Light!<br /> The tandem sudden broke all rule,<br /> Swung back, each leaping like a boy<br /> Let loose from some dark, ugly school—<br /> Leaped up and tried to lick his hand —<br /> Stood up as happy children stand.</p> <p>XXXVIII</p> <p>How tenderly God&#039;s finger set<br /> His crimson flower on that height.<br /> Above the battered walls of night!<br /> A little space it flourished yet,<br /> And then His angel, His first-born,<br /> Burst through, as on that primal morn!</p> <p>XXXIX</p> <p>His right hand held a sword of flame,<br /> His left hand javelins of light,<br /> And swift down, down, right down he came!<br /> His bright wings wide as the wide sky,<br /> And right and left, and hip and thigh,<br /> He smote the marshaled hosts of night<br /> With all his majesty and might.</p> <p>XL</p> <p>The scared moon paled and she forgot<br /> Her pomp and pride and turned to fly.<br /> The ice-heaved palisades, the high<br /> Heaved peaks that propped God&#039;s house, the stars<br /> That flamed above the prison bars,<br /> As battle stars with fury fraught,<br /> Were burned to ruin and were not.</p> <p>XLI</p> <p>Then glad earth shook her raiment wide,<br /> And free and far, and stood up tall,<br /> As some proud woman, satisfied,<br /> Forgets, and yet remembers all.<br /> She stood exultant, till her form,<br /> A queen above some battle storm,<br /> Blazed with the glory, the delight<br /> Of battle with the hosts of night.<br /> And night was broken. Light at last<br /> Lay on the Yukon. Night had passed.</p> <p>CANTO III</p> <p>I</p> <p>Thw days grew longer, stronger, yet<br /> The strong man grew then as a child.<br /> Too hard the tension and too wild<br /> The terror; he could not forget.<br /> And now at last when Light was, now<br /> He could not see nor lift his eyes,<br /> Nor lift a hand in any wise.<br /> It was as when a race is won<br /> By some strong favorite athlete,<br /> Then sinks down dying at your feet.</p> <p>II</p> <p>The red chief led him on and on<br /> To his high lodge by gorged Yukon<br /> And housed him kindly as his own,<br /> Blind, broken, dazed, and so alone!</p> <p>III</p> <p>The low bark lodge was desolate,<br /> And deathly cold by night, by day.<br /> Poor, hungered children of the snows,<br /> They heaped the fire as he froze,<br /> Did all they could, yet what could they<br /> But pity his most piteous fate<br /> And pitying, silent, watch and wait?</p> <p>IV</p> <p>His face was ever to the wall<br /> Or buried in his skins; the light—<br /> He could not bear the light of day<br /> Nor bear the heaped-up flame at night—<br /> Not bear one touch of light at all<br /> There are no pains, no sharp death throes,<br /> So dread as blindness of the snows.</p> <p>V</p> <p>He thought of home, he thought of her,<br /> Thought most of her, and pictured how<br /> She walked in springtime splendor where<br /> Warm sea winds twined her heavy hair<br /> In great Greek braids piled fold on fold,<br /> Or loosely blown, as poppy&#039;s gold.</p> <p>VI</p> <p>And then he thought of her afar<br /> Mid follies, and his soul at war<br /> With self, self will, and iron fate<br /> Grew as a blackened thing of hate!<br /> And then he prayed forgiveness, prayed<br /> As one in sin and sore afraid.</p> <p>VII</p> <p>And praying so he dreamed, he dreamed<br /> She sat there looking in his face,<br /> Sat silent by in that dread-place,<br /> Sat silent weeping, so it seemed,<br /> Sat still, sat weeping silently.<br /> He saw her tears and yet he knew,<br /> The blind man knew he could not see,<br /> Scarce hope to see for years and years.<br /> And then he seemed to hear her tears,<br /> To hear them steal her loose hair through<br /> And gently fall, as falls the dew<br /> And still, small rain of summer morn,<br /> That makes for harvests, yellow corn.</p> <p>VIII</p> <p>He raised his hand, he touched her hair;<br /> He did not start; he did not say;<br /> It seemed that she was surely there;<br /> He only questioned would she stay.<br /> How glad he was! Why, now, what care<br /> For hunger, blindness, blinding pain,<br /> Could he but touch her hair again?</p> <p>IX</p> <p>He heard her rise, give quick command<br /> To patient, skin-clad, savage man<br /> To heap the wood, come, go, and then<br /> Go feed their woolly friends at hand,<br /> To bring fresh stores, still heap fresh flame,<br /> Then go, then come, as morning came.</p> <p>X</p> <p>All seemed so real! He dared not stir,<br /> Lest he might break this dream of her.<br /> How holy, holy sweet her voice,<br /> Like benediction o&#039;er the dead!<br /> So glad he was, so grateful he,<br /> And thanking God most fervently,<br /> Forgot his plight, forgot his pain,<br /> And deep at heart did he rejoice;<br /> Yet prayed he might not wake again<br /> To peril, blindness, piteous pain,</p> <p>XI</p> <p>Then, as he hid his face, she came<br /> And leaned quite near and took his hand.<br /> &#039;Twas cold, &#039;twas very cold, &#039;twas thin<br /> And bony, black, just skin and bone,<br /> Just bone and wrinkled mummy-skin.<br /> She held it out against the flame,<br /> Then pressed it with her two warm hands.<br /> It seemed as she could feel the sands<br /> Of life slow sift to shadow land.<br /> Close on his hurt eyes she laid hand,<br /> The while she, wearied, nodded, slept.<br /> The flame burned low, the wind&#039;s wild moan<br /> Awakened her. Cold as a stone<br /> His starved form, shrunken to a shade,<br /> Stretched in the darkness, and, dismayed,<br /> She put the robes back and she crept<br /> Close down beside and softly laid<br /> Her warm, strong form to his and slept,<br /> The while her dusk men vigil kept.</p> <p>XII</p> <p>That long, long night, that needed rest!<br /> Then flames at morn; her precious store<br /> Heaped hard byon the earthen floor<br /> While mute brown men, starved men, stood by<br /> To wait the slightest breath or sigh<br /> Or sign of wakening request—<br /> What silence, patience, trust! What rest!<br /> Of all good things, I say the best<br /> Beneath God&#039;s sun is rest, and—rest.