Textarchiv - Alan Seeger https://www.textarchiv.com/alan-seeger American poet. Born June 22, 1888 in New York City, New York, United States. Died July 4, 1916 in Belloy-en-Santerre, France. de The Sultan's Palace https://www.textarchiv.com/alan-seeger/the-sultans-palace <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>My spirit only lived to look on Beauty&#039;s face,<br /> As only when they clasp the arms seem served aright;<br /> As in their flesh inheres the impulse to embrace,<br /> To gaze on Loveliness was my soul&#039;s appetite.</p> <p>I have roamed far in search; white road and plunging bow<br /> Were keys in the blue doors where my desire was set;<br /> Obedient to their lure, my lips and laughing brow<br /> The hill-showers and the spray of many seas have wet.</p> <p>Hot are enamored hands, the fragrant zone unbound,<br /> To leave no dear delight unfelt, unfondled o&#039;er,<br /> The will possessed my heart to girdle Earth around<br /> With their insatiate need to wonder and adore.</p> <p>The flowers in the fields, the surf upon the sands,<br /> The sunset and the clouds it turned to blood and wine,<br /> Were shreds of the thin veil behind whose beaded strands<br /> A radiant visage rose, serene, august, divine.</p> <p>A noise of summer wind astir in starlit trees,<br /> A song where sensual love&#039;s delirium rose and fell,<br /> Were rites that moved my soul more than the devotee&#039;s<br /> When from the blazing choir rings out the altar bell.</p> <p>I woke amid the pomp of a proud palace; writ<br /> In tinted arabesque on walls that gems o&#039;erlay,<br /> The names of caliphs were who once held court in it,<br /> Their baths and bowers were mine to dwell in for a day.</p> <p>Their robes and rings were mine to draw from shimmering trays—<br /> Brocades and broidered silks, topaz and tourmaline—<br /> Their turban-cloths to wind in proud capricious ways,<br /> And fasten plumes and pearls and pendent sapphires in.</p> <p>I rose; far music drew my steps in fond pursuit<br /> Down tessellated floors and towering peristyles:<br /> Through groves of colonnades fair lamps were blushing fruit,<br /> On seas of green mosaic soft rugs were flowery isles.</p> <p>And there were verdurous courts that scalloped arches wreathed,<br /> Where fountains plashed in bowls of lapis lazuli.<br /> Through enigmatic doors voluptuous accents breathed,<br /> And having Youth I had their Open Sesame.</p> <p>I paused where shadowy walls were hung with cloths of gold,<br /> And tinted twilight streamed through storied panes above.<br /> In lamplit alcoves deep as flowers when they unfold<br /> Soft cushions called to rest and fragrant fumes to love.</p> <p>I hungered; at my hand delicious dainties teemed—<br /> Fair pyramids of fruit; pastry in sugared piles.<br /> I thirsted; in cool cups inviting vintage beamed—<br /> Sweet syrups from the South; brown muscat from the isles.</p> <p>I yearned for passionate Love; faint gauzes fell away.<br /> Pillowed in rosy light I found my heart&#039;s desire.<br /> Over the silks and down her florid beauty lay,<br /> As over orient clouds the sunset&#039;s coral fire.</p> <p>Joys that had smiled afar, a visionary form,<br /> Behind the ranges hid, remote and rainbow-dyed,<br /> Drew near unto my heart, a wonder soft and warm,<br /> To touch, to stroke, to clasp, to sleep and wake beside.</p> <p>Joy, that where summer seas and hot horizons shone<br /> Had been the outspread arms I gave my youth to seek,<br /> Drew near; awhile its pulse strove sweetly with my own,<br /> Awhile I felt its breath astir upon my cheek.</p> <p>I was so happy there; so fleeting was my stay,—<br /> What wonder if, assailed with vistas so divine,<br /> I only lived to search and sample them the day<br /> When between dawn and dusk the sultan&#039;s courts were mine!</p> <p>Speak not of other worlds of happiness to be,<br /> As though in any fond imaginary sphere<br /> Lay more to tempt man&#039;s soul to immortality<br /> Than ripens for his bliss abundant now and here!</p> <p>Flowerlike I hope to die as flowerlike was my birth.<br /> Rooted in Nature&#039;s just benignant law like them,<br /> I want no better joys than those that from green Earth<br /> My spirit&#039;s blossom drew through the sweet body&#039;s stem.</p> <p>I see no dread in death, no horror to abhor.<br /> I never thought it else than but to cease to dwell<br /> Spectator, and resolve most naturally once more<br /> Into the dearly loved eternal spectacle.</p> <p>Unto the fields and flowers this flesh I found so fair<br /> I yield; do you, dear friend, over your rose-crowned wine,<br /> Murmur my name some day as though my lips were there,<br /> And frame your mouth as though its blushing kiss were mine.</p> <p>Yea, where the banquet-hall is brilliant with young men,<br /> You whose bright youth it might have thrilled my breast to know,<br /> Drink... and perhaps my lips, insatiate even then<br /> Of lips to hang upon, may find their loved ones so.</p> <p>Unto the flush of dawn and evening I commend<br /> This immaterial self and flamelike part of me,—<br /> Unto the azure haze that hangs at the world&#039;s end,<br /> The sunshine on the hills, the starlight on the sea,—</p> <p>Unto angelic Earth, whereof the lives of those<br /> Who love and dream great dreams and deeply feel may be<br /> The elemental cells and nervules that compose<br /> Its divine consciousness and joy and harmony.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/alan-seeger" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Alan Seeger</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1916</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/alan-seeger/the-sultans-palace" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="The Sultan&#039;s Palace" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Mon, 08 Jan 2018 21:10:05 +0000 mrbot 8385 at https://www.textarchiv.com Maktoob https://www.textarchiv.com/alan-seeger/maktoob <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>A shell surprised our post one day<br /> And killed a comrade at my side.<br /> My heart was sick to see the way<br /> He suffered as he died.</p> <p>I dug about the place he fell,<br /> And found, no bigger than my thumb,<br /> A fragment of the splintered shell<br /> In warm aluminum.</p> <p>I melted it, and made a mould,<br /> And poured it in the opening,<br /> And worked it, when the cast was cold,<br /> Into a shapely ring.</p> <p>And when my ring was smooth and bright,<br /> Holding it on a rounded stick,<br /> For seal, I bade a Turco write<br /> Maktoob in Arabic.</p> <p>Maktoob! &quot;&#039;Tis written!