Textarchiv - Samuel Johnson https://www.textarchiv.com/samuel-johnson English Essayist, biographer and poet. Born on 18 September 1709 in Lichfield, Staffordshire, England. Died 13 December 1784 in London, England. de The Vanity of Human Wishes https://www.textarchiv.com/samuel-johnson/the-vanity-of-human-wishes <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:text content:encoded"><p>Let Observation with extensive View,<br /> Survey Mankind, from China to Peru;<br /> Remark each anxious Toil, each eager Strife,<br /> And watch the busy Scenes of crouded Life;<br /> Then say how Hope and Fear, Desire and Hate,<br /> O&#039;er spread with Snares the clouded Maze of Fate,<br /> Where wav&#039;ring Man, betray&#039;d by vent&#039;rous Pride,<br /> To tread the dreary Paths without a Guide;<br /> As treach&#039;rous Phantoms in the Mist delude,<br /> Shuns fancied Ills, or chases airy Good.<br /> How rarely Reason guides the stubborn Choice,<br /> Rules the bold Hand, or prompts the suppliant Voice,<br /> How Nations sink, by darling Schemes oppres&#039;d,<br /> When Vengeance listens to the Fool&#039;s Request.<br /> Fate wings with ev&#039;ry Wish th&#039; afflictive Dart,<br /> Each Gift of Nature, and each Grace of Art,<br /> With fatal Heat impetuous Courage glows,<br /> With fatal Sweetness Elocution flows,<br /> Impeachment stops the Speaker&#039;s pow&#039;rful Breath,<br /> And restless Fire precipitates on Death.<br /> But scarce observ&#039;d the Knowing and the Bold,<br /> Fall in the gen&#039;ral Massacre of Gold;<br /> Wide-wasting Pest! that rages unconfin&#039;d,<br /> And crouds with Crimes the Records of Mankind,<br /> For Gold his Sword the Hireling Ruffian draws,<br /> For Gold the hireling Judge distorts the Laws;<br /> Wealth heap&#039;d on Wealth, nor Truth nor Safety buys,<br /> The Dangers gather as the Treasures rise.</p> <p>Let Hist&#039;ry tell where rival Kings command,<br /> And dubious Title shakes the madded Land,<br /> When Statutes glean the Refuse of the Sword,<br /> How much more safe the Vassal than the Lord,<br /> Low sculks the Hind beneath the Rage of Pow&#039;r,<br /> And leaves the bonny Traytor in the Tow&#039;r,<br /> Untouch&#039;d his Cottage, and his Slumbers sound,<br /> Tho&#039; Confiscation&#039;s Vulturs clang around.</p> <p>The needy Traveller, serene and gay,<br /> Walks the wild Heath, and sings his Toil away.<br /> Does Envy seize thee? crush th&#039; upbraiding Joy,<br /> Encrease his Riches and his Peace destroy,<br /> New Fears in dire Vicissitude invade,<br /> The rustling Brake alarms, and quiv&#039;ring Shade,<br /> Nor Light nor Darkness bring his Pain Relief,<br /> One shews the Plunder, and one hides the Thief.</p> <p>Yet still the gen&#039;ral Cry the Skies assails<br /> And Gain and Grandeur load the tainted Gales;<br /> Few know the toiling Statesman&#039;s Fear or Care,<br /> Th&#039; insidious Rival and the gaping Heir.</p> <p>Once more, Democritus, arise on Earth,<br /> With chearful Wisdom and instructive Mirth,<br /> See motley Life in modern Trappings dress&#039;d,<br /> And feed with varied Fools th&#039; eternal Jest:<br /> Thou who couldst laugh where Want enchain&#039;d Caprice,<br /> Toil crush&#039;d Conceit, and Man was of a Piece;<br /> Where Wealth unlov&#039;d without a Mourner dy&#039;d;<br /> And scarce a Sycophant was fed by Pride;<br /> Where ne&#039;er was known the Form of mock Debate,<br /> Or seen a new-made Mayor&#039;s unwieldy State;<br /> Where change of Fav&#039;rites made no Change of Laws,<br /> And Senates heard before they judg&#039;d a Cause;<br /> How wouldst thou shake at Britain&#039;s modish Tribe,<br /> Dart the quick Taunt, and edge the piercing Gibe?