</p> <p>XIII</p> <p>She slowly wakened from her sleep<br /> To find him sleeping, silent, deep!<br /> What food for all, what feast for all,<br /> To chief or slave, or great or small,<br /> Ranged round the flaming, glowing heap—<br /> Such lank, lean flank, such hungry zest!<br /> Such reach of limb, such rest, such rest!</p> <p>XIV</p> <p>Why, he had gone, had gladly gone<br /> In quest of his eternal Light,<br /> Beyond all dolours, that dread night,<br /> Had she not reached her hand and drawn,<br /> Hard drawn him back and held him so,<br /> Held him so hard he could not go.<br /> And yet he lingered by the brink,<br /> As dulled and dazed as you can think—<br /> Long, long he lingered, helpless lay,<br /> A babe, a broken pot of clay.</p> <p>XV</p> <p>She made a broader couch, she sat<br /> All day beside and held his hand<br /> Lest he might sudden slip away.<br /> And she all night beside him lay,<br /> Lest these last grains of sinking sand<br /> Might in the still night slip and pass,<br /> With none at hand to turn the glass.</p> <p>XVI</p> <p>And did the red men prate thereat?<br /> Why, they had laid them down and died<br /> For her, those simple dusky sons<br /> Of nature, children of the snows,<br /> Born where the ice-bound river runs,<br /> Born where the Arctic torrent flows.<br /> Look you for evil? Look for ill<br /> Or good, you find just what you will.</p> <p>XVII</p> <p>He spake no more than babe might speak:<br /> His eyes were as the kitten&#039;s eyes<br /> That open slowly with surprise<br /> Then close as if to sleep a week;<br /> But still he held, as if he knew,<br /> The warm, strong hand, the healthful hand,<br /> The dauntless, daring hand and true,<br /> Nor, while he waked, would his unfold,<br /> But held, as drowning man might hold<br /> Who hopes no more of life or land,<br /> But, as from habit, clutches hand.</p> <p>XVIII</p> <p>Once, as she thought he surely slept,<br /> She slowly drew herself aside,<br /> He thrust his hand as terrified,<br /> Caught back her hand, kissed it and wept.<br /> Then she, too, wept, wept tears like rain,<br /> Her first warm, welcome happy tears,<br /> Drew in her breath, put by her fears<br /> And knew she had not dared in vain.</p> <p>XIX</p> <p>Yet day by day, hard on the brink<br /> He hung with half-averted head,<br /> As silent, listless, as the dead,<br /> As sad to see as you can think.<br /> Their lorn lodge sat the terraced steep<br /> Above the wide, wild, groaning stream<br /> That, like some monster in a dream,<br /> Cried out in broken, breathless sleep;<br /> And looking down, night after night,<br /> She saw leap forth that sword of Light.</p> <p>XX</p> <p>She guessed, she knew the flaming sword<br /> That turned which way to watch and ward<br /> And guard the wall and ever guard<br /> The Tree of Life, as it is writ.<br /> The hand, the hilt, she could not see,<br /> Nor yet the true, life-giving tree,<br /> Nor cherubim that cherished it,<br /> But yet she saw the flaming sword,<br /> As written in the Book, the Word.</p> <p>XXI</p> <p>She held his hand, he did not stir,<br /> And as she nightly sat and sat,<br /> She silent gazed and guessed thereat.<br /> His fancies seemed to come to her;<br /> She could not see the Tree of Life,<br /> How fair it grew or where it grew,<br /> But this she knew and surely knew,<br /> That gleaming sword meant holy strife<br /> To keep and guard the Tree of Life.</p> <p>XXII</p> <p>Oh, flaming sword, rest not nor rust!<br /> The Tree of Life is hewn and torn,<br /> The Tree of Life is bowed and worn,<br /> The Tree of Life is in the dust.<br /> Hew brute man down, hew branch and root,<br /> Till he may spare the Tree of Life,<br /> The pale, the piteous woman, wife—<br /> Till he shall learn, as learn he must,<br /> To lift her fair face from the dust.</p> <p>XXIII</p> <p>She watched the wabbly moose at morn<br /> Climb steeply up the further steep,<br /> Huge, solitary and forlorn.<br /> She saw him climb, turn, look and keep<br /> Scared watch, this wild, ungainly beast,<br /> This mateless, lost thing and the last<br /> That roamed before and since the flood—<br /> That climbed and climbed the topmost hill<br /> As if he heard the deluge still.</p> <p>XXIV</p> <p>The sparse, brown children of the snow<br /> Began to stir, as sap is stirred<br /> In springtime by the song of bird,<br /> And trudge by, wearily and slow,<br /> Beneath their load of dappled skins<br /> That weighed them down as weighty sins.</p> <p>XXV</p> <p>And oft they paused, turned and looked back<br /> Along their desolate white track,<br /> With arched hand raised to shield their eyes—<br /> Looked back as if for something lost<br /> Or left behind, of precious cost,<br /> Sad-eyed and silent, mutely wise,<br /> As just expelled from Paradise.</p> <p>XXVI</p> <p>How sad their dark, fixed faces seemed,<br /> As if of long-remembered sins!<br /> They listless moved, as if they dreamed,<br /> As if they knew not where to go<br /> In all their wide, white world of snow.<br /> She could but think upon the day<br /> God made them garments from the skins<br /> Of beasts, then turned and bade them go,<br /> Go forth as willed they, to and fro.</p> <p>XXVII</p> <p>Between the cloud-capt walls of snow<br /> A wide-winged raven, croaking low,.<br /> Passed and repassed, each weary day,<br /> And would not rest, not go, not stay,<br /> But ever, ever to and fro,<br /> As when forth from the ark of old;<br /> And ever as he passed, each day<br /> Let fall one croak, so cold, so cold<br /> It seemed to strike the ice below<br /> And break in fragments hard as fate;<br /> It fell so cold, so desolate.</p> <p>XXVIII</p> <p>At last the sun hung hot and high,<br /> Hung where that heartless moon had hung.<br /> A dove-hued moose bird sudden sung<br /> And had glad answerings hard by;<br /> The icy steeps began to pour<br /> Mad tumult down the rock-built steep.<br /> The great Yukon began to roar,<br /> As if with pain in broken sleep.<br /> The breaking ice began to groan,<br /> The very mountains seemed to moan.