&quot;... So they think,<br /> These children of the desert, who<br /> From its immense expanses drink<br /> Some of its grandeur too.</p> <p>Within the book of Destiny,<br /> Whose leaves are time, whose cover, space,<br /> The day when you shall cease to be,<br /> The hour, the mode, the place,</p> <p>Are marked, they say; and you shall not<br /> By taking thought or using wit<br /> Alter that certain fate one jot,<br /> Postpone or conjure it.</p> <p>Learn to drive fear, then, from your heart.<br /> If you must perish, know, O man,<br /> &#039;Tis an inevitable part<br /> Of the predestined plan.</p> <p>And, seeing that through the ebon door<br /> Once only you may pass, and meet<br /> Of those that have gone through before<br /> The mighty, the élite—</p> <p>Guard that not bowed nor blanched with fear<br /> You enter, but serene, erect,<br /> As you would wish most to appear<br /> To those you most respect.</p> <p>So die as though your funeral<br /> Ushered you through the doors that led<br /> Into a stately banquet hall<br /> Where heroes banqueted;</p> <p>And it shall all depend therein<br /> Whether you come as slave or lord,<br /> If they acclaim you as their kin<br /> Or spurn you from their board.</p> <p>So, when the order comes: &quot;Attack!&quot;<br /> And the assaulting wave deploys,<br /> And the heart trembles to look back<br /> On life and all its joys;</p> <p>Or in a ditch that they seem near<br /> To find, and round your shallow trough<br /> Drop the big shells that you can hear<br /> Coming a half mile off;</p> <p>When, not to hear, some try to talk,<br /> And some to clean their guns, or sing,<br /> And some dig deeper in the chalk—<br /> I look upon my ring:</p> <p>And nerves relax that were most tense,<br /> And Death comes whistling down unheard,<br /> As I consider all the sense<br /> Held in that mystic word.</p> <p>And it brings, quieting like balm<br /> My heart whose flutterings have ceased,<br /> The resignation and the calm<br /> And wisdom of the East.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/alan-seeger" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Alan Seeger</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1916</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/alan-seeger/maktoob" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="Maktoob" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Fri, 22 Dec 2017 21:10:07 +0000 mrbot 8387 at https://www.textarchiv.com Lyonesse https://www.textarchiv.com/alan-seeger/lyonesse <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>In Lyonesse was beauty enough, men say:<br /> Long Summer loaded the orchards to excess,<br /> And fertile lowlands lengthening far away,<br /> In Lyonesse.</p> <p>Came a term to that land&#039;s old favoredness:<br /> Past the sea-walls, crumbled in thundering spray,<br /> Rolled the green waves, ravening, merciless.</p> <p>Through bearded boughs immobile in cool decay,<br /> Where sea-bloom covers corroding palaces,<br /> The mermaid glides with a curious glance to-day,<br /> In Lyonesse.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/alan-seeger" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Alan Seeger</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1916</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/alan-seeger/lyonesse" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="Lyonesse" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Mon, 20 Nov 2017 21:10:06 +0000 mrbot 8382 at https://www.textarchiv.com The Hosts https://www.textarchiv.com/alan-seeger/the-hosts <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>Purged, with the life they left, of all<br /> That makes life paltry and mean and small,<br /> In their new dedication charged<br /> With something heightened, enriched, enlarged,<br /> That lends a light to their lusty brows<br /> And a song to the rhythm of their tramping feet,<br /> These are the men that have taken vows,<br /> These are the hardy, the flower, the élite,—<br /> These are the men that are moved no more<br /> By the will to traffic and grasp and store<br /> And ring with pleasure and wealth and love<br /> The circles that self is the center of;<br /> But they are moved by the powers that force<br /> The sea forever to ebb and rise,<br /> That hold Arcturus in his course,<br /> And marshal at noon in tropic skies<br /> The clouds that tower on some snow-capped chain<br /> And drift out over the peopled plain.<br /> They are big with the beauty of cosmic things.<br /> Mark how their columns surge! They seem<br /> To follow the goddess with outspread wings<br /> That points toward Glory, the soldier&#039;s dream.<br /> With bayonets bare and flags unfurled,<br /> They scale the summits of the world<br /> And fade on the farthest golden height<br /> In fair horizons full of light.</p> <p>Comrades in arms there—friend or foe—<br /> That trod the perilous, toilsome trail<br /> Through a world of ruin and blood and woe<br /> In the years of the great decision—hail!<br /> Friend or foe, it shall matter nought;<br /> This only matters, in fine: we fought.<br /> For we were young and in love or strife<br /> Sought exultation and craved excess:<br /> To sound the wildest debauch in life<br /> We staked our youth and its loveliness.<br /> Let idlers argue the right and wrong<br /> And weigh what merit our causes had.<br /> Putting our faith in being strong—<br /> Above the level of good and bad—<br /> For us, we battled and burned and killed<br /> Because evolving Nature willed,<br /> And it was our pride and boast to be<br /> The instruments of Destiny.<br /> There was a stately drama writ<br /> By the hand that peopled the earth and air<br /> And set the stars in the infinite<br /> And made night gorgeous and morning fair,<br /> And all that had sense to reason knew<br /> That bloody drama must be gone through.<br /> Some sat and watched how the action veered—<br /> Waited, profited, trembled, cheered—<br /> We saw not clearly nor understood,<br /> But yielding ourselves to the masterhand,<br /> Each in his part as best he could,<br /> We played it through as the author planned.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/alan-seeger" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Alan Seeger</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1916</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/alan-seeger/the-hosts" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="The Hosts" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Mon, 16 Oct 2017 21:10:01 +0000 mrbot 8395 at https://www.textarchiv.com The Bayadere https://www.textarchiv.com/alan-seeger/the-bayadere <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>Flaked, drifting clouds hide not the full moon&#039;s rays<br /> More than her beautiful bright limbs were hid<br /> By the light veils they burned and blushed amid,<br /> Skilled to provoke in soft, lascivious ways,<br /> And there was invitation in her voice<br /> And laughing lips and wonderful dark eyes,<br /> As though above the gates of Paradise<br /> Fair verses bade, Be welcome and rejoice!