<br /> Attentive Truth and Nature to descry,<br /> And pierce each Scene with Philosophic Eye.<br /> To thee were solemn Toys or empty Shew,<br /> The Robes of Pleasure and the Veils of Woe:<br /> All aid the Farce, and all thy Mirth maintain,<br /> Whose Joys are causeless, or whose Griefs are vain.</p> <p>Such was the Scorn that fill&#039;d the Sage&#039;s Mind,<br /> Renew&#039;d at ev&#039;ry Glance on Humankind;<br /> How just that Scorn ere yet thy Voice declare,<br /> Search every State, and canvass ev&#039;ry Pray&#039;r.</p> <p>Unnumber&#039;d Suppliants croud Preferment&#039;s Gate,<br /> Athirst for Wealth, and burning to be great;<br /> Delusive Fortune hears th&#039; incessant Call,<br /> They mount, they shine, evaporate, and fall.<br /> On ev&#039;ry Stage the Foes of Peace attend,<br /> Hate dogs their Flight, and Insult mocks their End.<br /> Love ends with Hope, the sinking Statesman&#039;s Door<br /> Pours in the Morning Worshiper no more;<br /> For growing Names the weekly Scribbler lies,<br /> To growing Wealth the Dedicator flies,<br /> From every Room descends the painted Face,<br /> That hung the bright Palladium of the Place,<br /> And smoak&#039;d in Kitchens, or in Auctions sold,<br /> To better Features yields the Frame of Gold;<br /> For now no more we trace in ev&#039;ry Line<br /> Heroic Worth, Benevolence Divine:<br /> The Form distorted justifies the Fall,<br /> And Detestation rids th&#039; indignant Wall.</p> <p>But will not Britain hear the last Appeal,<br /> Sign her Foes Doom, or guard her Fav&#039;rites Zeal;<br /> Through Freedom&#039;s Sons no more Remonstrance rings,<br /> Degrading Nobles and controuling Kings;<br /> Our supple Tribes repress their Patriot Throats,<br /> And ask no Questions but the Price of Votes;<br /> With Weekly Libels and Septennial Ale,<br /> Their Wish is full to riot and to rail.</p> <p>In full-blown Dignity, see Wolsey stand,<br /> Law in his Voice, and Fortune in his Hand:<br /> To him the Church, the Realm, their Pow&#039;rs consign,<br /> Thro&#039; him the Rays of regal Bounty shine,<br /> Turn&#039;d by his Nod the Stream of Honour flows,<br /> His Smile alone Security bestows:<br /> Still to new Heights his restless Wishes tow&#039;r,<br /> Claim leads to Claim, and Pow&#039;r advances Pow&#039;r;<br /> Till Conquest unresisted ceas&#039;d to please,<br /> And Rights submitted, left him none to seize.<br /> At length his Sov&#039;reign frowns -- the Train of State<br /> Mark the keen Glance, and watch the Sign to hate.<br /> Where-e&#039;er he turns he meets a Stranger&#039;s Eye,<br /> His Suppliants scorn him, and his Followers fly;<br /> Now drops at once the Pride of aweful State,<br /> The golden Canopy, the glitt&#039;ring Plate,<br /> The regal Palace, the luxurious Board,<br /> The liv&#039;ried Army, and the menial Lord.<br /> With Age, with Cares, with Maladies oppress&#039;d,<br /> He seeks the Refuge of Monastic Rest.<br /> Grief aids Disease, remember&#039;d Folly stings,<br /> And his last Sighs reproach the Faith of Kings.</p> <p>Speak thou, whose Thoughts at humble Peace repine,<br /> Shall Wolsey&#039;s Wealth, with Wolsey&#039;s End be thine?