Textarchiv - John Cleveland
English poet. Born on 16 June 1613 in Loughborough, United Kingdom. Died 29 April 1658 in London, United Kingdom.
deTo the State of Love
<div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>I saw a vision yesternight,<br />
Enough to sate a Seeker's sight;<br />
I wished myself a Shaker there,<br />
And her quick pants my trembling sphere.<br />
It was a she so glittering bright,<br />
You'd think her soul an Adamite;<br />
A person of so rare a frame,<br />
Her body might be lined with' same.<br />
Beauty's chiefest maid of honour,<br />
You may break Lent with looking on her.<br />
Not the fair Abbess of the skies,<br />
With all her nunnery of eyes,<br />
Can show me such a glorious prize!</p>
<p>And yet, because 'tis more renown<br />
To make a shadow shine, she's brown;<br />
A brown for which Heaven would disband<br />
The galaxy, and stars be tanned;<br />
Brown by reflection as her eye<br />
Deals out the summer's livery.<br />
Old dormant windows must confess<br />
Her beams; their glimmering spectacles,<br />
Struck with the splendour of her face,<br />
Do th' office of a burning-glass.<br />
Now where such radiant lights have shown,<br />
No wonder if her cheeks be grown<br />
Sunburned, with lustre of her own.</p>
<p>My sight took pay, but (thank my charms!)<br />
I now impale her in mine arms;<br />
(Love's compasses confining you,<br />
Good angels, to a circle too.)<br />
Is not the universe strait-laced<br />
When I can clasp it in the waist?<br />
My amorous folds about thee hurled,<br />
With Drake I girdle in the world;<br />
I hoop the firmament, and make<br />
This, my embrace, the zodiac.<br />
How would thy centre take my sense<br />
When admiration doth commence<br />
At the extreme circumference?</p>
<p>Now to the melting kiss that sips<br />
The jellied philtre of her lips;<br />
So sweet there is no tongue can praise 't<br />
Till transubstantiate with a taste.<br />
Inspired like Mahomet from above<br />
By th' billing of my heavenly dove,<br />
Love prints his signets in her smacks,<br />
Those ruddy drops of squeezing wax,<br />
Which, wheresoever she imparts,<br />
They're privy seals to take up hearts.<br />
Our mouths encountering at the sport,<br />
My slippery soul had quit the fort,<br />
But that she stopped the sally-port.</p>
<p>Next to these sweets, her lips dispense<br />
(As twin conserves of eloquence)<br />
The sweet perfume her breath affords,<br />
Incorporating with her words.<br />
No rosary this vot'ress needs--<br />
Her very syllables are beads;<br />
No sooner 'twixt those rubies born,<br />
But jewels are in ear-rings worn.<br />
With what delight her speech doth enter;<br />
It is a kiss o' th' second venter.<br />
And I dissolve at what I hear,<br />
As if another Rosamond were<br />
Couched in the labyrinth of my ear.</p>
<p>Yet that 's but a preludious bliss,<br />
Two souls pickeering in a kiss.<br />
Embraces do but draw the line,<br />
'Tis storming that must take her in.<br />
When bodies join and victory hovers<br />
'Twixt the equal fluttering lovers,<br />
This is the game; make stakes, my dear!<br />
Hark, how the sprightly chanticleer<br />
(That Baron Tell-clock of the night)<br />
Sounds boutesel to Cupid's knight.<br />
Then have at all, the pass is got,<br />
For coming off, oh, name it not!<br />
Who would not die upon the spot?</p>
</div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/john-cleveland" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">John Cleveland</a></div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/john-cleveland/to-the-state-of-love" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="To the State of Love" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span>Mon, 16 Jan 2017 21:42:10 +0000mrbot5919 at https://www.textarchiv.com