</p> <p>O&#039;er rugs where mottled blue and green and red<br /> Blent in the patterns of the Orient loom,<br /> Like a bright butterfly from bloom to bloom,<br /> She floated with delicious arms outspread.<br /> There was no pose she took, no move she made,<br /> But all the feverous, love-envenomed flesh<br /> Wrapped round as in the gladiator&#039;s mesh<br /> And smote as with his triple-forkèd blade.</p> <p>I thought that round her sinuous beauty curled<br /> Fierce exhalations of hot human love,—<br /> Around her beauty valuable above<br /> The sunny outspread kingdoms of the world;<br /> Flowing as ever like a dancing fire<br /> Flowed her belled ankles and bejewelled wrists,<br /> Around her beauty swept like sanguine mists<br /> The nimbus of a thousand hearts&#039; desire.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/alan-seeger" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Alan Seeger</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1916</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/alan-seeger/the-bayadere" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="The Bayadere" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Mon, 18 Sep 2017 21:10:01 +0000 mrbot 8384 at https://www.textarchiv.com Tithonus https://www.textarchiv.com/alan-seeger/tithonus <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>So when the verdure of his life was shed,<br /> With all the grace of ripened manlihead,<br /> And on his locks, but now so lovable,<br /> Old age like desolating winter fell,<br /> Leaving them white and flowerless and forlorn:<br /> Then from his bed the Goddess of the Morn<br /> Softly withheld, yet cherished him no less<br /> With pious works of pitying tenderness;<br /> Till when at length with vacant, heedless eyes,<br /> And hoary height bent down none otherwise<br /> Than burdened willows bend beneath their weight<br /> Of snow when winter winds turn temperate,—<br /> So bowed with years—when still he lingered on:<br /> Then to the daughter of Hyperion<br /> This counsel seemed the best: for she, afar<br /> By dove-gray seas under the morning star,<br /> Where, on the wide world&#039;s uttermost extremes,<br /> Her amber-walled, auroral palace gleams,<br /> High in an orient chamber bade prepare<br /> An everlasting couch, and laid him there,<br /> And leaving, closed the shining doors. But he,<br /> Deathless by Jove&#039;s compassionless decree,<br /> Found not, as others find, a dreamless rest.<br /> There wakeful, with half-waking dreams oppressed,<br /> Still in an aural, visionary haze<br /> Float round him vanished forms of happier days;<br /> Still at his side he fancies to behold<br /> The rosy, radiant thing beloved of old;<br /> And oft, as over dewy meads at morn,<br /> Far inland from a sunrise coast is borne<br /> The drowsy, muffled moaning of the sea,<br /> Even so his voice flows on unceasingly,—<br /> Lisping sweet names of passion overblown,<br /> Breaking with dull, persistent undertone<br /> The breathless silence that forever broods<br /> Round those colossal, lustrous solitudes.<br /> Times change. Man&#039;s fortune prospers, or it falls.<br /> Change harbors not in those eternal halls<br /> And tranquil chamber where Tithonus lies.<br /> But through his window there the eastern skies<br /> Fall palely fair to the dim ocean&#039;s end.<br /> There, in blue mist where air and ocean blend,<br /> The lazy clouds that sail the wide world o&#039;er<br /> Falter and turn where they can sail no more.<br /> There singing groves, there spacious gardens blow—<br /> Cedars and silver poplars, row on row,<br /> Through whose black boughs on her appointed night,<br /> Flooding his chamber with enchanted light,<br /> Lifts the full moon&#039;s immeasurable sphere,<br /> Crimson and huge and wonderfully near.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/alan-seeger" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Alan Seeger</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1916</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/alan-seeger/tithonus" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="Tithonus" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Wed, 23 Aug 2017 21:10:02 +0000 mrbot 8386 at https://www.textarchiv.com El Extraviado https://www.textarchiv.com/alan-seeger/el-extraviado <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>Over the radiant ridges borne out on the offshore wind,<br /> I have sailed as a butterfly sails whose priming wings unfurled<br /> Leave the familiar gardens and visited fields behind<br /> To follow a cloud in the east rose-flushed on the rim of the world.</p> <p>I have strayed from the trodden highway for walking with upturned eyes<br /> On the way of the wind in the treetops, and the drift of the tinted rack.<br /> For the will to be losing no wonder of sunny or starlit skies<br /> I have chosen the sod for my pillow and a threadbare coat for my back.</p> <p>Evening of ample horizons, opaline, delicate, pure,<br /> Shadow of clouds on green valleys, trailed over meadows and trees,<br /> Cities of ardent adventure where the harvests of Joy mature,<br /> Forests whose murmuring voices are amorous prophecies,</p> <p>World of romance and profusion, still round my journey spread<br /> The glamours, the glints, the enthralments, the nurture of one whose feet<br /> From hours unblessed by beauty nor lighted by love have fled<br /> As the shade of the tomb on his pathway and the scent of the winding-sheet.</p> <p>I never could rest from roving nor put from my heart this need<br /> To be seeing how lovably Nature in flower and face hath wrought,—<br /> In flower and meadow and mountain and heaven where the white clouds breed<br /> And the cunning of silken meshes where the heart&#039;s desire lies caught.</p> <p>Over the azure expanses, on the offshore breezes borne,<br /> I have sailed as a butterfly sails, nor recked where the impulse led,<br /> Sufficed with the sunshine and freedom, the warmth and the summer morn,<br /> The infinite glory surrounding, the infinite blue ahead.