<br /> Or liv&#039;st thou now, with safer Pride content,<br /> The richest Landlord on the Banks of Trent?<br /> For why did Wolsey by the Steps of Fate,<br /> On weak Foundations raise th&#039; enormous Weight<br /> Why but to sink beneath Misfortune&#039;s Blow,<br /> With louder Ruin to the Gulphs below?</p> <p>What gave great Villiers to th&#039; Assassin&#039;s Knife,<br /> And fixed Disease on Harley&#039;s closing life?<br /> What murder&#039;d Wentworth, and what exil&#039;d Hyde,<br /> By Kings protected and to Kings ally&#039;d?<br /> What but their Wish indulg&#039;d in Courts to shine,<br /> And Pow&#039;r too great to keep or to resign?</p> <p>When first the College Rolls receive his Name,<br /> The young Enthusiast quits his Ease for Fame;<br /> Resistless burns the fever of Renown,<br /> Caught from the strong Contagion of the Gown;<br /> O&#039;er Bodley&#039;s Dome his future Labours spread,<br /> And Bacon&#039;s Mansion trembles o&#039;er his Head;<br /> Are these thy Views? proceed, illustrious Youth,<br /> And Virtue guard thee to the Throne of Truth,<br /> Yet should thy Soul indulge the gen&#039;rous Heat,<br /> Till captive Science yields her last Retreat;<br /> Should Reason guide thee with her brightest Ray,<br /> And pour on misty Doubt resistless Day;<br /> Should no false Kindness lure to loose Delight,<br /> Nor Praise relax, nor Difficulty fright;<br /> Should tempting Novelty thy Cell refrain,<br /> And Sloth&#039;s bland Opiates shed their Fumes in vain;<br /> Should Beauty blunt on Fops her fatal Dart,<br /> Nor claim the triumph of a letter&#039;d Heart;<br /> Should no Disease thy torpid Veins invade,<br /> Nor Melancholy&#039;s Phantoms haunt thy Shade;<br /> Yet hope not Life from Grief or Danger free,<br /> Nor think the Doom of Man revers&#039;d for thee:<br /> Deign on the passing World to turn thine Eyes,<br /> And pause awhile from Learning to be wise;<br /> There mark what Ills the Scholar&#039;s Life assail,<br /> Toil, Envy, Want, the Garret, and the Jail.<br /> See Nations slowly wise, and meanly just,<br /> To buried Merit raise the tardy Bust.<br /> If Dreams yet flatter, once again attend,<br /> Hear Lydiat&#039;s Life, and Galileo&#039;s End.</p> <p>Nor deem, when Learning her lost Prize bestows<br /> The glitt&#039;ring Eminence exempt from Foes;<br /> See when the Vulgar &#039;scap&#039;d despis&#039;d or aw&#039;d,<br /> Rebellion&#039;s vengeful Talons seize on Laud.<br /> From meaner Minds, tho&#039; smaller Fines content<br /> The plunder&#039;d Palace or sequester&#039;d Rent;<br /> Mark&#039;d out by dangerous Parts he meets the Shock,<br /> And fatal Learning leads him to the Block:<br /> Around his Tomb let Art and Genius weep,<br /> But hear his Death, ye Blockheads, hear and sleep.</p> <p>The festal Blazes, the triumphal Show,<br /> The ravish&#039;d Standard, and the captive Foe,<br /> The Senate&#039;s Thanks, the Gazette&#039;s pompous Tale,<br /> With Force resistless o&#039;er the Brave prevail.<br /> Such Bribes the rapid Greek o&#039;er Asia whirl&#039;d,<br /> For such the steady Romans shook the World;<br /> For such in distant Lands the Britons shine,<br /> And stain with Blood the Danube or the Rhine;<br /> This Pow&#039;r has Praise, that Virtue scarce can warm,<br /> Till Fame supplies the universal Charm.