</p> <p>XXIX</p> <p>Then, bursting like a cannon&#039;s boom,<br /> The great stream broke its icy bands,<br /> And rushed and ran with outstretched hands<br /> That laid hard hold the willow lands,<br /> Rent wide the somber, gopher gloom<br /> And roared for room, for room, for room!</p> <p>XXX</p> <p>The stalwart moose climbed hard his steep,<br /> Climbed till he wallowed, brisket deep,<br /> In soft&#039;ning, sinking steeps of snow,<br /> Then raging, turned to look below.</p> <p>XXXI</p> <p>He tossed, shook high his antlered head,<br /> Blew blast on blast through his huge nose,<br /> Then, wild with savage rage and fright,<br /> He climbed, climbed to the highest height,<br /> As if he felt the flood once more<br /> Had come to swallow sea and shore.</p> <p>XXXII</p> <p>The waters sank, the man uprose,<br /> A boat of skins, his Eskimo,<br /> Then down from out the world of snow<br /> They passed to seas of calm repose<br /> Where wide sails waited, warm sea wind,<br /> For mango isles and tamarind.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/joaquin-miller" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Joaquin Miller</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1907</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/joaquin-miller/light-book-second" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="Light - Book Second" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Fri, 21 Apr 2017 21:00:01 +0000 mrbot 7564 at https://www.textarchiv.com Light - Book First https://www.textarchiv.com/joaquin-miller/light-book-first <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>CANTO I</p> <p>I</p> <p>Ayucca crowned in creamy bloom,<br /> A yucca freighted with perfume,<br /> Breathed fragrance up the blossomed steep;<br /> The warm sea winds lay half asleep,<br /> Lay drowsing in the dreamy wold<br /> By Saint Francisco&#039;s tawny Bay,<br /> As if to fold, forever fold,<br /> Worn, wearied wings and rest alway<br /> In careless, languid Arcady.</p> <p>II</p> <p>Some clean, lean Eucalyptus trees,<br /> Wind-torn and tossing to the blue,<br /> Kept ward above the silent two<br /> Who sat the fragrant sundown seas<br /> Above the sounding Golden Gate<br /> Nor questioned overmuch of fate;<br /> For she was dowered, gold on gold,<br /> With wealth of face and form untold!<br /> And he was proud and passionate.</p> <p>III</p> <p>Ten thousand miles of mobile sea —<br /> This sea of all seas blent as one<br /> Wide, unbound book of mystery,<br /> Of awe, of sibyl prophecy,<br /> Ere yet a ghost or misty ken<br /> Of God&#039;s far, first Beginning when<br /> Vast darkness lay upon the deep;<br /> As when God&#039;s spirit moved upon<br /> Such waters cradled in such sleep<br /> Such night as never yet knew dawn,<br /> Such night as weird atallaph weaves<br /> But never mortal man conceives.</p> <p>IV</p> <p>He looked to heaven, God; but she<br /> Saw only his face and the sea.<br /> He said—his fond face leaned to hers,<br /> The warmest of God&#039;s worshipers —<br /> &quot;In the beginning? Where and when,<br /> Before the fashioning of men,<br /> Swung first His high lamps to and fro,<br /> To light us as we please to go?<br /> And where the waters, dark deeps when<br /> God spake, and said,&#039;Let there be light&#039;?<br /> They still house where they housed, as then,<br /> Dark curtained with majestic night—<br /> Dusk Silence, in travail of Light<br /> That knew not man or man&#039;s, at all —<br /> Steel battle-ship or wood-built wall.</p> <p>V</p> <p>&quot;Aye, these, these were the waters when<br /> God spake and knew His fair first-born—<br /> That silent, new-born baby morn,<br /> Such eons ere the noise of men.<br /> His Southern Cross, high-built about<br /> The deep, set in a town of stars,<br /> Commemorates, forbids a doubt:<br /> That here first fell God&#039;s golden bars—<br /> Red bars, with soft, white silver blent,<br /> Broad sown from sapphire firmament.</p> <p>VI</p> <p>&quot;Behold what wave-lights leap and run<br /> Swift up the shale from out the sea<br /> Inwove with silver, gold and sun!<br /> Light lingers in the tawny mane<br /> Of wild oats waving lazily<br /> Far upon the climbing poppy plain;<br /> Far up yon steeps of dusk and dawn—<br /> Black night, white light, inwound as one.<br /> But when, when fell that far, first dawn<br /> With ways of gold to walk upon?</p> <p>VII</p> <p>&quot;I know not when, but only know<br /> That darkness lay upon yon deep,<br /> Lay cradled, as a child asleep,<br /> And that God&#039;s spirit moved upon<br /> These waters ere the burst of dawn<br /> When first His high lamps to and fro<br /> Swung forth to guide which way to go.</p> <p>VIII</p> <p>&quot;I only know that Silence keeps<br /> High court forever still hereon,<br /> That Silence lords alone these deeps,<br /> The silence of God&#039;s house, and keeps<br /> Inviolate yon water&#039;s face.<br /> As if still His abiding place,<br /> As ere that far, first burst of dawn<br /> Ere fretful man set sail upon.</p> <p>IX</p> <p>&quot;The deeps,&quot; he mused, are still, as when<br /> Dusk Silence kept her curtained bed<br /> Low moaning for the birth of dawn,<br /> When she should push black night aside,<br /> As some ghoul nightmare most abhorred—<br /> When she might laughing look upon<br /> God&#039;s first-born glory, holy Light —<br /> As when fond Eve exulting cried,<br /> In mother-pain, with mother-pride,<br /> &quot;Behold the fair first-born of men!<br /> I gat a man-child of the Lord!&quot;</p> <p>X</p> <p>As one discerning some sweet nook<br /> Of wild oats, mantling yellow, pink,<br /> Will pass, then turn and turn to look,<br /> Then pass again to think and think,<br /> Then try to not turn back again,<br /> But try and try to quite forget<br /> And, sighing, try and try in vain;<br /> So you would turn and turn again<br /> To her, her girlish woman&#039;s grace —<br /> Full-flowered yet fond baby&#039;s face.</p> <p>XI</p> <p>Her wide, sweet mouth, an opened rose,<br /> Pushed out, reached out, as if to kiss;<br /> A mobile mouth in proud repose<br /> This moment, then unlike to this<br /> As storm to calm, as day to night,<br /> As sullen darkness to swift light;<br /> This new-made woman was, the sun<br /> And surged sea interwound in one.