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/alan-seeger" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Alan Seeger</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1916</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/alan-seeger/el-extraviado" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="El Extraviado" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Wed, 12 Jul 2017 19:34:42 +0000 mrbot 8383 at https://www.textarchiv.com The Nympholept https://www.textarchiv.com/alan-seeger/the-nympholept <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>There was a boy—not above childish fears—<br /> With steps that faltered now and straining ears,<br /> Timid, irresolute, yet dauntless still,<br /> Who one bright dawn, when each remotest hill<br /> Stood sharp and clear in Heaven&#039;s unclouded blue<br /> And all Earth shimmered with fresh-beaded dew,<br /> Risen in the first beams of the gladdening sun,<br /> Walked up into the mountains. One by one<br /> Each towering trunk beneath his sturdy stride<br /> Fell back, and ever wider and more wide<br /> The boundless prospect opened. Long he strayed,<br /> From dawn till the last trace of slanting shade<br /> Had vanished from the canyons, and, dismayed<br /> At that far length to which his path had led,<br /> He paused—at such a height where overhead<br /> The clouds hung close, the air came thin and chill,<br /> And all was hushed and calm and very still,<br /> Save, from abysmal gorges, where the sound<br /> Of tumbling waters rose, and all around<br /> The pines, by those keen upper currents blown,<br /> Muttered in multitudinous monotone.<br /> Here, with the wind in lovely locks laid bare,<br /> With arms oft raised in dedicative prayer,<br /> Lost in mute rapture and adoring wonder,<br /> He stood, till the far noise of noontide thunder,<br /> Rolled down upon the muffled harmonies<br /> Of wind and waterfall and whispering trees,<br /> Made loneliness more lone. Some Panic fear<br /> Would seize him then, as they who seemed to hear<br /> In Thracian valleys or Thessalian woods<br /> The god&#039;s hallooing wake the leafy solitudes;<br /> I think it was the same: some piercing sense<br /> Of Deity&#039;s pervasive immanence,<br /> The Life that visible Nature doth indwell<br /> Grown great and near and all but palpable...<br /> He might not linger, but with wingèd strides<br /> Like one pursued, fled down the mountain-sides—<br /> Down the long ridge that edged the steep ravine,<br /> By glade and flowery lawn and upland green,<br /> And never paused nor felt assured again<br /> But where the grassy foothills opened. Then,<br /> While shadows lengthened on the plain below<br /> And the sun vanished and the sunset-glow<br /> Looked back upon the world with fervid eye<br /> Through the barred windows of the western sky,<br /> Homeward he fared, while many a look behind<br /> Showed the receding ranges dim-outlined,<br /> Highland and hollow where his path had lain,<br /> Veiled in deep purple of the mountain rain.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/alan-seeger" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Alan Seeger</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1916</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/alan-seeger/the-nympholept" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="The Nympholept" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Tue, 06 Jun 2017 19:21:19 +0000 mrbot 8032 at https://www.textarchiv.com An Ode to Natural Beauty https://www.textarchiv.com/alan-seeger/an-ode-to-natural-beauty <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>There is a power whose inspiration fills<br /> Nature&#039;s fair fabric, sun- and star-inwrought,<br /> Like airy dew ere any drop distils,<br /> Like perfume in the laden flower, like aught<br /> Unseen which interfused throughout the whole<br /> Becomes its quickening pulse and principle and soul.<br /> Now when, the drift of old desire renewing,<br /> Warm tides flow northward over valley and field,<br /> When half-forgotten sound and scent are wooing<br /> From their deep-chambered recesses long sealed<br /> Such memories as breathe once more<br /> Of childhood and the happy hues it wore,<br /> Now, with a fervor that has never been<br /> In years gone by, it stirs me to respond,—<br /> Not as a force whose fountains are within<br /> The faculties of the percipient mind,<br /> Subject with them to darkness and decay,<br /> But something absolute, something beyond,<br /> Oft met like tender orbs that seem to peer<br /> From pale horizons, luminous behind<br /> Some fringe of tinted cloud at close of day;<br /> And in this flood of the reviving year,<br /> When to the loiterer by sylvan streams,<br /> Deep in those cares that make Youth loveliest,<br /> Nature in every common aspect seems<br /> To comment on the burden in his breast—<br /> The joys he covets and the dreams he dreams—<br /> One then with all beneath the radiant skies<br /> That laughs with him or sighs,<br /> It courses through the lilac-scented air,<br /> A blessing on the fields, a wonder everywhere.</p> <p>Spirit of Beauty, whose sweet impulses,<br /> Flung like the rose of dawn across the sea,<br /> Alone can flush the exalted consciousness<br /> With shafts of sensible divinity—<br /> Light of the World, essential loveliness:<br /> Him whom the Muse hath made thy votary<br /> Not from her paths and gentle precepture<br /> Shall vulgar ends engage, nor break the spell<br /> That taught him first to feel thy secret charms<br /> And o&#039;er the earth, obedient to their lure,<br /> Their sweet surprise and endless miracle,<br /> To follow ever with insatiate arms.<br /> On summer afternoons,<br /> When from the blue horizon to the shore,<br /> Casting faint silver pathways like the moon&#039;s<br /> Across the Ocean&#039;s glassy, mottled floor,<br /> Far clouds uprear their gleaming battlements<br /> Drawn to the crest of some bleak eminence,<br /> When autumn twilight fades on the sere hill<br /> And autumn winds are still;<br /> To watch the East for some emerging sign,<br /> Wintry Capella or the Pleiades<br /> Or that great huntsman with the golden gear;<br /> Ravished in hours like these<br /> Before thy universal shrine<br /> To feel the invoked presence hovering near,<br /> He stands enthusiastic. Star-lit hours<br /> Spent on the roads of wandering solitude<br /> Have set their sober impress on his brow,<br /> And he, with harmonies of wind and wood<br /> And torrent and the tread of mountain showers,<br /> Has mingled many a dedicative vow<br /> That holds him, till thy last delight be known,<br /> Bound in thy service and in thine alone.