<br /> Yet Reason frowns on War&#039;s unequal Game,<br /> Where wasted Nations raise a single Name,<br /> And mortgag&#039;d States their Grandsires Wreaths regret<br /> From Age to Age in everlasting Debt;<br /> Wreaths which at last the dear-bought Right convey<br /> To rust on Medals, or on Stones decay.</p> <p>On what Foundation stands the Warrior&#039;s Pride?<br /> How just his Hopes let Swedish Charles decide;<br /> A Frame of Adamant, a Soul of Fire,<br /> No Dangers fright him, and no Labours tire;<br /> O&#039;er Love, o&#039;er Force, extends his wide Domain,<br /> Unconquer&#039;d Lord of Pleasure and of Pain;<br /> No Joys to him pacific Scepters yield,<br /> War sounds the Trump, he rushes to the Field;<br /> Behold surrounding Kings their Pow&#039;r combine,<br /> And One capitulate, and One resign;<br /> Peace courts his Hand, but spread her Charms in vain;<br /> &quot;Think Nothing gain&#039;d, he cries, till nought remain,<br /> &quot;On Moscow&#039;s Walls till Gothic Standards fly,<br /> &quot;And all is Mine beneath the Polar Sky.&quot;<br /> The March begins in Military State,<br /> And Nations on his Eye suspended wait;<br /> Stern Famine guards the solitary Coast,<br /> And Winter barricades the Realms of Frost;<br /> He comes, nor Want nor Cold his Course delay;---<br /> Hide, blushing Glory, hide Pultowa&#039;s Day:<br /> The vanquish&#039;d Hero leaves his broken Bands,<br /> And shews his Miseries in distant Lands;<br /> Condemn&#039;d a needy Supplicant to wait,<br /> While Ladies interpose, and Slaves debate.<br /> But did not Chance at length her Error mend?<br /> Did no subverted Empire mark his End?<br /> Did rival Monarchs give the fatal Wound?<br /> Or hostile Millions press him to the Ground?<br /> His Fall was destin&#039;d to a barren Strand,<br /> A petty Fortress, and a dubious Hand;<br /> He left the Name, at which the World grew pale,<br /> To point a Moral, or adorn a Tale.</p> <p>All Times their Scenes of pompous Woes afford,<br /> From Persia&#039;s Tyrant to Bavaria&#039;s Lord.<br /> In gay Hostility, and barb&#039;rous Pride,<br /> With half Mankind embattled at his Side,<br /> Great Xerxes comes to seize the certain Prey,<br /> And starves exhausted Regions in his Way;<br /> Attendant Flatt&#039;ry counts his Myriads o&#039;er,<br /> Till counted Myriads sooth his Pride no more;<br /> Fresh Praise is try&#039;d till Madness fires his Mind,<br /> The Waves he lashes, and enchains the Wind;<br /> New Pow&#039;rs are claim&#039;d, new Pow&#039;rs are still bestowed,<br /> Till rude Resistance lops the spreading God;<br /> The daring Greeks deride the Martial Shew,<br /> And heap their Vallies with the gaudy Foe;<br /> Th&#039; insulted Sea with humbler Thoughts he gains,<br /> A single Skiff to speed his Flight remains;<br /> Th&#039; incumber&#039;d Oar scarce leaves the dreaded Coast<br /> Through purple Billows and a floating Host.</p> <p>The bold Bavarian, in a luckless Hour,<br /> Tries the dread Summits of Cesarean Pow&#039;r,<br /> With unexpected Legions bursts away,<br /> And sees defenceless Realms receive his Sway;<br /> Short Sway! fair Austria spreads her mournful Charms,<br /> The Queen, the Beauty, sets the World in Arms;<br /> From Hill to Hill the Beacons rousing Blaze<br /> Spreads wide the Hope of Plunder and of Praise;<br /> The fierce Croatian, and the wild Hussar,<br /> And all the Sons of Ravage croud the War;<br /> The baffled Prince in Honour&#039;s flatt&#039;ring Bloom<br /> Of hasty Greatness finds the fatal Doom,<br /> His foes Derision, and his Subjects Blame,<br /> And steals to Death from Anguish and from Shame.