Textarchiv - Alfred Austin https://www.textarchiv.com/alfred-austin English Poet, novelist and dramatist. Born on 30 May 1835 in Headingley, Yorkshire, England. Died 2 June 1913 in Ashford, Kent, England. de Primroses https://www.textarchiv.com/alfred-austin/primroses <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>Latest, earliest of the year,<br /> Primroses that still were here,<br /> Snugly nestling round the boles<br /> Of the cut-down chestnut poles,<br /> When December&#039;s tottering tread<br /> Rustled &#039;mong the deep leaves dead,<br /> And with confident young faces<br /> Peeped from out the sheltered places<br /> When pale January lay<br /> In its cradle day by day,<br /> Dead or living, hard to say,<br /> Now that mid-March blows and blusters,<br /> Out you steal in tufts and clusters,<br /> Making leafless lane and wood<br /> Vernal with your hardihood.<br /> Other lovely things are rare,<br /> You are prodigal as fair.<br /> First you come by ones and ones,<br /> Lastly in battalions,<br /> Skirmish along hedge and bank,<br /> Turn old Winter&#039;s wavering flank,<br /> Round his flying footsteps hover,<br /> Seize on hollow, ridge, and cover,<br /> Leave nor slope nor hill unharried,<br /> Till his snowy trenches carried,<br /> O&#039;er his sepulchre you laugh,<br /> Winter&#039;s joyous epitaph.</p> <p>This, too, be your glory great,<br /> Primroses, you do not wait,<br /> As the other flowers do,<br /> For the spring to smile on you,<br /> But with coming are content,<br /> Asking no encouragement.<br /> Ere the hardy crocus cleaves<br /> Sunny borders &#039;neath the eaves,<br /> Ere the thrush his song rehearse<br /> Sweeter than all poets&#039; verse,<br /> Ere the early bleating lambs<br /> Cling like shadows to their dams,<br /> Ere the blackthorn breaks to white,<br /> Snowy-hooded anchorite;<br /> Out from every hedge you look,<br /> You are bright by every brook,<br /> Weaving for your sole defence<br /> Fearlessness of innocence.<br /> While the daffodils still waver,<br /> Ere the jonquil gets its savor,<br /> While the linnets yet but pair,<br /> You are fledged, and everywhere.<br /> Nought can daunt you, nought distress,<br /> Neither cold nor sunlessness.<br /> You, when Lent sleet flies apace,<br /> Look the tempest in the face;<br /> As descend the flakes more slow,<br /> From your eyelids shake the snow,<br /> And when all the clouds have flown,<br /> Meet the sun&#039;s smile with your own.<br /> Nothing ever makes you less<br /> Gracious to ungraciousness.<br /> March may bluster up and down,<br /> Pettish April sulk and frown;<br /> Closer to their skirts you cling,<br /> Coaxing Winter to be Spring.</p> <p>Then when your sweet task is done,<br /> And the wild-flowers, one by one,<br /> Here, there, everywhere do blow,<br /> Primroses, you haste to go,<br /> Satisfied with what you bring,<br /> Waning morning-star of spring.<br /> You have brightened doubtful days,<br /> You have sweetened long delays,<br /> Fooling our enchanted reason<br /> To miscalculate the season.<br /> But when doubt and fear are fled,<br /> When the kine leave wintry shed,<br /> And &#039;mong grasses green and tall<br /> Find their fodder, make their stall;<br /> When the wintering swallow flies<br /> Homeward back from southern skies,<br /> To the dear old cottage thatch<br /> Where it loves to build and hatch,<br /> That its young may understand,<br /> Nor forget, this English land;<br /> When the cuckoo, mocking rover,<br /> Laughs that April loves are over;<br /> When the hawthorn, all ablow,<br /> Mimics the defeated snow;<br /> Then you give one last look round,<br /> Stir the sleepers underground,<br /> Call the campion to awake,<br /> Tell the speedwell courage take,<br /> Bid the eyebright have no fear,<br /> Whisper in the bluebell&#039;s ear<br /> Time has come for it to flood<br /> With its blue waves all the wood,<br /> Mind the stitchwort of its pledge<br /> To replace you in the hedge,<br /> Bid the ladysmocks good-bye,<br /> Close your bonnie lids and die;<br /> And, without one look of blame,<br /> Go as gently as you came.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/alfred-austin" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Alfred Austin</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1882</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/alfred-austin/primroses" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="Primroses" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Mon, 16 Jan 2017 21:18:20 +0000 mrbot 5561 at https://www.textarchiv.com