</p> <p>XII</p> <p>Her proud and ample lips pushed out<br /> As kissing sea-winds unaware;<br /> And then they arched in angry pout,<br /> As if she cared yet did not care.<br /> Then lightning lit her great, wide eyes,<br /> As if black thunder walled the skies,<br /> And all things took some touch of her,<br /> The while she stood nor deigned to stir:<br /> The while she saw with vision dim—<br /> Saw all things, yet saw only him.</p> <p>XIII</p> <p>Such eyes as compass all the skies,<br /> That see all things yet naught have seen;<br /> Such eyes of love or sorrow&#039;s eyes—<br /> A martyr or a Magdalene?<br /> How sad that all great souls are sad!<br /> How sad that gladness is not glad—<br /> That Love&#039;s sad sister is sweet Pain,<br /> That only lips of beauty drain<br /> Life&#039;s full-brimmed, glittering goblet dry,<br /> And only drain the cup to die!</p> <p>XIV</p> <p>The yellow of her poppy hair<br /> was as red gold is, when at rest;<br /> But when aroused was as the west<br /> In sunset flame and then— take care!<br /> Her tall, free-fashioned, supple form<br /> Was now some sudden, tropic storm;<br /> Was now some lily leaned at play.<br /> What sea and sun, sunshine and shower,<br /> Full flowered ere the noon of day,<br /> Full June ere yet the morn of May,<br /> This sun-born blossom of an hour—<br /> Precocious Californian flower!</p> <p>XV</p> <p>She answered not but looked away<br /> With brown hand arched above her brow,—<br /> As peers, a boatman from his prow,—<br /> To where white sea-doves wheeled at play.<br /> She watched them long, then turned and sighed<br /> And looking in his face she cried,<br /> While blushing prettily, &quot;Behold,<br /> There is no mateless dove, not one!<br /> And see! not one unhappy dove,<br /> Ten thousand circling in the sun,<br /> Entangled as the mesh of fate,<br /> Yet each remains as true as gold<br /> And constant courts his pretty mate.<br /> See here! See there! Behold, above—<br /> I think each dove would die for love.&quot;<br /> He watched the shallows spume the shore<br /> And fleck the shelly, drifting shale,<br /> Then far at sea his swift eyes swept<br /> Where one tall, stately, snow-white sail<br /> Its silent course majestic kept<br /> And gloried in its alien mood,.<br /> As his own soul in solitude</p> <p>XVI</p> <p>&quot;The shallows murmur and complain,<br /> The shallows turn with wind and tide,<br /> They fringe with froth and moil the main;<br /> They wail and will not be denied—<br /> Poor, puny babes, unsatisfied!</p> <p>XVII</p> <p>&quot;The lighthouse clings her beetling steep<br /> Above the rock-sown, ragged shore<br /> Where Scylla and Charybdis roar<br /> And dangers lurk and shallows keep<br /> Mad tumult in the house of sleep.<br /> The shallows moan and moan alway—<br /> The deeps have not one word to say.</p> <p>XVIII</p> <p>&quot;I reckon Silence as a grace<br /> That was ere light had name or place;<br /> A saint enshrined ere hand was laid<br /> To fashioning of man or maid.<br /> For, storm or calm, or sun or shade,<br /> Fair Silence never truth betrayed;<br /> For, ocean deep or dappled sky,<br /> Saint Silence never told a lie.&quot;</p> <p>CANTO II</p> <p>I</p> <p>From out the surge of Sutro&#039;s steep,<br /> Beyond the Gate a rock uprears,<br /> So sudden, savage, unawares<br /> The very billows start and leap,<br /> As frightened at its lifted face,<br /> So shoreless, sealess, out of place:<br /> A sea-washed, surge-locked isle, as lone<br /> As lorn Napoleon on his throne —<br /> His Saint Helena throne, where still<br /> The dazed world in dumb wonder turns<br /> To his high throned, imperious will<br /> And incense burns and ever burns.<br /> Here huge sea-lions climb and cling,<br /> Despite of surge and sethe and shock,<br /> The topmost limit of the rock,<br /> And one is named Napoleon, king.<br /> Behold him lord the land, the sea,.<br /> In lone, unquestioned majesty!</p> <p>II</p> <p>She saw, she raised alert her head<br /> With eager face and cheery said:<br /> &quot;What lusty, upheaved, bull-built neck!<br /> What lungs to lift above the roar!<br /> What captain on his quarter-deck<br /> To mock the sea and scorn the shore!<br /> I like that scar across his breast,<br /> I like his ardent, lover&#039;s zest!&quot;</p> <p>III</p> <p>The huge sea-beast uprose, uprose,<br /> As if to surely topple down;<br /> He reached his black and bearded nose<br /> Above his harem, gray, black, brown,<br /> Sleek, shining, wet or steaming dry,<br /> And mouthed and mouthed against the sky.</p> <p>IV</p> <p>What eloquence, what hot love pain!<br /> What land but this, what love but his?<br /> What isle of bliss but this and this<br /> To roar and love and roar again?<br /> What land, what love but this his own,<br /> Loud thundered from his slippery throne;<br /> Loud thundered in his Sappho&#039;s ear,<br /> As if she could not, would not hear.</p> <p>V</p> <p>At last her heart was moved and she<br /> Raised two bright eyes to his black beard,<br /> Then sudden turned, as if she feared,<br /> And threw her headlong in the sea,<br /> Another Sappho, all for love.<br /> While Phaon towered still above—<br /> An instant only; yet once more<br /> That upheaved head, that great bull neck,<br /> That sea-born, bossed, bull-throated roar—<br /> A poise, a plunge, a flash, a fleck,<br /> And far down, caverned in the deep,<br /> Where sea-green curtains swing and sweep<br /> And varicolored carpets creep,<br /> Soft emerald or amethyst,<br /> Two lion lovers kept sweet tryst.</p> <p>VI</p> <p>She looked, looked long, then smiled, then sighed,<br /> A proud, pure soul unsatisfied,<br /> Then sat dense grasses suddenly<br /> And thrust a foot above the sea.<br /> She threw her backward, arms wide out,<br /> And up the poppy-spangled steep<br /> O&#039;er grass-set cushions sown in gold,<br /> As she would sleep yet would not sleep.<br /> She reached her wide hands fast about<br /> And grasses, gold and manifold,<br /> Of lowly blossoms, pink and blue,<br /> She gathered in and laughing threw,<br /> With bare-armed, heedless, happy grace—<br /> Threw fragrant handfuls in his face.