</p> <p>I, too, among the visionary throng<br /> Who choose to follow where thy pathway leads,<br /> Have sold my patrimony for a song,<br /> And donned the simple, lowly pilgrim&#039;s weeds.<br /> From that first image of beloved walls,<br /> Deep-bowered in umbrage of ancestral trees,<br /> Where earliest thy sweet enchantment falls,<br /> Tingeing a child&#039;s fantastic reveries<br /> With radiance so fair it seems to be<br /> Of heavens just lost the lingering evidence<br /> From that first dawn of roseate infancy,<br /> So long beneath thy tender influence<br /> My breast has thrilled. As oft for one brief second<br /> The veil through which those infinite offers beckoned<br /> Has seemed to tremble, letting through<br /> Some swift intolerable view<br /> Of vistas past the sense of mortal seeing,<br /> So oft, as one whose stricken eyes might see<br /> In ferny dells the rustic deity,<br /> I stood, like him, possessed, and all my being,<br /> Flooded an instant with unwonted light,<br /> Quivered with cosmic passion; whether then<br /> On woody pass or glistening mountain-height<br /> I walked in fellowship with winds and clouds,<br /> Whether in cities and the throngs of men,<br /> A curious saunterer through friendly crowds,<br /> Enamored of the glance in passing eyes,<br /> Unuttered salutations, mute replies,—<br /> In every character where light of thine<br /> Has shed on earthly things the hue of things divine<br /> I sought eternal Loveliness, and seeking,<br /> If ever transport crossed my brow bespeaking<br /> Such fire as a prophetic heart might feel<br /> Where simple worship blends in fervent zeal,<br /> It was the faith that only love of thee<br /> Needed in human hearts for Earth to see<br /> Surpassed the vision poets have held dear<br /> Of joy diffused in most communion here;<br /> That whomsoe&#039;er thy visitations warmed,<br /> Lover of thee in all thy rays informed,<br /> Needed no difficulter discipline<br /> To seek his right to happiness within<br /> Than, sensible of Nature&#039;s loveliness,<br /> To yield him to the generous impulses<br /> By such a sentiment evoked. The thought,<br /> Bright Spirit, whose illuminings I sought,<br /> That thou unto thy worshipper might be<br /> An all-sufficient law, abode with me,<br /> Importing something more than unsubstantial dreams<br /> To vigils by lone shores and walks by murmuring streams.</p> <p>Youth&#039;s flowers like childhood&#039;s fade and are forgot.<br /> Fame twines a tardy crown of yellowing leaves.<br /> How swift were disillusion, were it not<br /> That thou art steadfast where all else deceives!<br /> Solace and Inspiration, Power divine<br /> That by some mystic sympathy of thine,<br /> When least it waits and most hath need of thee,<br /> Can startle the dull spirit suddenly<br /> With grandeur welled from unsuspected springs,—<br /> Long as the light of fulgent evenings,<br /> When from warm showers the pearly shades disband<br /> And sunset opens o&#039;er the humid land,<br /> Shows thy veiled immanence in orient skies,—<br /> Long as pale mist and opalescent dyes<br /> Hung on far isle or vanishing mountain-crest,<br /> Fields of remote enchantment can suggest<br /> So sweet to wander in it matters nought,<br /> They hold no place but in impassioned thought,<br /> Long as one draught from a clear sky may be<br /> A scented luxury;<br /> Be thou my worship, thou my sole desire,<br /> Thy paths my pilgrimage, my sense a lyre<br /> Æolian for thine every breath to stir;<br /> Oft when her full-blown periods recur,<br /> To see the birth of day&#039;s transparent moon<br /> Far from cramped walls may fading afternoon<br /> Find me expectant on some rising lawn;<br /> Often depressed in dewy grass at dawn,<br /> Me, from sweet slumber underneath green boughs,<br /> Ere the stars flee may forest matins rouse,<br /> Afoot when the great sun in amber floods<br /> Pours horizontal through the steaming woods<br /> And windless fumes from early chimneys start<br /> And many a cock-crow cheers the traveller&#039;s heart<br /> Eager for aught the coming day afford<br /> In hills untopped and valleys unexplored.<br /> Give me the white road into the world&#039;s ends,<br /> Lover of roadside hazard, roadside friends,<br /> Loiterer oft by upland farms to gaze<br /> On ample prospects, lost in glimmering haze<br /> At noon, or where down odorous dales twilit,<br /> Filled with low thundering of the mountain stream,<br /> Over the plain where blue seas border it<br /> The torrid coast-towns gleam.</p> <p>I have fared too far to turn back now; my breast<br /> Burns with the lust for splendors unrevealed,<br /> Stars of midsummer, clouds out of the west,<br /> Pallid horizons, winds that valley and field<br /> Laden with joy, be ye my refuge still!<br /> What though distress and poverty assail!<br /> Though other voices chide, yours never will.<br /> The grace of a blue sky can never fail.<br /> Powers that my childhood with a spell so sweet,<br /> My youth with visions of such glory nursed,<br /> Ye have beheld, nor ever seen my feet<br /> On any venture set, but &#039;twas the thirst<br /> For Beauty willed them, yea, whatever be<br /> The faults I wanted wings to rise above;<br /> I am cheered yet to think how steadfastly<br /> I have been loyal to the love of Love!</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/alan-seeger" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Alan Seeger</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1916</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/alan-seeger/an-ode-to-natural-beauty" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="An Ode to Natural Beauty" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Tue, 06 Jun 2017 19:21:19 +0000 mrbot 8035 at https://www.textarchiv.com The Deserted Garden https://www.textarchiv.com/alan-seeger/the-deserted-garden <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>I know a village in a far-off land<br /> Where from a sunny, mountain-girdled plain<br /> With tinted walls a space on either hand<br /> And fed by many an olive-darkened lane<br /> The high-road mounts, and thence a silver band<br /> Through vineyard slopes above and rolling grain,<br /> Winds off to that dim corner of the skies<br /> Where behind sunset hills a stately city lies.</p> <p>Here, among trees whose overhanging shade<br /> Strews petals on the little droves below,<br /> Pattering townward in the morning weighed<br /> With greens from many an upland garden-row,<br /> Runs an old wall; long centuries have frayed<br /> Its scalloped edge, and passers to and fro<br /> Heard never from beyond its crumbling height<br /> Sweet laughter ring at noon or plaintive song at night.