</p> <p>Enlarge my Life with Multitude of Days,<br /> In Health, in Sickness, thus the Suppliant prays;<br /> Hides from himself his State, and shuns to know,<br /> That Life protracted is protracted Woe.<br /> Time hovers o&#039;er, impatient to destroy,<br /> And shuts up all the Passages of Joy:<br /> In vain their Gifts the bounteous Seasons pour,<br /> The Fruit autumnal, and the Vernal Flow&#039;r,<br /> With listless Eyes the Dotard views the Store,<br /> He views, and wonders that they please no more;<br /> Now pall the tastless Meats, and joyless Wines,<br /> And Luxury with Sighs her Slave resigns.<br /> Approach, ye Minstrels, try the soothing Strain,<br /> And yield the tuneful Lenitives of Pain:<br /> No Sounds alas would touch th&#039; impervious Ear,<br /> Though dancing Mountains witness&#039;d Orpheus near;<br /> Nor Lute nor Lyre his feeble Pow&#039;rs attend,<br /> Nor sweeter Musick of a virtuous Friend,<br /> But everlasting Dictates croud his Tongue,<br /> Perversely grave, or positively wrong.<br /> The still returning Tale, and ling&#039;ring Jest,<br /> Perplex the fawning Niece and pamper&#039;d Guest,<br /> While growing Hopes scarce awe the gath&#039;ring Sneer,<br /> And scarce a Legacy can bribe to hear;<br /> The watchful Guests still hint the last Offence,<br /> The Daughter&#039;s Petulance, the Son&#039;s Expence,<br /> Improve his heady Rage with treach&#039;rous Skill,<br /> And mould his Passions till they make his Will.</p> <p>Unnumber&#039;d Maladies each Joint invade,<br /> Lay Siege to Life and press the dire Blockade;<br /> But unextinguish&#039;d Av&#039;rice still remains,<br /> And dreaded Losses aggravate his Pains;<br /> He turns, with anxious Heart and cripled Hands,<br /> His Bonds of Debt, and Mortgages of Lands;<br /> Or views his Coffers with suspicious Eyes,<br /> Unlocks his Gold, and counts it till he dies.</p> <p>But grant, the Virtues of a temp&#039;rate Prime<br /> Bless with an Age exempt from Scorn or Crime;<br /> An Age that melts in unperceiv&#039;d Decay,<br /> And glides in modest Innocence away;<br /> Whose peaceful Day Benevolence endears,<br /> Whose Night congratulating Conscience cheers;<br /> The gen&#039;ral Fav&#039;rite as the gen&#039;ral Friend:<br /> Such Age there is, and who could wish its end?</p> <p>Yet ev&#039;n on this her Load Misfortune flings,<br /> To press the weary Minutes flagging Wings:<br /> New Sorrow rises as the Day returns,<br /> A Sister sickens, or a Daughter mourns.<br /> Now Kindred Merit fills the sable Bier,<br /> Now lacerated Friendship claims a Tear.<br /> Year chases Year, Decay pursues Decay,<br /> Still drops some Joy from with&#039;ring Life away;<br /> New Forms arise, and diff&#039;rent Views engage,<br /> Superfluous lags the Vet&#039;ran on the Stage,<br /> Till pitying Nature signs the last Release,<br /> And bids afflicted Worth retire to Peace.</p> <p>But few there are whom Hours like these await,<br /> Who set unclouded in the Gulphs of fate.<br /> From Lydia&#039;s monarch should the Search descend,<br /> By Solon caution&#039;d to regard his End,<br /> In Life&#039;s last Scene what Prodigies surprise,<br /> Fears of the Brave, and Follies of the Wise?<br /> From Marlb&#039;rough&#039;s Eyes the Streams of Dotage flow,<br /> And Swift expires a Driv&#039;ler and a Show.