<br /> And then as if to sleep she lay,<br /> A babe nursed at the breast of May —<br /> Lay back with wide eyes to the skies<br /> And clouds of wondrous butterflies;<br /> Such Mariposa blooms in air!<br /> Such bloomy, golden, poppy hair!<br /> And which were hers or poppy&#039;s gold<br /> Without close care none could have told;<br /> And which were butterflies or bloom,<br /> To guess there was not guessing room,<br /> The while, in quest of sweets or rest,<br /> They fanned her face, they kissed her breast.</p> <p>VII</p> <p>That face like to a lilt of song—<br /> A face of sea-shell tint, with tide<br /> Of springtime flowing fast and strong<br /> And fearless in its maiden pride—<br /> Such rich rose ambushed in such hair<br /> Of heedless, wind-kissed, poppy gold,<br /> Blown here, blown there, blown anywhere,<br /> Soft-lifting, falling fold on fold,<br /> As made gold poppies where she lay<br /> Turn envious, turn green as May!<br /> What wise face yet what wilful face<br /> A face that would not be denied<br /> No more than gipsy winds that race<br /> The sea bank in their saucy pride;<br /> A form that knew yet only knew<br /> The natural, the human, true.</p> <p>VIII</p> <p>Those two round mounds of Nineveh,<br /> What treasures of the past they knew!<br /> But these two round mounds here to-day<br /> Hold treasures richer far than they,<br /> And prophecies more truly true.<br /> Old Nineveh&#039;s twin mounds are dust;<br /> They only know the ghostly past;<br /> But these two new mounds hold in trust<br /> The awful future, hold the vast<br /> Unbounded empire, land or sea,<br /> Henceforth, for all eternity.<br /> Let pass dead pasts; far wiser turn<br /> And delve the future; love and learn.</p> <p>IX</p> <p>It seems she dreamed. She slept, we know,<br /> A happy, quiet little space,<br /> Then thrust a round limb far below<br /> And half-way turned aside her face,<br /> And then she threw her arms wide out<br /> In sleep, and so reached blind about,<br /> As if for something she might find<br /> From fortune-telling, gipsy wind.</p> <p>X</p> <p>The soft, warm winds from far away<br /> Were weary, and they crept so near<br /> They lay against her willing ear<br /> As if they had so much to say.<br /> And she, she seemed so glad to hear<br /> The while she loving, sleeping lay<br /> And dreamed of love nor dreamed of doubt,<br /> But laughing thrust her form far out<br /> And down the fragrant poppy steep<br /> In playful, restless, happy sleep.<br /> She sighed, she heaved her hilly breast,<br /> As one who would but could not rest.</p> <p>XI</p> <p>How natural, how free, how fair,<br /> The while the happy winds on wing,<br /> As larger butterflies, laid bare<br /> A rippled, braided rim of white<br /> And outstretched ankles exquisite.<br /> What arms to hold a babe at breast —<br /> Such breast as prudist never guessed!<br /> What shapely limbs, what everything<br /> That makes great woman great and good—<br /> That makes for proud, pure motherhood!</p> <p>XII</p> <p>Such thews as mount the steeps of morn,<br /> Such limbs as love, not lust shall share,<br /> Such legs as God has shaped to bear<br /> The weight of ages, worlds unborn;<br /> Such limbs as Lesbian shrines revealed<br /> When comely, longing mothers kneeled;<br /> Such thews as Phidias loved to hew,<br /> Such limbs as Leighton loved to draw<br /> When painting tall, Greek girls at play;<br /> Such legs as blind old Homer saw,<br /> As Marlowe knew but yesterday,<br /> When Helen climbed in dreams for him<br /> Her cloud-topped towers of Ilium.</p> <p>CANTO III</p> <p>I</p> <p>WHITE sea-gulls glistened in the sun —<br /> Ten thousand if a single one —<br /> And every sea-dove knew his mate.<br /> Far, far at sea, the Farallones<br /> Sent up a million plaintive moans<br /> From sea-beasts moaning love, or hate.<br /> The sun sank weary, flushed and worn,<br /> The warm sea-winds sank tattered, torn,<br /> The sun and sea lay welded, wed;<br /> The day lay crouched upon the deep<br /> Half closed, as eyes half closed in sleep,<br /> Half closed, as some good book half read.</p> <p>II</p> <p>The sea was as an opal sea<br /> Inlaid with scintillating light,<br /> Yet close about and left and right<br /> The sea lay banked and bossed in night,<br /> As black as ever night may be.</p> <p>III</p> <p>The sundown sea all sudden then<br /> Lay argent, pallid, white as death.<br /> As when some great thing dies; as when<br /> A god gasps in one final breath<br /> And heaves full length his somber bed.<br /> The sundown sea now shone, mobile,<br /> Translucent, flaming, molten steel,<br /> Red, green, then tenfold more than red,<br /> And then of every hue, a hint<br /> Of doubloons spilling from the mint,<br /> Alternate, changing, manifold,<br /> Yet melting, minting all to gold.</p> <p>IV</p> <p>Far mountain peaks flashed flecks of gold<br /> And dashed with dappled flecks the skies.<br /> &quot;Behold,&quot; said he, &quot;the fleecy fold<br /> Now slowly, surely, homeward hies.<br /> Such cobalt blue, such sheep of gold,<br /> Such gold as hath not place or name<br /> In elsewhere land, because no seer<br /> Hath seen or dauntless prophet told<br /> Where stood the loom in primal peace<br /> That wove the fair, first golden fleece.<br /> Behold, what gold-flecked flocks of Light!<br /> Ten million moving sheep of gold,<br /> Wee lambs of gold that nudge their dams,<br /> Great horned, wrinkled, heady rams!</p> <p>V</p> <p>&quot;Slow-shepherded, the golden sheep,<br /> With bent horns lowered to the deep,<br /> Come home; the hollows of the sea<br /> Receive and house them lovingly.<br /> The little lambs of Light come home<br /> And house them in the argent foam,<br /> The while He counts them every one,<br /> And shuts the Gate, for day is done.</p> <p>VI</p> <p>&quot;Aye, day is done, the dying sun<br /> Sinks wounded unto death to-night;<br /> A great, hurt swan, he sinks to rest,<br /> His wings all crimson, blood his breast!