</p> <p>But here where little lizards bask and blink<br /> The tendrils of the trumpet-vine have run,<br /> At whose red bells the humming bird to drink<br /> Stops oft before his garden feast is done;<br /> And rose-geraniums, with that tender pink<br /> That cloud-banks borrow from the setting sun,<br /> Have covered part of this old wall, entwined<br /> With fair plumbago, blue as evening heavens behind.</p> <p>And crowning other parts the wild white rose<br /> Rivals the honey-suckle with the bees.<br /> Above the old abandoned orchard shows<br /> And all within beneath the dense-set trees,<br /> Tall and luxuriant the rank grass grows,<br /> That settled in its wavy depth one sees<br /> Grass melt in leaves, the mossy trunks between,<br /> Down fading avenues of implicated green;</p> <p>Wherein no lack of flowers the verdurous night<br /> With stars and pearly nebula o&#039;erlay;<br /> Azalea-boughs half rosy and half white<br /> Shine through the green and clustering apple-spray,<br /> Such as the fairy-queen before her knight<br /> Waved in old story, luring him away<br /> Where round lost isles Hesperian billows break<br /> Or towers loom up beneath the clear, translucent lake;</p> <p>And under the deep grass blue hare-bells hide,<br /> And myrtle plots with dew-fall ever wet,<br /> Gay tiger-lilies flammulate and pied,<br /> Sometime on pathway borders neatly set,<br /> Now blossom through the brake on either side,<br /> Where heliotrope and weedy mignonette,<br /> With vines in bloom and flower-bearing trees,<br /> Mingle their incense all to swell the perfumed breeze,</p> <p>That sprung like Hermes from his natal cave<br /> In some blue rampart of the curving West,<br /> Comes up the valleys where green cornfields wave,<br /> Ravels the cloud about the mountain crest,<br /> Breathes on the lake till gentle ripples pave<br /> Its placid floor; at length a long-loved guest,<br /> He steals across this plot of pleasant ground,<br /> Waking the vocal leaves to a sweet vernal sound.</p> <p>Here many a day right gladly have I sped,<br /> Content amid the wavy plumes to lie,<br /> And through the woven branches overhead<br /> Watch the white, ever-wandering clouds go by,<br /> And soaring birds make their dissolving bed<br /> Far in the azure depths of summer sky,<br /> Or nearer that small huntsman of the air,<br /> The fly-catcher, dart nimbly from his leafy lair;</p> <p>Pillowed at ease to hear the merry tune<br /> Of mating warblers in the boughs above<br /> And shrill cicadas whom the hottest noon<br /> Keeps not from drowsy song; the mourning dove<br /> Pours down the murmuring grove his plaintive croon<br /> That like the voice of visionary love<br /> Oft have I risen to seek through this green maze<br /> (Even as my feet thread now the great world&#039;s garden-ways);</p> <p>And, parting tangled bushes as I passed<br /> Down beechen allies beautiful and dim,<br /> Perhaps by some deep-shaded pool at last<br /> My feet would pause, where goldfish poise and swim,<br /> And snowy callas&#039; velvet cups are massed<br /> Around the mossy, fern-encircled brim.<br /> Here, then, that magic summoning would cease,<br /> Or sound far off again among the orchard trees.</p> <p>And here where the blanched lilies of the vale<br /> And violets and yellow star-flowers teem,<br /> And pink and purple hyacinths exhale<br /> Their heavy fume, once more to drowse and dream<br /> My head would sink, from many an olden tale<br /> Drawing imagination&#039;s fervid theme,<br /> Or haply peopling this enchanting spot<br /> Only with fair creations of fantastic thought.</p> <p>For oft I think, in years long since gone by,<br /> That gentle hearts dwelt here and gentle hands<br /> Stored all this bowery bliss to beautify<br /> The paradise of some unsung romance;<br /> Here, safe from all except the loved one&#039;s eye,<br /> &#039;Tis sweet to think white limbs were wont to glance,<br /> Well pleased to wanton like the flowers and share<br /> Their simple loveliness with the enamored air.</p> <p>Thrice dear to them whose votive fingers decked<br /> The altars of First Love were these green ways,—<br /> These lawns and verdurous brakes forever flecked<br /> With the warm sunshine of midsummer days;<br /> Oft where the long straight allies intersect<br /> And marble seats surround the open space,<br /> Where a tiled pool and sculptured fountain stand,<br /> Hath Evening found them seated, silent, hand in hand.</p> <p>When twilight deepened, in the gathering shade<br /> Beneath that old titanic cypress row,<br /> Whose sombre vault and towering colonnade<br /> Dwarfed the enfolded forms that moved below,<br /> Oft with close steps these happy lovers strayed,<br /> Till down its darkening aisle the sunset glow<br /> Grew less and patterning the garden floor<br /> Faint flakes of filtering moonlight mantled more and more.</p> <p>And the strange tempest that a touch imparts<br /> Through the mid fibre of the molten frame,<br /> When the sweet flesh in early youth asserts<br /> Its heyday verve and little hints enflame,<br /> Disturbed them as they walked; from their full hearts<br /> Welled the soft word, and many a tender name<br /> Strove on their lips as breast to breast they strained<br /> And the deep joy they drank seemed never, never drained.</p> <p>Love&#039;s soul that is the depth of starry skies<br /> Set in the splendor of one upturned face<br /> To beam adorably through half-closed eyes;<br /> Love&#039;s body where the breadth of summer days<br /> And all the beauty earth and air comprise<br /> Come to the compass of an arm&#039;s embrace,<br /> To burn a moment on impassioned lips<br /> And yield intemperate joy to quivering finger-tips,</p> <p>They knew; and here where morning-glories cling<br /> Round carven forms of carefullest artifice,<br /> They made a bower where every outward thing<br /> Should comment on the cause of their own bliss;<br /> With flowers of liveliest hue encompassing<br /> That flower that the beloved body is—<br /> That rose that for the banquet of Love&#039;s bee<br /> Has budded all the aeons of past eternity.</p> <p>But their choice seat was where the garden wall,<br /> Crowning a little summit, far and near,<br /> Looks over tufted treetops onto all<br /> The pleasant outer country; rising here<br /> From rustling foliage where cuckoos call<br /> On summer evenings, stands a belvedere,<br /> Buff-hued, of antique plaster, overrun<br /> With flowering vines and weatherworn by rain and sun.</p> <p>Still round the turrets of this antique tower<br /> The bougainvillea hangs a crimson crown,<br /> Wistaria-vines and clematis in flower,<br /> Wreathing the lower surface further down,<br /> Hide the old plaster in a very shower<br /> Of motley blossoms like a broidered gown.