Textarchiv - Harriet Monroe https://www.textarchiv.com/harriet-monroe American editor, scholar, literary critic and poet. Born December 23, 1860 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Died September 26, 1936 in Arequipa, Peru. de After All https://www.textarchiv.com/harriet-monroe/after-all <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>Scene<br /> A pathway in hell. On the right snowdrifts, on the left the lake of fire. A few spirits are half visible. </p> <p>Chorus of Spirits. </p> <p>See them coming —<br /> Flakes that drift,<br /> Ashen mists<br /> That shift and lift.<br /> Shaken off,<br /> Ghosts of pain,<br /> Down from earth<br /> They fall like rain.</p> <p>Room for the lost! —<br /> There&#039;s room in hell.<br /> Damned and tossed<br /> With curse and knell,<br /> Spewed from earth,<br /> Refused in heaven,<br /> Hail to the lost,<br /> By torments driven!</p> <p>Lo! who cometh? —<br /> Wise was he.<br /> The last fine secret<br /> He would see.<br /> Alone, aloof<br /> From life and care,<br /> He spun his cobwebs<br /> In the air.</p> <p>Hush and wonder!<br /> One hath risen<br /> To greet this wisp,<br /> So blanched and wizen:<br /> She who tore<br /> Her soul in two,<br /> Who dared the utmost<br /> Life may do.</p> <p>[The spirits of a man and a woman meet.] </p> <p>She.<br /> Ah — you!</p> <p>He.<br /> Yea, I.</p> <p>She.<br /> How did you come?</p> <p>He.<br /> I slipped like sleet adown the wind.</p> <p>She.<br /> You from your heights.</p> <p>He.<br /> The dry years thinned<br /> My soul. It grew too cold and numb<br /> For earth.</p> <p>She.<br /> So high and still you were<br /> I used to think you need not stir<br /> To enter paradise.</p> <p>He.<br /> And now<br /> The dry snow sifts me, and my brow<br /> Chills the dark wind.</p> <p>She.<br /> And I in flame<br /> Bathe my hot wounds away.</p> <p>He.<br /> At last<br /> We who have lost may know the game.</p> <p>She.<br /> Yea, we who missed the fateful cast,<br /> Faltering when the angel passed,<br /> May count his footsteps one by one<br /> Down to our earth, back to his sun.</p> <p>He.<br /> And we who never spake before<br /> May utter pallid words.</p> <p>She.<br /> And we<br /> Whose wind-drawn senses feel no more,<br /> May tell the ruinous heart-throbs o&#039;er<br /> That beat us down this bitter path.</p> <p>He.<br /> We — pale inheritors of wrath,<br /> Who might be treading, hand in hand,<br /> Spaces afoam with wings.</p> <p>She.<br /> If you,<br /> That day when God was with us two,<br /> Had given me the supreme command.</p> <p>He.<br /> If you had stood less proudly there<br /> Against the sun, had seemed aware<br /> Of the desire that did not dare.</p> <p>She.<br /> I who dared all!</p> <p>He.<br /> If the red lips,<br /> That smiled, had trembled once. If even<br /> One quiver of the finger-tips<br /> Had proved you woman —</p> <p>She.<br /> If like a man<br /> You had torn the veil —</p> <p>He.<br /> We blurred God&#039;s plan —<br /> Rust on the shining rim of heaven.<br /> Chorus of Spirits. Come and see them<br /> Cringe and cower —<br /> Fools who missed<br /> The perfect hour!<br /> Dumb and blind,<br /> To them was given<br /> Light, love, joy,<br /> A glimpse of heaven.<br /> In the full day<br /> They lost the way.<br /> Spurn them, laugh at them —<br /> Saints astray!</p> <p>She.<br /> I saw the open gates that morning,<br /> Heard seraph songs.</p> <p>He.<br /> I felt the warning —<br /> From heaven to hell measured the fall.</p> <p>She.<br /> We looked in the archangel&#039;s eyes<br /> And dared not follow.</p> <p>He.<br /> We are here.</p> <p>She.<br /> How swiftly fell that black surprise!<br /> I saw you not, and over all<br /> A thick doubt grew, a foggy fear.</p> <p>He.<br /> I turned and made me over-wise<br /> With learning, called the loss of you<br /> By the fond name of sacrifice;<br /> And in my solitudes again<br /> Dreamed I might find the truth for men.</p> <p>She.<br /> And I wandered the dark world through,<br /> Driven by that reckless need of love<br /> Which maddens women.</p> <p>He.<br /> While above<br /> All need I urged my flattered soul.</p> <p>She.<br /> I drank the cup of drunkenness,<br /> And lo, it cursed that could not bless —<br /> Another woman&#039;s joy I stole.</p> <p>He.<br /> Yea, when the uproar came to me,<br /> I marveled that such fire could be<br /> In one who seemed so cold.</p> <p>She.<br /> You lit<br /> The fire.</p> <p>He.<br /> If I had nourished it,<br /> Out of my cold philosophy<br /> It would have driven the chill.</p> <p>She.<br /> Ah me!<br /> Then the great fame you made —</p> <p>He.<br /> Will die.<br /> My truth was but another lie.<br /> I had not lived, I could not know.</p> <p>She.<br /> My bliss was but another woe.<br /> Strained to my heart it turned to stone;<br /> And when God bade me let it go<br /> I would not, though it dragged me prone<br /> Down to these fires that melt it not<br /> Where on my breast heavy and hot<br /> It lies.</p> <p>He.<br /> Hush! do you hear the cries<br /> Hurled from the wrath that never dies?</p> <p>Chorus of Spirits.</p> <p>In winds of fire and sleet<br /> Whirl on forever!<br /> Never to part nor meet,<br /> Forgetting never.<br /> When the great ghosts wheel down<br /> Cringe ye and cower!<br /> Who chose the fiery crown<br /> Shall wield the power.<br /> Make way! make way! —<br /> Intruders gray!<br /> Slip through the drear shades<br /> As ye may!<br /> Flee in fear!<br /> Come not near!<br /> Slaves! eternally<br /> Shift and veer!</p> <p>He.<br /> Warped and twisted and bent are we —<br /> Dried hopes blown down the vales of pain.</p> <p>She.<br /> Hush! do you hear that sound like rain<br /> Of falling souls? Look, do you see?</p> <p>He.<br /> And one with lightning armed?</p> <p>She.<br /> Ah me!<br /> I know him, he has passed me by.</p> <p>He.<br /> Flee from the whirlwind! Dive and fly!</p> <p>She.<br /> Down! down! I hear you not. The gale<br /> Blackens around me.</p> <p>He.<br /> Lo, I fail!</p> <p>Chorus of Spirits (approaching). </p> <p>Somewhere or other<br /> The mad world is spinning.<br /> Our game now another<br /> Gay crowd is beginning.<br /> Ha, ha! they will botch it,<br /> For God has control.<br /> We nip it and notch it —<br /> He plays for the whole.</p> <p>He rumbled and grumbled —-<br /> We would not give ear.<br /> Our power he has humbled<br /> By pitching us here.<br /> Since heaven is not for us<br /> And earth&#039;s but a fool —<br /> Since either would bore us<br /> In hell let us rule!</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/harriet-monroe" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Harriet Monroe</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1903</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/harriet-monroe/after-all" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="After All" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Sat, 22 Apr 2017 09:00:02 +0000 mrbot 7578 at https://www.textarchiv.com