<br /> What wide, low wings, reached left and right,<br /> He sings, and night and swan are one—<br /> One huge black swan of Helicon.</p> <p>VII</p> <p>&quot;What crimson breast, what crimson wings<br /> The while he dies, and dying sings!<br /> Yet safe is housed the happy fold,<br /> The golden sheep, the fleece of gold<br /> That lured the dauntless Argonaut—<br /> The fleece that daring Jason sought.&quot;</p> <p>VIII</p> <p>She waking sighed, soft murmuring,<br /> As waters from some wood-walled spring:<br /> &quot;Oh happy, huge, horn-headed rams,<br /> To guide and lead the golden fleece,<br /> To ward the fold of fat increase<br /> Fast mated to your golden dams!<br /> With bridal gold, what golden bride,<br /> What golden twin lambs, side by side!<br /> Oh happy, happy nudging lambs,<br /> Thrice happy, happy golden dams!&#039;</p> <p>IX</p> <p>His face was still against the west;<br /> For still a flush of gold was there<br /> That.would not or that could not rest,<br /> But seemed some night bird of the air.<br /> At last, with half-averted head<br /> And dreamfully, as dreaming, said:<br /> &quot;What banker gathers yonder gold<br /> That sinks, sea-washed, beyond the deeps?<br /> Lie there no sands to house and hold<br /> This sunset gold in countless heaps?<br /> There sure must be some far, fierce land,<br /> Some Guinea shore, some fire-fed strand,<br /> Some glowing, palm-set, pathless spot<br /> Where all this sunset gold is stored,<br /> As misers gather hoard on board.<br /> There sure must be, beyond this sea,<br /> Some Argo&#039;s gold, some argosy,<br /> Some golden fleece, long since forgot,<br /> To wait the coming Argonaut.&quot;</p> <p>X</p> <p>She sprang up sudden, savagely,<br /> And flushed, and paled, looked far away,<br /> Grinding gold poppies with her heel.<br /> She could not say, she could but feel.<br /> She nothing said, because that they<br /> Who really feel can rarely say.<br /> And then she looked up, forth and far,<br /> And pointed to the pale North Star,<br /> The while her color went and came<br /> From pink to white, from frost to flame.</p> <p>XI</p> <p>For this, the one forbidden theme,<br /> The one hard, dread, unquiet dream<br /> That he should go, lead forth and far<br /> Below the triple Arctic star,<br /> As he had planned; and now to speak,<br /> To hint —she heard with pallid cheek.<br /> Hard had she tried, had fain forgot<br /> How strong, strange men were trending far<br /> Against this cold, elusive star,<br /> And he their Jason—Argonaut!</p> <p>CANTO IV</p> <p>I</p> <p>HOW passing fair, how wondrous fair<br /> This daughter of the yellow sun!<br /> Her sunlit length and strength of hair<br /> Seemed sun and gold inwound in one.<br /> How strangely silent, unaware,<br /> Unconscious quite of strength or grace<br /> Or peril of her beauteous face,<br /> She stood, the first-born of a race,<br /> A proud, new race, scarce yet begun.<br /> How tall she stood, free debonair—<br /> How stately and how supple, tall,<br /> The time she loosened and let fall<br /> Her tossed and mighty Titian hair!</p> <p>II</p> <p>So beautiful she was, as one.<br /> From out some priceless picture-book!<br /> You could but love, you had no choice<br /> But love and turn again to look.<br /> How young she was and yet how old!—<br /> Red orange ripened in the sun<br /> Where never hand had reached as yet.<br /> The calm strength of her lifted face,<br /> The low notes of her tuneful voice,<br /> Were mint-marks of that wondrous race<br /> But scarcely born nor known as yet<br /> Beyond yon yellow hills that fret<br /> Warm sea-winds with their waving pine.<br /> A princess of that royal line<br /> Of kings who came and silent passed,<br /> Yet, passing, set bold, royal hand<br /> And mighty mint-mark on the land,<br /> And set it there to last and last,<br /> As if in bronzen copper cast.</p> <p>III</p> <p>He, too, was born of men who wooed<br /> The savage walks of solitude,<br /> And hewed close, clean to nature&#039;s laws—<br /> Of men who knew not tears or fears,<br /> Of men full-sexed, yet men who knew<br /> Not sex till perfect manhood was.<br /> When men had thews of antique men,<br /> And one stood with the strength of ten;<br /> When men gat men who dared to do;.<br /> Gat men of heart who dwelt apart,<br /> As Adam dwelt, when giants grew<br /> And men as gods drew ample breath—<br /> As Adams with their thousand years,<br /> Ere drunkenness of sex had done<br /> The silly world to willing death.</p> <p>IV</p> <p>What royal parentage, what true<br /> Nobility, those men who knew<br /> The light, who chased the yellow sun<br /> From sea to sea triumphantly,<br /> And westward fought and westward won,.<br /> As never daring man had done.</p> <p>V</p> <p>They housed with God upon the height;<br /> Companioned with the peak, the pin<br /> They led the red-lit firing line.<br /> Walled &#039;round by room and room and room,<br /> They read God&#039;s open book at night,<br /> And drank His star-distilled perfume<br /> By day they dared the trackless west<br /> And chased the battling sun to rest.</p> <p>VI</p> <p>Such sad, mad marches to the sea,<br /> Such silent sacrifice, such trust!<br /> Such months of marching, misery,<br /> Such mountains heaped with heroes&#039; dust!<br /> Yet what stout thews the fearless few<br /> Who won the sea at last, who knew<br /> The cleansing fire and laid hold<br /> To hammer out their house of gold!</p> <p>VII</p> <p>Their cities zone their sea of seas,<br /> Their white tents top the mountain&#039;s crest.<br /> The coward? He trenched not with these.<br /> The weakling? He was laid to rest.<br /> Each man stood forth a man, such men<br /> As God wrought not since time began,<br /> Each man a hero, lion each.<br /> Behold what length of limb, what length<br /> Of life, of love, what daring reach<br /> To deep-hived honeycomb! What strength!<br /> How clean his hands, how stout his heart<br /> To dare, to do, camp, court or mart.<br /> He stands so tall, so clean, he hears<br /> The morning music of the spheres.