<br /> Outside, ascending from the garden grove,<br /> A crumbling stairway winds to the one room above.</p> <p>And whoso mounts by this dismantled stair<br /> Finds the old pleasure-hall, long disarrayed,<br /> Brick-tiled and raftered, and the walls foursquare<br /> Ringed all about with a twofold arcade.<br /> Backward dense branches intercept the glare<br /> Of afternoon with eucalyptus shade;<br /> Eastward the level valley-plains expand,<br /> Sweet as a queen&#039;s survey of her own Fairyland.</p> <p>For through that frame the ivied arches make,<br /> Wide tracts of sunny midland charm the eye,<br /> Frequent with hamlet, grove, and lucent lake<br /> Where the blue hills&#039; inverted contours lie;<br /> Far to the east where billowy mountains break<br /> In surf of snow against a sapphire sky,<br /> Huge thunderheads loom up behind the ranges,<br /> Changing from gold to pink as deepening sunset changes;</p> <p>And over plain and far sierra spread<br /> The fulgent rays of fading afternoon,<br /> Showing each utmost peak and watershed<br /> All clarified, each tassel and festoon<br /> Of floating cloud embroidered overhead,<br /> Like lotus-leaves on bluest waters strewn,<br /> Flushing with rose, while all breathes fresh and free<br /> In peace and amplitude and bland tranquillity.</p> <p>Dear were such evenings to this gentle pair;<br /> Love&#039;s tide that launched on with a blast too strong<br /> Sweeps toward the foaming reef, the hidden snare,<br /> Baffling with fond illusion&#039;s siren-song,<br /> Too faint, on idle shoals, to linger there<br /> Far from Youth&#039;s glowing dream, bore them along,<br /> With purple sail and steered by seraph hands<br /> To isles resplendent in the sunset of romance.</p> <p>And out of this old house a flowery fane,<br /> A bridal bower, a pearly pleasure-dome,<br /> They built, and furnished it with gold and grain,<br /> And bade all spirits of beauty hither come,<br /> And wingéd Love to enter with his train<br /> And bless their pillow, and in this his home<br /> Make them his priests as Hero was of yore<br /> In her sweet girlhood by the blue Dardanian shore.</p> <p>Tree-ferns, therefore, and potted palms they brought,<br /> Tripods and urns in rare and curious taste,<br /> Polychrome chests and cabinets inwrought<br /> With pearl and ivory etched and interlaced;<br /> Pendant brocades with massive braid were caught,<br /> And chain-slung, oriental lamps so placed<br /> To light the lounger on some low divan,<br /> Sunken in swelling down and silks from Hindustan.</p> <p>And there was spread, upon the ample floors,<br /> Work of the Levantine&#039;s laborious loom,<br /> Such as by Euxine or Ionian shores<br /> Carpets the dim seraglio&#039;s scented gloom.<br /> Each morn renewed, the garden&#039;s flowery stores<br /> Blushed in fair vases, ochre and peach-bloom,<br /> And little birds through wicker doors left wide<br /> Flew in to trill a space from the green world outside.</p> <p>And there was many a dainty attitude,<br /> Bronze and eburnean. All but disarrayed,<br /> Here in eternal doubt sweet Psyche stood<br /> Fain of the bath&#039;s delight, yet still afraid<br /> Lest aught in that palatial solitude<br /> Lurked of most menace to a helpless maid.<br /> Therefore forever faltering she stands,<br /> Nor yet the last loose fold slips rippling from her hands.</p> <p>Close by upon a beryl column, clad<br /> In the fresh flower of adolescent grace,<br /> They set the dear Bithynian shepherd lad,<br /> The nude Antinous. That gentle face,<br /> Forever beautiful, forever sad,<br /> Shows but one aspect, moon-like, to our gaze,<br /> Yet Fancy pictures how those lips could smile<br /> At revelries in Rome, and banquets on the Nile.</p> <p>And there were shapes of Beauty myriads more,<br /> Clustering their rosy bridal bed around,<br /> Whose scented breadth a silken fabric wore<br /> Broidered with peacock hues on creamiest ground,<br /> Fit to have graced the barge that Cydnus bore<br /> Or Venus&#039; bed in her enchanted mound,<br /> While pillows swelled in stuffs of Orient dyes,<br /> All broidered with strange fruits and birds of Paradise.</p> <p>&#039;Twas such a bower as Youth has visions of,<br /> Thither with one fair spirit to retire,<br /> Lie upon rose-leaves, sleep and wake with Love<br /> And feast on kisses to the heart&#039;s desire;<br /> Where by a casement opening on a grove,<br /> Wide to the wood-winds and the sweet birds&#039; choir,<br /> A girl might stand and gaze into green boughs,<br /> Like Credhe at the window of her golden house.</p> <p>Or most like Vivien, the enchanting fay,<br /> Where with her friend, in the strange tower they planned,<br /> She lies and dreams eternity away,<br /> Above the treetops in Broceliande,<br /> Sometimes at twilight when the woods are gray<br /> And wolf-packs howl far out across the lande,<br /> Waking to love, while up behind the trees<br /> The large midsummer moon lifts—even so loved these.</p> <p>For here, their pleasure was to come and sit<br /> Oft when the sun sloped midway to the west,<br /> Watching with sweet enjoyment interknit<br /> The long light slant across the green earth&#039;s breast,<br /> And clouds upon the ranges opposite,<br /> Rolled up into a gleaming thundercrest,<br /> Topple and break and fall in purple rain,<br /> And mist of summer showers trail out across the plain.</p> <p>Whereon the shafts of ardent light, far-flung<br /> Across the luminous azure overhead,<br /> Ofttimes in arcs of transient beauty hung<br /> The fragmentary rainbow&#039;s green and red.<br /> Joy it was here to love and to be young,<br /> To watch the sun sink to his western bed,<br /> And streaming back out of their flaming core<br /> The vesperal aurora&#039;s glorious banners soar.</p> <p>Tinging each altitude of heaven in turn,<br /> Those fiery rays would sweep. The cumuli<br /> That peeped above the mountain-tops would burn<br /> Carmine a space; the cirrus-whorls on high,<br /> More delicate than sprays of maiden fern,<br /> Streak with pale rose the peacock-breasted sky,<br /> Then blanch. As water-lilies fold at night,<br /> Sank back into themselves those plumes of fervid light.</p> <p>And they would watch the first faint stars appear,<br /> The blue East blend with the blue hills below,<br /> As lovers when their shuddering bliss draws near<br /> Into one pulse of fluid rapture grow.<br /> New fragrance on the freshening atmosphere<br /> Would steal with evening, and the sunset glow<br /> Draw deeper down into the wondrous west<br /> Round vales of Proserpine and islands of the blest.