</p> <p>The teeming Mother, anxious for her Race,<br /> Begs for each Birth the Fortune of a Face:<br /> Yet Vane could tell what Ills from Beauty spring;<br /> And Sedley curs&#039;d the Form that pleas&#039;d a King.<br /> Ye Nymphs of rosy Lips and radiant Eyes,<br /> Whom Pleasure keeps too busy to be wise,<br /> Whom Joys with soft Varieties invite<br /> By Day the Frolick, and the Dance by Night,<br /> Who frown with Vanity, who smile with Art,<br /> And ask the latest Fashion of the Heart,<br /> What Care, what Rules your heedless Charms shall save,<br /> Each Nymph your Rival, and each Youth your Slave?<br /> An envious Breast with certain Mischief glows,<br /> And Slaves, the Maxim tells, are always Foes.<br /> Against your Fame with Fondness Hate combines,<br /> The Rival batters, and the Lover mines.<br /> With distant Voice neglected Virtue calls,<br /> Less heard, and less the faint Remonstrance falls;<br /> Tir&#039;d with Contempt, she quits the slipp&#039;ry Reign,<br /> And Pride and Prudence take her Seat in vain.<br /> In croud at once, where none the Pass defend,<br /> The harmless Freedom, and the private Friend.<br /> The Guardians yield, by Force superior ply&#039;d;<br /> By Int&#039;rest, Prudence; and by Flatt&#039;ry, Pride.<br /> Here Beauty falls betray&#039;d, despis&#039;d, distress&#039;d,<br /> And hissing Infamy proclaims the rest.</p> <p>Where then shall Hope and Fear their Objects find?<br /> Must dull Suspence corrupt the stagnant Mind?<br /> Must helpless Man, in Ignorance sedate,<br /> Swim darkling down the Current of his Fate?<br /> Must no Dislike alarm, no Wishes rise,<br /> No Cries attempt the Mercies of the Skies?<br /> Enquirer, cease, Petitions yet remain,<br /> Which Heav&#039;n may hear, nor deem Religion vain.<br /> Still raise for Good the supplicating Voice,<br /> But leave to Heav&#039;n the Measure and the Choice.<br /> Safe in his Pow&#039;r, whose Eyes discern afar<br /> The secret Ambush of a specious Pray&#039;r.<br /> Implore his Aid, in his Decisions rest,<br /> Secure whate&#039;er he gives, he gives the best.<br /> Yet with the Sense of sacred Presence prest,<br /> When strong Devotion fills thy glowing Breast,<br /> Pour forth thy Fervours for a healthful Mind,<br /> Obedient Passions, and a Will resign&#039;d;<br /> For Love, which scarce collective Man can fill;<br /> For Patience sov&#039;reign o&#039;er transmuted Ill;<br /> For Faith, that panting for a happier Seat,<br /> Thinks Death kind Nature&#039;s Signal of Retreat:<br /> These Goods for Man the Laws of Heav&#039;n ordain,<br /> These Goods he grants, who grants the Pow&#039;r to gain;<br /> With these celestial Wisdom calms the Mind,<br /> And makes the Happiness she does not find.</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-author field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="schema:author"><a href="/samuel-johnson" typeof="skos:Concept" property="schema:name" datatype="">Samuel Johnson</a></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-releasedate field-type-number-integer field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="schema:datePublished">1749</div></div></div><span rel="schema:url" resource="/samuel-johnson/the-vanity-of-human-wishes" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span><span property="schema:name" content="The Vanity of Human Wishes" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span> Mon, 16 Jan 2017 21:53:13 +0000 mrbot 6182 at https://www.textarchiv.com