</p> <p>VIII</p> <p>He loved her, feared her, far apart,<br /> He kept his ways and dreamed his dreams;<br /> He sang strange songs, he tuned his heart<br /> To music of the pines that preach<br /> Such sermons on such holy themes<br /> As only he who climbs can reach.</p> <p>IX</p> <p>He would not selfish pluck one rose<br /> To wear upon his breast a day<br /> And let its perfume pass away<br /> With any wind that comes or goes.<br /> Why, he might walk God&#039;s garden through<br /> Nor touch one bud nor fright one bird.<br /> The music of the spheres he heard,<br /> The harmony he breathed, he knew,<br /> He never marred God&#039;s harmony<br /> With one harsh thought. The favored few<br /> Who cared to live above the sod<br /> And lift glad faces up to God<br /> He knew loved all as well as he,<br /> Had equal right to rose or tree.</p> <p>X</p> <p>And he must spare all to the day<br /> Their willing feet should pass the way<br /> God in His garden walked at eve.<br /> And as for weaklings who by turn<br /> Would jest or jeer, he could but grieve,<br /> And pity all and silent say:<br /> &quot;Let us lead forth, make fair the way;<br /> By time and stress they, too, Will learn<br /> Which way to live, to love, to turn.&quot;</p> <p>XI</p> <p>The long, lean Polar bear uprose,<br /> Outreached a paw, a bare, black nose,<br /> As if to still hold hard control,<br /> By glacier steep or ice-packed main,<br /> His mighty battlemented snows.<br /> He bared his yellow teeth in vain;<br /> Then backed against his bleak North Pole<br /> He sulked and shook his icy chain.<br /> And he who dared not pluck a rose,<br /> As if in chorus with his pine,<br /> Must up and lead the battle line<br /> Beyond the awesome Arctic chine.</p> <p>XII</p> <p>No airy sighs, no tales to tell;<br /> He knew God is, that all is well,<br /> That death is but a name, a date,<br /> A milestone by the stormy road,<br /> Where you may lay aside your load<br /> And bow your face and rest and wait,<br /> Defying fear, defying fate.</p> <p>XIII</p> <p>How fair is San Francisco Bay<br /> When golden stars consort and when<br /> The moon pours silver paths for men,<br /> And care walks by the other way!<br /> Huge ships, black-bellied, lay below<br /> Broad, yellow flags from silken Chind,<br /> Round, blood-red banners from Nippon,<br /> Like to her sun at sudden dawn—<br /> Brave battle-ships as white as snow,<br /> With bannered stars tossed to the wind,<br /> warm as a kiss when love is kind..</p> <p>XIV</p> <p>&#039;Twas twilight, such soft, twilight night<br /> As only Californians know,<br /> When faithful love is forth, and when<br /> The Bay lies bathed in mellow light;<br /> And perfumed breath and softened breeze<br /> Blows far from Honolulu&#039;s seas—<br /> From sundown seas in afterglow—<br /> When Song sits at the feet of men<br /> And pipes, low-voiced as mated dove,<br /> For love to measure step with love,</p> <p>XV</p> <p>And yet, for all the perfumed seas,<br /> The peace, the silent harmonies,<br /> The two stood mute, estranged before<br /> Her high-built, stately, opened door<br /> High up the terraced, plunging hill<br /> As hushed as death, as white and still.</p> <p>XVI</p> <p>The moon, amid her yellow fleet,<br /> With full, white sail, moved on and on,<br /> And drew, as loving hearts are drawn,<br /> All seas of earth fast following,<br /> As slow she sailed her sapphire seas.<br /> Then, as if pausing, pitying,<br /> She poured down at their very feet<br /> Broad silver ways to walk upon<br /> Which way they would, or east or west,<br /> Which way they would, or worst or best.</p> <p>XVII</p> <p>Her voice was low, low leaned her head,<br /> Her two white hands all helpless prest<br /> As if to hush her aching breast,<br /> As if to bid her aching heart<br /> To silent bear its bitter part,<br /> The while she choking, sobbing, said:<br /> &quot;Then here, for all our poppy days,<br /> Here, here, the parting of the ways?&quot;</p> <p>XVIII</p> <p>&quot;Aye, so you will it. Here divide<br /> The ways, forever and a day.<br /> You, you—you women lead the way—<br /> You lead where love hangs crucified,<br /> Where love is laid prone in the dust—<br /> Where cunning, cold men mouth sweet lies<br /> And make pure love their merchandise.<br /> You heedless lead to hollow lands<br /> Of bloodless hearts and nerveless hands;<br /> I will not rival such, nay, nay<br /> Not look on such, save with disgust.&quot;</p> <p>XIX</p> <p>Her head sank lower still: her hair,<br /> Her heavy hair, great skeins of gold,<br /> Hung loosened, heedless, fold on fold,<br /> As if she cared not, could not care;<br /> She tried to speak but nothing said;<br /> She could but press her aching heart,<br /> Step back a pace and shudder, start,<br /> The while she slowly moved her head,<br /> As if to say; but nothing said.</p> <p>XX</p> <p>Her silence lit his soul with rage,<br /> He strode before her, forth and back,<br /> A lion strident in his cage,<br /> Hard bound within his iron track.<br /> And then he paused, shook back his head,<br /> And fronting her half savage said;<br /> &quot;My father, yours, each Argonaut<br /> An Alexander, to this sea<br /> Came forth and conquered mightily.</p> <p>XXI</p> <p>&quot;&#039; God, what great loves, what lovers when<br /> These westmost states were born of men,<br /> When. giants gripped their hands and came<br /> With nerves of steel and souls of flame—<br /> Could you not wait within yon Gate,<br /> As their loves dared to wait and wait?<br /> An hundred thousand Didos sat<br /> Atlantic&#039;s sea-bank nor forgot,<br /> The-while their lovers westmost fought,<br /> But patient, sat as Dido, when<br /> She waved Æneas back again<br /> And bravely dared to smile thereat.</p> <p>XXII</p> <p>&quot;Hear me! All Europe, rind to core,<br /> Is rotting, crumbling, base to top.<br /> Withhold the gold and silver prop<br /> Our dauntless fathers hewed of yore<br /> From yonder seamed Sierras&#039; core,<br /> And such a toppling you may hear<br /> As never fell on mortal ear.</p> <p>XXIII</p> <p>&quot;What&#039;s London town but sorrow&#039;s town,.<br /> And sins, such as I dare not name?<br /> Such thousands creeping up and down:<br /> Its dreary streets in draggled shame!