</p> <p>So dusk would come and mingle lake and shore,<br /> The snow-peaks fade to frosty opaline,<br /> To pearl the doméd clouds the mountains bore,<br /> Where late the sun&#039;s effulgent fire had been—<br /> Showing as darkness deepened more and more<br /> The incandescent lightnings flare within,<br /> And Night that furls the lily in the glen<br /> And twines impatient arms would fall, and then—and then...</p> <p>Sometimes the peasant, coming late from town<br /> With empty panniers on his little drove<br /> Past the old lookout when the Northern Crown<br /> Glittered with Cygnus through the scented grove,<br /> Would hear soft noise of lute-strings wafted down<br /> And voices singing through the leaves above<br /> Those songs that well from the warm heart that woos<br /> At balconies in Merida or Vera Cruz.</p> <p>And he would pause under the garden wall,<br /> Caught in the spell of that voluptuous strain,<br /> With all the sultry South in it, and all<br /> Its importunity of love and pain;<br /> And he would wait till the last passionate fall<br /> Died on the night, and all was still again,—<br /> Then to his upland village wander home,<br /> Marvelling whence that flood of elfin song might come.</p> <p>O lyre that Love&#039;s white holy hands caress,<br /> Youth, from thy bosom welled their passionate lays—<br /> Sweet opportunity for happiness<br /> So brief, so passing beautiful—O days,<br /> When to the heart&#039;s divine indulgences<br /> All earth in smiling ministration pays—<br /> Thine was the source whose plenitude, past over,<br /> What prize shall rest to pluck, what secret to discover!</p> <p>The wake of color that follows her when May<br /> Walks on the hills loose-haired and daisy-crowned,<br /> The deep horizons of a summer&#039;s day,<br /> Fair cities, and the pleasures that abound<br /> Where music calls, and crowds in bright array<br /> Gather by night to find and to be found;<br /> What were these worth or all delightful things<br /> Without thine eyes to read their true interpretings!</p> <p>For thee the mountains open glorious gates,<br /> To thee white arms put out from orient skies,<br /> Earth, like a jewelled bride for one she waits,<br /> Decks but to be delicious in thine eyes,<br /> Thou guest of honor for one day, whose fêtes<br /> Eternity has travailed to devise;<br /> Ah, grace them well in the brief hour they last!<br /> Another&#039;s turn prepares, another follows fast.</p> <p>Yet not without one fond memorial<br /> Let my sun set who found the world so fair!<br /> Frail verse, when Time the singer&#039;s coronal<br /> Has rent, and stripped the rose-leaves from his hair,<br /> Be thou my tablet on the temple wall!<br /> Among the pious testimonials there,<br /> Witness how sweetly on my heart as well<br /> The miracles of dawn and starry evening fell!</p> <p>Speak of one then who had the lust to feel,<br /> And, from the hues that far horizons take,<br /> And cloud and sunset, drank the wild appeal,<br /> Too deep to live for aught but life&#039;s sweet sake,<br /> Whose only motive was the will to kneel<br /> Where Beauty&#039;s purest benediction spake,<br /> Who only coveted what grove and field<br /> And sunshine and green Earth and tender arms could yield—</p> <p>A nympholept, through pleasant days and drear<br /> Seeking his faultless adolescent dream,<br /> A pilgrim down the paths that disappear<br /> In mist and rainbows on the world&#039;s extreme,<br /> A helpless voyager who all too near<br /> The mouth of Life&#039;s fair flower-bordered stream,<br /> Clutched at Love&#039;s single respite in his need<br /> More than the drowning swimmer clutches at a reed—</p> <p>That coming one whose feet in other days<br /> Shall bleed like mine for ever having, more<br /> Than any purpose, felt the need to praise<br /> And seek the angelic image to adore,<br /> In love with Love, its wonderful, sweet ways<br /> Counting what most makes life worth living for,<br /> That so some relic may be his to see<br /> How I loved these things too and they were dear to me.</p> <p>I sometimes think a conscious happiness<br /> Mantles through all the rose&#039;s sentient vine<br /> When summer winds with myriad calyces<br /> Of bloom its clambering height incarnadine;<br /> I sometimes think that cleaving lips, no less,<br /> And limbs that crowned desires at length entwine<br /> Are nerves through which that being drinks delight,<br /> Whose frame is the green Earth robed round with day and night.</p> <p>And such were theirs: the traveller without,<br /> Pausing at night under the orchard trees,<br /> Wondered and crossed himself in holy doubt,<br /> For through their song and in the murmuring breeze<br /> It seemed angelic choirs were all about<br /> Mingling in universal harmonies,<br /> As though, responsive to the chords they woke,<br /> All Nature into sweet epithalamium broke.</p> <p>And still they think a spirit haunts the place:<br /> &#039;Tis said, when Night has drawn her jewelled pall<br /> And through the branches twinkling fireflies trace<br /> Their mimic constellations, if it fall<br /> That one should see the moon rise through the lace<br /> Of blossomy boughs above the garden wall,<br /> That surely would he take great ill thereof<br /> And famish in a fit of unexpressive love.</p> <p>But this I know not, for what time the wain<br /> Was loosened and the lily&#039;s petal furled,<br /> Then I would rise, climb the old wall again,<br /> And pausing look forth on the sundown world,<br /> Scan the wide reaches of the wondrous plain,<br /> The hamlet sites where settling smoke lay curled,<br /> The poplar-bordered roads, and far away<br /> Fair snowpeaks colored with the sun&#039;s last ray.</p> <p>Waves of faint sound would pulsate from afar—<br /> Faint song and preludes of the summer night;<br /> Deep in the cloudless west the evening star<br /> Hung &#039;twixt the orange and the emerald light;<br /> From the dark vale where shades crepuscular<br /> Dimmed the old grove-girt belfry glimmering white,<br /> Throbbing, as gentlest breezes rose or fell,<br /> Came the sweet invocation of the evening bell.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/alan-seeger" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Alan Seeger</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1916</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/alan-seeger/the-deserted-garden" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="The Deserted Garden" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Tue, 06 Jun 2017 19:21:19 +0000 mrbot 8034 at https://www.textarchiv.com