<br /> What&#039;s London but a market pen—<br /> Its hundred thousand lewd, rude men?<br /> What&#039;s London but a town of stone,<br /> Its thousand thousand women prone?</p> <p>XXIV</p> <p>&quot;What&#039;s Paris but a printed screen,<br /> A gaudy gauze that scant conceals<br /> The sensuous nakedness between<br /> The folds it but the more reveals?<br /> What&#039;s Paris but a circus, fair,<br /> To tempt this west world&#039;s open purse<br /> With tawdry trinkets, toys bizarre?<br /> Ah, would that she were nothing worse!<br /> What&#039;s Paris but a piteous mart<br /> For west-world mothers crazed to trade<br /> Some silly, simpering, weak maid<br /> For thread-bare, out-at-elbows rank—<br /> To outworn, weak degenerate<br /> Whose bank is but the faro bank,<br /> Whose grave bounds all his real estate;<br /> Whose boast, whose only stock in trade,<br /> A duel and a ruined maid!</p> <p>XXV</p> <p>&quot;What&#039;s Berlin, Dresden, sorry Rome,<br /> But traps that take you unaware?<br /> Behold yon paintings, right at home,<br /> Where nature paints with patient care<br /> Such splendid pictures, sea and shore,<br /> As all the world should bow before;<br /> Such pictures hanging to the skies<br /> Against the walls of Paradise,<br /> From base to bastion, as should wake<br /> Piave&#039;s painter from the dust;<br /> Such walls of color crowned in snow,<br /> Such steeps, such deeps, profoundly vast,<br /> As old-time Art had died to know,<br /> And knowing, died content, as he<br /> Who looked from Nimo&#039;s steep to see,<br /> Just once, the Promised Land, and passed!<br /> And yet, for all yon scene, this sea,<br /> You will not bide, Penelope?&quot;</p> <p>XXVI</p> <p>&quot;Then go, since you so will it, go!<br /> My way lies yonder, forth and far<br /> Beneath yon gleaming northmost star<br /> O&#039;er silent lands of trackless snow.<br /> Lo, there leads duty, hope, as when<br /> This westmost world demanded men:<br /> Such men as led the firing line<br /> When blood ran free as festal wine;<br /> Such men as when, fast side by side,<br /> Our fathers fought and fighting died.&quot;</p> <p>XXVII</p> <p>&quot;But go—good by! Go see again<br /> The noisy circus, since you must;<br /> Its painted women that disgust,<br /> Its nauseating monkey men;<br /> But mark you, Beautiful, the moth<br /> That loves that luring, sensuous light—<br /> Nay, hear! I am not willful, wroth;<br /> I love with such exceeding might,<br /> My beautiful, my all, my life,<br /> I would riot, could not take to wife<br /> My lily tainted by the touch,<br /> The breath, the very sight of such.</p> <p>XXVIII</p> <p>&quot;Shall I see leprous apes lean o&#039;er<br /> My rose, breathe, touch it if they may,<br /> With breath that is a very stench,<br /> The while they bow and bend before,<br /> Familiar, as with some weak wench,<br /> And smirk in double-meaning French?</p> <p>XXIX</p> <p>&quot;You shrink back angered? Well, adieu;<br /> What, not a hand? What, not a touch?…<br /> My crime is that I love too much,<br /> My crime is that I love too true,<br /> Love you, love you, not part of you—<br /> Yea, how much less the rose that droops<br /> In fevered halls where folly stoops!</p> <p>XXX</p> <p>&quot;Yon splendid, triple, midnight star<br /> Is mine; I follow fast and sure,<br /> Because it guides so far, so far<br /> From fevered follies that allure<br /> Your soul, your splendid, spotless soul<br /> To wreck where siren billows roll—<br /> Good night! What, turn aside your face<br /> That I might never see again<br /> Its lifted glory and proud grace,<br /> As some brave beacon light! Well, then,…<br /> Ha, ha! Let&#039;s laugh lest one may weep—<br /> How steep your hill seems, steeps how steep!<br /> How deep down seems the misty town,<br /> How lone, how dark, how distant down!<br /> The moon, too, turns her face, her light,<br /> As you have turned your face to-night,<br /> As you have turned you, face from me,<br /> My heartless, lost Penelope.&quot;</p> <p>XXXI</p> <p>Then Sudden up she tossed her head,<br /> And, face to his face, proudly said:<br /> &quot;Penelope! To wait and weave!<br /> Penelope! To wait and wait,<br /> As waits a dog within his gate;<br /> To weave and unweave, grieve and grieve,<br /> As some weak harem favorite<br /> Tight fenced from action, life, and light!</p> <p>XXXII</p> <p>&quot;Why, I should not have sat one day<br /> To that dull-threaded, thudding loom,<br /> With cowards crowding fast for room<br /> To say what brave men dare not say!<br /> Why, I had snatched down from the wall<br /> His second sword that sad, first day<br /> And set its edge to end it all!—<br /> Had hewn that loom to splinters, yea,<br /> Had slashed the warp, enmeshed the woof<br /> And called that dog and put to proof<br /> Each silly suitor hounding me,<br /> Then hoisted sail and bent to sea!</p> <p>XXXIII</p> <p>&quot;Penelope! Penelope!<br /> Of all fool tales in history<br /> I think this tale the foolishest!<br /> Why I, the favored of that land,<br /> Had such fools come to seek my hand,<br /> Had ranged in line the sexless list<br /> And frankly answered with my fist!&quot;</p> <p>XXXIV</p> <p>He passed. She paused. Each helpless hand<br /> Fell down, fell heavy down as lead;<br /> She tried but could not understand.<br /> At last she raised once more her head,<br /> Set firm her lips, stepped back a pace,<br /> Looked long his far star in the face,<br /> Stood stately, still, as fixed as fate,<br /> Till all the east flushed sudden red;<br /> Then as she turned within she said,<br /> &quot;I cannot, will not, will not wait.&quot;</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/joaquin-miller" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Joaquin Miller</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1907</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/joaquin-miller/light-book-first" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="Light - Book First" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Fri, 21 Apr 2017 21:00:01 +0000 mrbot 7565 at https://www.textarchiv.com